Category Archives: ALF. ELF. E.T.C.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany: The excavator goes boom!
Friday, April 22, 2022

The excavator goes boom! Fire and flames for the project to link the A66 and A661 freeways

On the night of April 21-22, 2022, in solidarity with the occupation of Fecher Woods, we set fire to an excavator and a drill of the company Geomer-Kampfmittelbergung and destroyed other means of devastation.

Until recently, the place where this company works was still occupied by a Wagenplatz, which had to give way to the extension of the A66/1.
In addition, this almost completely destroyed site is located right next to the occupied Fecher woods. Continue reading Frankfurt am Main, Germany: The excavator goes boom!

About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia (Greece)


Republished from a counter-information website. “About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia On May 26, 2022, the court case for the incident that happened about 3.5 years ago, on December 26, 2018, in Evia, concerning a dispute with a hunter, will be heard at the Single-Member Court of Appeal for Felony Cases in Chalkida. The persons brought on trial are two.

For reasons not at hand, however, both this text and the political opening of the case is now being done only by the signator. What happened in December 2018 was a spontaneous attempt to prevent a hunter from pursuing his killing hobby and kill an animal. After being asked repeatedly to stop to no avail, tension ensued, the result of which was that his shotgun was thrown somewhere in the woods. With the hunter in a furious state the end of the incident came with our departure from the scene. The hunter called the police and as a result we were stopped on the route by a number of their vehicles and arrested us.

The charges held against us were robbery (for the shotgun) which is a felony and theft (of a cell phone) which is a misdemeanor. At the same time, a restrictive condition to leave the country was imposed, which is still in force today. More about the incident and the statements, role and attitude of the hunting clubs on the case can be found in the previous text published here (editor’s note: this text can be found translated inside the blog here). Continue reading About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia (Greece)

[ZINE] Nuclear or lignite : Fragments of the struggle against this world’s juice, from the Bois Lejuc to the Hambach Forest.. [nov. 2018]

This is the translation into english of the zine “Nuclear or lignite : Fragments of the struggle against this world’s juice, from the Bois Lejuc to the Hambach Forest..“, originally published in french in november 2018. Good reading !
PS : if problem of translation, you can write to traductions-bureburebure(a]riseup(dot]net !
The nuclear waste burial centre at Bure, in the Meuse, gives all of us multiple possibilities for fighting on the one hand against this nuclear garbage bin, but more globally against nuclear power and all the companies and humans that collaborate with it. Andra’s project is but an aspect of this world that cannot stop using always more energy to ensure this society runs as smoothly as possible. Like so many others, this devastating energy, once used, needs a dump site. And it is of course with the support of Meusian local politicians and institutions, in exchange for payoffs for the region, that this ecocidal project could take place here. Numerous companies are taking part, be it construction giant Vinci or Enedis (ex-EDF) and its energy avatars.
Engineers from Ingérop and its subsidiaries are also allowing for the realization of this waste site buried kilometers deep. Most of these companies are present everywhere, which allows for an extension of the conflict (cf the blog, which gives multiple infos of the different promoters and collaborators in this project). This isn’t only going on at Bure, but everywhere.

Continue reading [ZINE] Nuclear or lignite : Fragments of the struggle against this world’s juice, from the Bois Lejuc to the Hambach Forest.. [nov. 2018]

Grenoble,France : These saboteurs of the ultra-left have been elusive for five years

Grenoble : These saboteurs of the ultra-left have been elusive for five years
Le Dauphiné, April 8, 2022
Suspected of some thirty destructive operations in the Grenoble region since 2017, teams of activists from the libertarian movement are keeping the investigative services in check. Why do the latter have the greatest difficulties to identify them? Pieces of an answer…
When, on November 26, 2019, 350 policemen and gendarmes search the libertarian squats of Grenoble and the ZAD of Roybon, the objective is clear: to give a kick in the anthill of the anarchist nebula and to see what will come out of the operation. It must be said that in the weeks that preceded this demonstration of force, the tension went up a notch in the offices of the hotel of the prefecture, place of Verdun: on September 30, 2019, the room of the municipal council of the town hall of Grenoble was burned, the attack having been claimed on the usual channels of the libertarian and anticapitalist ultra-left
That night, it is the symbol of democracy (that the libertarian doctrine considers definitively sold to capitalism and to the elected representatives of the Republic, even if they are ecologists and [or] of the extreme left) that was clearly targeted. In January of the same year, the studios of France Bleu Isère and the church of Saint-Jacques were totally destroyed by flames: all to say that there is an urgency to act.
“Preparation of a crime”

Continue reading Grenoble,France : These saboteurs of the ultra-left have been elusive for five years

Montreuil (93) ,France: The technological chains are hanging on by a thread!


