All posts by Act for freedom now!

London ,UK : 2011 – 2021 ,10 years since the murder by cops of Mark Duggan.

UK – The struggle against the existent continues
Thursday, August 4, 2011 Mark Duggan, a ‘real straight up and down respected man’ (words of London rapper, Chipmunk) from Tottenham in London, was blasted to death while on his way home in a cab by a mob of cops wielding Heckler & Koch MP5 carbines. 29 year old Mark, father of four young children, lived on the housing estate known as Broadwater Farm, a depressed predominantly Afro-Caribbean area. The area is infamous since the riot of 1985 after 49 year old Cynthia Jarrett collapsed and died of a heart attack as police raided her home. (During the riot a policeman, PC Blakelock, was hacked to death with a machete.) Today, in the words of a resident, ‘if you’re from Broadwater Farm, police are on you every day, you’re not allowed to come off the estate. If you come off the estate they follow you.’ They followed Mark Duggan and he ended up dead.
August 6 – The arrogance of the killers in uniform in the face of the protest by the victim’s family and supporters, plus the brutal attack on a 16 year old girl by police during the vigil was the last straw.
That night in Tottenham the police station was attacked, police cars set on fire, a double-decker bus ends up a twisted wreck after being engulfed in flames, press photographers are beaten and relieved of their equipment for the decades of lies they have propagated. Bank windows smashed. Countless shops looted, stuff thrown all over the streets. Young guys storm McDonald’s and start frying up burgers and chips. Indignant anger clears the brain, flushes out the cops in the head. Collective fury at this latest police murder combines with the daily bullying and humiliation of being stopped and searched, the moralising, the false promises, useless lives, no future, desire for status-affirming ‘needs’ unattainable due to increased taxes, unemployment and cutting of benefits, 4 million cameras, glaring security cops at the entrance to every store, the colonization of all remaining urban space by trendy bars filled with the noisy chatter of the carefree… that and much more that we don’t know and will never experience welled up and fueled the will to smash through the invisible and plate glass barriers that hold everything in place. Continue reading London ,UK : 2011 – 2021 ,10 years since the murder by cops of Mark Duggan.

Italy: Let’s stop the 5G network and the digitalisation of our lives

Il Rovescio / Wednesday 6 January 2021
Let’s stop the 5G network and the digitalisation of our lives
Let human imagination prevail over artificial stupidity
Our era is based on the myth of progress, a myth that imposes the attainment of every possibility offered by technological development, without considering the consequences that might result from it. Industrial society, in order to solve the current catastrophe and the irreparable consequences of technological development, is giving us digitisation, automation, artificial intelligence, smart cities and objects as the only solutions. Further irreversible damage can only come from technological society, so the starting point must be to radically question it.

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Chile: attacks in Mapuche areas continue to grow   

On Friday 9 July in Carahue, a 29-year-old former anthropology student who had joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), Pablo Marchant, was murdered by a carabiniere with a bullet to the head during an attack on vehicles belonging to the Forestal Mininco forestry company. Far from seeking justice from the murderous state, various radical Mapuche groups from different regions (Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos) immediately set out to keep the ideas of ‘Toño’ alive by attacking companies that exploit water or the forest. In less than a week, the authorities had already counted 44 road blockades, 22 gun attacks on carabinieri patrols or security guards, and 11 arson attacks that had destroyed 39 vehicles (trucks and forestry construction equipment).
Today, 1 August, a little less than a month later, all those who had hoped to reduce these vengeful attacks to an inevitable temporary flare-up of rage and anger for a few days were given a cold shower by the traditional official assessment of the Ministry of the Interior. Not only did the Ministry of the Interior report a 94% increase in “violent acts” in the Mapuche zone (Macrozona Sur) in the first half of 2021, but it also counted more than 150 “attacks” following the murder of Pablo Marchant.

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Altena,Germany: Three patrol cars set on fire

Altena, 30 +31 July 2021
Unknown persons set fire to two police patrol cars in an underground car park in Altena (Märkischer Kreis) on Friday. The fire, which completely destroyed the two vehicles, was discovered at around 12.30 a.m., according to police.
In addition to the police station, the complex also houses shops and flats. The building was largely evacuated, the fire brigade extinguished the fire and pulled the vehicles into the open. No one was injured. All tenants and users of the building were able to return to their rooms after the extinguishing work.

