All posts by Act for freedom now!

France: Smoke signals in spring: EN/ IT / FR / GR

 french: pdf
On May 19th, after eight months on remand in the prison of Nancy, the State minions will put the anarchist B. on trial for the burning of two relay antennas during the great confinement.
However, as is well known, solidarity is attack, so this is a good opportunity to not leave the comrade alone to face the scoundrels in togas, while continuing the urgent work of demolition of the old world… Salins-les-Bains (Jura), 10 April 2020. While self-confinement is in full swing all over the world, an anarchist climbs the slopes of Mont Poupet. With his ideas and determination he sends the two large relay antennas transmitting the waves of the police, the gendarmerie and mobile phone operators up in smoke, before disappearing back into the night from whence he had come. This is not the only one, by the way, as officially at least 174 antennas have been sabotaged all around the region over the past year, half of them by fire.

Continue reading France: Smoke signals in spring: EN/ IT / FR / GR

Madrid, Spain: Attack on an Iberdrola agency, in solidarity with the prisoners in Chile

via: attaque.

Last week, the windows of an Iberdrola agency [Spanish company that produces and supplies electricity and gas. NdAtt.] were shattered with stones, in Madrid, because of the economic interests of this company in Chile and its relations with the Chilean State.
In solidarity with the prisoners in struggle in the Chilean State.  For the abrogation of article 9 and the reinstatement of Article 1 of the Legislative Decree 321.
 Death to all States!
Long live anarchy!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona (Spain)

Indymedia Nantes

In February, the imprisonment of the rapper Pablo Hasél and the riots in Linares, in Andalousia, following the beating of a man and his daughter by plainclothes cops sparked a brief moment of revolt in the Iberian territory, especially in Catalonia. The reasons go beyond freedom of expression: hatred of the police, refusal of the curfew, the economic and social situation, etc. Saturday 27th February a riot broke out in the centre of Barcelona: banks and shops were trashed, ATMs burnt, clashes and barricades against the cops, and slight burning of a police van. At the repressive level, many were wounded, there were about one hundred arrests, and a dozen people were imprisoned, among whom eight comrades arrested on February 27 and March 1st for the burning of the van. For more info:
Hi everyone!
I’m Danilo, one of those arrested after the demo of 27th February. As many already know, I am writing from Brians 1 (Martorell). It is one month today since we were arrested and I wanted to publish something earlier but I had to get a better idea of what was going to happen, both for myself and for the others, also get news from outside, etc.
That said, I want to start by thanking the very many gestures of solidarity we have received, many people have implicated themselves in that, giving a lot, be it materially with letters, money, postcards, clothes, etc. or practically with demos, initiatives and other. Each of these contributions helps us a lot to keep up our morale and feel supported which is very important here, really thank you!

Continue reading A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona (Spain)


As you all know, one of the main jobs we do is supporting comrades in prison and folks who have to cover fines after taking action. The reality of it is that we never make enough money in order to cover everything we would like to cover, even counting PayPal donations, patreon donations and merch.
Luckily, many of you are super generous and want to help in any way possible. These time, we bring you something just a tad different thanks to @goaskforde, who has donated artwork to raise funds to support prisoners.
We are going to run a little raffle for a couple of weeks. The tickets can be bought through our website for 7.50 GBP and you can get as many tickets as you want. If you win, @goaskforde will send:
– “Now” Framed original 10×12″ ink drawing of a wolf
– “Light a Match, Burn a Prison” signed 8×10″ fine art giclee print
– Large vinyl “Boltcuttter Birdie” sticker
– Large vinyl “Praying mantis” sticker
In addition, we will send a hoodie of your choice (stock dependent!) and a bunch of stickers.
So if you like art, or simply if you’d like to support us and help us keep helping folks, please grab yourself a ticket or two down below:
We will anounce the winners on the 3rd of May, so you have 14 days to get as many tickets as you can and to share this around as much as possible!
Also, please follow @goaskforde on instagram and support artists as much as possible. You can also find the artwork on

Montréal Counter-info is Back

We are back from an involuntary absence of a few days due to the seizure by the Dutch police of the server hosting our site. The British police led this operation as part of an investigation into the 325 site, which was hosted alongside us on the same server.
We want to express our full solidarity with the comrades of the 325 collective in the face of these repressive actions. You can read their statement here.