The technological chains are hanging on by a thread!

About the sabotage of cell phone antennas, television relays and fiber optic cables, let’s meet at the Marble to discuss a multifaceted struggle against the infrastructure of power. Friday, April 22nd at 7pm.

For a few years now, an open and unmediated struggle has been spreading its wings in a way that is, to say the least, unexpected. This struggle does not call for changes in the existing situation during large movements seeking unity, but proceeds to a direct destruction of the infrastructures of power during walks under the moon. It does not concentrate on a specific territory to defend, but develops by attacking targets that are everywhere, within reach of everyone. It does not need self-proclaimed leaders frequenting social networks or TV shows, but makes its way autonomously through the actions of individuals who each have their own reasons and perspectives. It ignores organizational specialists or deadlines set in advance by others, sabotaging cell phone antennas, television relays and fiber optic cables unexpectedly and diffusely, with means as banal as a pair of wire cutters, flaming tires or a little well-placed gasoline. It causes not only the temporary interruption of the flow of control and exploitation, but also hundreds of thousands of euros of damage. Continue reading Montreuil (93) ,France: The technological chains are hanging on by a thread!

Twin Cities Bank of America Attacked to Stop Cop City (Minneapolis-Saint Paul, USA)

January 31st, 2022
In solidarity with the 4 forest defenders arrested this week in the fight to #stopcopcity, autonomous vandals smashed the windows of Bank of America, one of the largest sponsors of the Atlanta Police Foundation. The building was also redecorated to read “STOP COP CITY”
Those wanting to support the fight can donate at and get plugged in at
Free the brave, fuck the boys in blue.
Atlanta will remain a forest.
– Received Anonymously Over Email
via: Scenes from the Atlanta Forest


received anonymously via email:
Action Stop Hunting Animals in France
The murderers and animal killers are still cracking down, which is why the members of ALF came back to destroy 21 hunting houses. Real structures in nature with concrete roof steel beams … empty cartridges left to pollute the community. Armed psycopathes who cut open and put perches to kill all kinds of animals such as thrushes and blackbirds! You degenerates, have you not seen that there are almost more birds …

Continue reading TWENTY-ONE HUNTING TOWERS DESTROYED 22nd January, France.

Animal Liberation Front unit “Las Zorritas” claims responsibilty for the rescue of a female German Shepherd on 19 January from the yard of the Greenwood pub in Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, where she was being kept in appalling conditions as a “guard dog”.
Three activists kept watch while a fourth carried out the rescue.
The dog, whom we have now learned was called “Mia”, has been given a health check and spayed by a sympathetic vet, and is safe and happy in a loving home.


Gratkorn (Austria): Brand new excavators burned

Monday 27 December 2021
The Gratkorn hydroelectric power station, under construction on the Mur river north of Graz, lost two excavators in flames of rage. The material damage is enormous. Energie Steiermark [a company producing and distributing electrical energy, three quarters of which is owned by the Austrian state of Styria] wants to keep up its green image, but it has to contend with clouds of black smoke…
Since the completion of the hydroelectric power station on the Mur in Graz, a project that had been the subject of major protests for years, many people thought the struggle was over. Yet the roadmap of the big companies has not changed. Verbund [Austria’s largest electricity producer and one of the largest producers of hydroelectric power in Europe] and Energie Steiermark are still wreaking havoc along the Mur, building one dam after another, ripping out thousands of trees, and ignoring the concerns of nature conservationists. The images of the many dead fish after the flood of mud will not be forgotten.
Your greenwashing plans are not a solution to the climate crisis, but maintain the status quo, so that everyone can continue to consume as much (electricity) as they want. Continuing to consume comfortably: THAT is the real interest of today’s civilisation!

Continue reading Gratkorn (Austria): Brand new excavators burned