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GLONASS on board! (Genoa, Italy)

The Glonass system, comparable to the American GPS, is a Russian global navigation satellite system used for tracking and tracing. It is also used as a back-up or support positioning system, which can provide a faster fix and greater accuracy than GPS.
This device was found in our car. It was connected to the power supply of the control unit underneath the steering wheel on the left-hand side and had been placed there with a magnet, insulating tape and a heating cloth. It consists of an antenna (QC in the photo) connected to a multi-frequency positioning receiver box containing a micro SIM card. On the same side, a long cable ran along the inside of the internal side pillar linings of the windscreen to the underside of the roof of the car. All on the driver’s side. At the top of the cable were two microphones.
On the Road Again!
Two anarchists in Genoa
[Received and published by, August 2, 2021].

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility for the arson attack at the house of Giannis Pretenteris (Greek journalist)

As part of the Cells of Immediate Action, Cell of Insurgent Violence, we take responsibility for the arson attack at the entrance to the house of Giannis Pretenteris.
We were not surprised by the condemnations of the bourgeois political parties, of ΕΣΗΕΑ (Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers) , of the government representative. Giannis Pretenteris has proved at every possible opportunity that he is the most loyal mastiff of the corrupt economic and political elite that has ruled this place with arrogance and impunity all these years. Pretenteris symbolizes a person – a model for the urban world. His position in the system, the posts and tasks he has been called upon to carry out follow a double path that ends in the same one.
One is that which makes its appearance in front of the cameras of the TV channels. Striking, dominant, strong, subsidized, constructed. The Pretender is a shining example of a tireless propaganda machine called upon to represent state and capitalist interests and to shape a social ethic, the ethics of the system. This ethic that is always presented with the dictatorial face of the social majority, in order – practicing psychological warfare techniques –  to strike with the stick of dominant class violence and order with audacity those who harm the interests of the powerful. Dissemination of fake news, constant attempts to manipulate citizens, slander, character assassination are on his daily agenda. At the same time, his ideological profile, which can be described as “modernising” by the standards of the hardline neoliberal centre, is the official television representation of political power and the most ruthless economic interests. For Pretenteris there is an inviolable rule: Moral and legal is what suits and serves the system of power that supports him. Illegal and unauthorised is what threatens his interests.

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Narbonne (Aude), France: cable fire puts trains on hold

On Monday 26 July at around 11pm, a fire broke out along the tracks of the TER between Narbonne (Aude) and Nissan-lez-Enserune (Hérault), next to an electrical substation, destroying cables but also damaging the technical room.
The result? Since 11pm on Monday, “hundreds of trains have been affected”, says the SNCF, including the total halt of regional traffic all morning on Tuesday between Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) and Montpellier (Hérault). At the national level of TGV and Intercity trains, “trains departing from Paris for Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) this Tuesday morning will either be cancelled or limited”, explains the SNCF, and journeys departing from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) or Barcelona (Catalonia), initially via Montpellier and Toulouse, will also be affected.
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Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Facing what we see as direct interpellations towards us, the need arises to write this text to make clear the issues.
As we have written on several occasions both individual and collectively, we understand anarchy not as an embodiment or place of arrival, but as a tension, a permanent confrontation in the first personm putting at the center the search for individual freedom. For us, this constant struggle has been real, which is why we find ourselves today behind bars. This situation has not prevented us from continuing to participate in struggle initiatives both inside and outside the jail.
In short, anarchy for us is an ethics and a permanent practice against authority, a practice in which we have met with others (not necessarily “anarchists”), enriching and enhancing our visions and capabilities, as well as forging close relationships of complicity, strengthened in the course of years and confrontation. To designate that these relationships can only be established with those who are called “anarchists,” apart from being a fallacy that can only be believed by those who have not ventured to travel the paths of the conflict and spend their time in front of the computer, is something that we reject from the moment when we prioritize establishing links over repeating empty slogans until you get enough. To self-identify as “irreducible anarchists” does not mean anything without being accompanied by a confrontational practice that sustains it.

Continue reading Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Santiago, Chile: Explosive attack against the company Sodexo + Claim by the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”

Missed from 01/06/2021
On May 11, at 9:00 p.m., unknown persons arrive on a bicycle at Pérez Valenzuela and Antonio Bellet, in the Providencia district, where a building of the SODEXO food concessionaire is located.
After leaving a suspicious package, they quickly escape, and a few minutes later there is a loud explosion that destroys part of the windows of the building.
GOPE, Labocar and the South Prosecutor’s Office arrived in the area to investigate the attack, which left no injuries, only material damage.
Claim of the “Revolutionary Cells Nicolás Neira”.
Since March 22 different subversive and anarchist prisoners have been on hunger strike to demand the repeal of Legislative Decree 321, the freedom of comrade Marcelo Villarroel and the prisoners of the revolt. In this scenario of anti-prison struggle we point out:
1. During the night of Black May 11 and prior to the curfew we detonated an explosive device in front of the SODEXO company for its responsibility in the daily misery that tortures thousands of prisoners in the prisons of the Chilean democracy.

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