Avis de tempêtes #40

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°40 (avril 2021) est sorti.

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog :

“Peut-être le temps est-il venu pour essayer de revenir sur les
hypothèses organisationnelles, le refus ou l’absence de celles-ci, au sein de la petite galaxie d’individus, de petits groupes, de projets divers et variés, de constellations de lutte, qui se reconnaissent dans le combat pour l’anarchie, un combat certes aux méthodes variées, mais qui se livre ici et maintenant. Un combat qui place le problème de la destruction au cœur. Destruction de ce qui fait obstacle à la liberté et à l’anarchie, plutôt que son aménagement.

Continue reading Avis de tempêtes #40

Italy: Paolo was transferred from Uta prison to that of Nuoro (April 2021)

We learn that our comrade Paolo has been transferred from the prison of Uta (Cagliari) to that of Badu ‘e Carros in Nùoro. All our closeness and solidarity goes out to him.
To write to him:
Paolo Todde
C. C. di Nuoro
Località Badu ‘e Carros
via Badu ‘e Carros 1
08100 Nuoro
Italia – Italy
Note: Paolo is a sardinian anarchist arrested on October 31, 2017 following an armed robbery at a post office in Cagliari (Sardinia). The comrade, who was with two accomplices, was arrested after a chase with the police in some streets of the city. At the end of the first-degree trial, he was sentenced to 6 years of prison.
[Update published in italian by, translated into english by].

Switzerland : What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension (statement from zurich about the talk active ex-comrade)

What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension
This text tries to come to terms with the events surrounding the repression case in Zurich, in which a former anarchist fellow directed suspicion towards other people in his environment in order to clear himself. It is about repression, betrayal and other abysses.
What is it about?
In January 2019, a former companion was arrested in Zurich. He was accused of arson attacks on army vehicles in Hinwil in 2015 and on the Waidberg emergency radio station of the Zurich city police in 2016. [5] Before his arrest, the former comrade was under surveillance for months.
In prison, the prisoner submitted a written statement to the public prosecutor’s office without consulting his circle of supporters during the final interrogation, i.e. before the investigation had been completed. In this statement, he denied having anything to do with the arsons of which he was accused and directed suspicion to his friends and acquaintances.

Continue reading Switzerland : What remains is grief, anger and incomprehension (statement from zurich about the talk active ex-comrade)

IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Durante l’ultimo anno, l’opinione pubblica è stata raggiunta da sempre più racconti riguardanti momenti circoscritti di un fenomeno costante che è vecchio come l’esistenza dello Stato e dell’autorità. Il fenomeno della brutalità della polizia.
Dagli omicidi di afroamericani negli USA, quelli in Myanmar a seguito del colpo di Stato, le rivolte a Parigi dopo il voto di nuove leggi a beneficio dei poliziotti, l’uccisione di un «sospetto» in Albania, le pratiche fasciste in Turchia, fino alla Grecia con gli innumerevoli pestaggi di manifestanti e cittadini, i trasferimenti vendicativi dei detenuti, le continue torture nella sede della polizia di Atene (il GADA) e nei commissariati, gli stupri e non solo nei confronti dei rifugiati nel centro di deportazione e trasferimento di Petrou Ralli, e molti altri episodi tra i quali non posso dimenticare le torture dei miei compagni nelle stazioni di polizia, i loro pestaggi nelle manifestazioni, e naturalmente il trattamento violento che ho affrontato da parte dei poliziotti dell’unità antiterrorismo quando hanno tentato di prelevarmi un campione di DNA. Dopo i nostri arresti del 29 gennaio 2020, mentre eravamo reclusi al 12° piano del GADA, mi hanno richiesto di fornire un campione di DNA, cosa che ho rifiutato, come ho rifiutato qualsiasi tipo di cooperazione. Dal 2015, dopo il grande sciopero della fame dei prigionieri, l’ordine del procuratore che imponeva il prelievo del DNA, è cambiato in «prelievo obbligatorio del DNA nel rispetto della dignità umana». Continue reading IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA