All posts by Act for freedom now!

The federal elections are coming up. And, as always, there is a lot of hustle and bustle in the election campaign: one party after another tries to attract the attention of the voters with meaningless election slogans and promises us all the skies of heaven.
Some try to pander to the supporters of Nazi parties; they adopt racist prejudices, demand increased and faster deportations to war zones like Syria or Afghanistan or deterrence at Europe’s external borders under the guise of “security”. Others come up with supposedly social election programmes including the promise of affordable housing, more climate and environmental protection or higher incomes for those receiving social benefits. Still others try a mixture of both.

Continue reading FUCK THE ELECTIONS!

Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe (Moselle), France: Telephone, TV and internet are just a few wires away

via: Attaque    
Le Républicain Lorrain / Thursday 13 August 2021
On 30 July last, in Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe, 123 homes were left without telephone, TV and internet following an act of vandalism on the village’s fibre optic cabinet.
After a late warning, Orange is said to have restored the situation for 90% of them. This Thursday evening, 18 homes still need to be reconnected.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: A statement from the Anarchist Federation in Greece on the ongoing wildfires and the disastrous management of the Greek State.

We’re on the cusp of a major environmental and social disaster. Whole regions of Greece are practically disappearing. Tens of thousands of people are losing their livelihoods, losing all perspectives in their own country and are objectively becoming internal refugees. From the fires in Ilia in 2007, the fires in Mati in 2018 to today’s fires, we have the same pattern of destruction, the same data, the same perpetrators, the same criticism.
It’s all said. Everything is known.
But we can’t ignore the fact that the situation right now is on edge. We don’t know what the next day will be like, and that’s literal. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, in a fortnight, in two months. The disaster we are experiencing right now may be the prelude to what will happen tomorrow or within a month. We can see much worse things, and what’s at stake is the very nature and quality of our lives before they’re even in the hands of patterns and state. We say this having taken into account a number of factors.

Continue reading Greece: A statement from the Anarchist Federation in Greece on the ongoing wildfires and the disastrous management of the Greek State.

Argentina: Mapuche Communities Block Roads Against Fracking and in Defense of Life and Water

Early in the morning of August 11th, the Mapuche communities Campo Maripe, Wirkaleo, Kaxipayiñ, Fvtaxayen and Newen Kvra decided to completely block the accesses to their territories in the Fortín de Piedra, Loma La Lata, Tratayen and Puesto Hernández oilfields “in defense of life and water”. The measure is because they are “fed up with waiting for answers presented in every way to stop an environmental disaster that affects life, territories, water, clean air and future”, their sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters.
There is police presence at the roadblocks. Simultaneously, the confederation carried out a protest at the Neuquén headquarters of YPF. There, Jorge Nahuel, from the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén, in reference to fracking and hydrocarbon activity, denounced: “There are seismic movements, oil waste that accumulates by tons without being treated, contaminating the air and everything around it, and lately the water crisis as well, caused by an industry that consumes millions of liters of water for each of the drillings. There are 1,100 wells in Vaca Muerta and each one of them consumes between 10 and 30 million liters of water per well, so imagine the mistreatment that the whole ecosystem is receiving”.

Continue reading Argentina: Mapuche Communities Block Roads Against Fracking and in Defense of Life and Water

Italy- Ethics wanted – or – a fairy tale at times anarchist

Almost two and a half years have passed since, after only 19 days’ prison – I’m telling you – 19 days, you decided to leave a declaration in a review trial, it was 26/2/19.
When I got to know of your decision at the time, sorrow and anger resurfaced as they did when the texts entitled “dotting i’s” and“I burabacio” made their appearance.
I ask myself and ask you: you declare you are anarchists and revolutionaries, you practice conflictuality in the neighbourhoods in daily life, you live in or frequent squatted places, you organize or take part in gatherings outside prisons, detention centres for migrants, benefits; but what do you talk about on those occasions?!

Continue reading Italy- Ethics wanted – or – a fairy tale at times anarchist

Belfort,France : the bees are going at it as well 

Bees find refuge on a surveillance camera
Est Républicain, 5 August 2021
The sight intrigued many motorists at the Fusillés crossroads in Belfort on Thursday. On a public lighting pole, bees had gathered around the video surveillance camera. They had taken refuge there after an accident. A beekeeper’s vehicle had been hit by a lorry on Wednesday at around 1pm. Two hives had fallen to the ground, releasing the bees.
via: sansnom

(A-Radio) Syria – the forgotten revolution

Dear all,

A-Radio Berlin talked to Almut und Mohamad about the revolution that started ten years ago in Syria and the ongoing struggle of Syrian revolutionaries for their dignity and ideals. We touched on topics like the recent Syrian history, the first ideas and the founding of local revolutionary committees and Omar Aziz, failed solidarity and Western defintions of antiimperialism, money flows and the influence of NGOism on the beginnings of the revolution as well as the importance and development of anarchism in Syria and its history in the Arab world.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download) here:

Length: 1:34 h

You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here:

Among our last audios you can find:
* An audio about the ongoing wildcat strike at Gorillas food delivery in Berlin:
* An interview about the book “Liberating Sápmi: Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North”:
* An interview with Rebel Steps about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An interview with The Final Straw Radio about the situation in the US after the 2020 elections:
* An update on the Belarus uprising in the end of November 2020:
* An interview about the murder of rapper Killah P and the trial against neonazi Party Golden Dawn:

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021

The pamphlet Fuorirotta. Raccolta di testi sulla rivolta di Genova e su chi cercò di governarla is out
Info and orders:
Here you can see the covers:
From the introduction:
Where to start?
Memory can stay alive, without becoming a symbol or liturgy, as long as it remains linked to a vital desire for permanent conflictuality, self-management of the struggle and attack. If acting becomes doing, a simple repetition of schemas disconnected from a more complex project, then we might as well give up. Already such a big part of our lives is losing any sense so increasing the emptiness around us only means harming ourselves alone.

Continue reading Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021

Roubaix (Nord) France : National Police School hit with molotovs

Roubaix: They throw two Molotov cocktails at the police school and run off 4th of August 2021
The National Police Academy (ENP) in Roubaix (Nord), located in rue Joseph-Dubar, was targeted with two Molotov cocktails on Tuesday night, at around 00:30 according to our information. It was the head of the station at the reception desk who saw the perpetrators and gave the alert.

Continue reading Roubaix (Nord) France : National Police School hit with molotovs