All posts by Act for freedom now!

Italy – Nothing will be the same as before, for you,  Translated by act for freedom now!



«I’d like to point out that in all the most serious cases the institutions have proved to be compact: magistrates, prefects, police and all the other forces intervened without hesitation making the face of the State even more determined before the delinquent acts that were being carried out». The words which former Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede used in parliament to claim the March 2020 massacre in Italian jails can be actually applied to everything that has happened over the past two years.
Millions of people were finally able to observe the true face of the State. First they locked us in our homes for three months, then it was the turn of night curfew, of regional closures, of so-called semi-lockdown (when we could go out of our homes, yes, but only to go to work). Finally we arrived at the so much awaited «restart».
Economic recovery at all costs is certainly not a «return» to freedom and happiness for individuals but a demand for total self-abnegation towards the needs of the market. There is a red thread linking dramatic episodes such as the Mottarone massacre [on 23rd March 2021 a cable car crashed to the ground from the summit of Mottarone, a mountain near Lake Maggiore in northern Italy, killing fourteen passengers], six deaths a day at work, attacks on porters on strike and imposing the green pass on all workers: this red thread is called the restart of the capitalist economy. The only thing they are interested in is that the economy doesn’t stop again, that there are no outbreaks at workplaces. Never must the car stop again, they’d rather cut the brakes. The car must not slow down, it will run over us rather.

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Athens,Greece: In solidarity with the two comrades DY and JO, we hanged a banner in Exarchia square

In the 13 October 2021, the two comrades JO and DY have been sentenced to prison for 5 years ans 6 months and 4 years and 6 months by the court of Stuttgart, Germany.
They have been accused for the beating of a group of fascists on 16. May 2020. This group called “Zentrum Automobil” is a fascist association that is trying to undermine syndicalist organization within the factory of Daimler (Mercedes Benz), while spreading racist and fascist ideology. They are well connected with AfD, Identitarian Movement as well as Blood and Honor and other Nazi groups. In the beginning of 2020, they were starting to organize together with the “Querdenken 711” movement, a far right mob of anti-vax protesters. They were appearing with German reich’s war flag and other fascist symbols as we have seen them in previous movements of the right. Sometimes they managed to bring up to 10.000 people on the streets which gave the breeding ground for fascist ideology to spread.

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Athens,Greece: barricade and banner in solidarity with Köpiplatz in Berlin

From Exarchia area greets to Köpiplatz (Berlin)
The night before the announce eviction of the occupied Köpiplatz in Berlin, we hung a banner from evicted Gare Squat in Exarchia, which said: DEFEND KOPIPLATZ. Gare was until its eviction a space for the defence of Exarchia and we don’t want to give any space to the enemy for free.
After this we blocked the traffic on Kallidromiou Street in front of it with a burning barricade of tires and trashbins. This because this street is one of the most used from nearby Police station to spread terror in Exarchia. With this symbolic gesture – which can be extended in space, time and means of self-defense – we support Köpiplatz because they did not bow their head to the eviction order and decided to resist. Resistance means life.

Fontenay-le-Fleury, Yvelines, France: barbecue of personal cars of the police

Yvelines: cars of police burned at the police station of Fontenay
Le Parisien, October 9, 2021
The hatred of the police is tenacious and is expressed by fire. Two personal cars belonging to night duty officers were set on fire during the night of Friday to Saturday in the courtyard of the Fontenay-le-Fleury police station (Yvelines).
Around 11:30 pm, the criminals threw molotov cocktails on the vehicles of the policemen who park their cars on this parking lot when they work, but also during their vacations, assuming that they will be safer. “The two victims are a captain and a brigadier,” said a source close to the case.

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Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France: “Prisons on fire”/”Destroy the CRA”

Rennes. The exhibition on the abolition of the death penalty vandalized
France3, October 9, 2021
A member of the association Champs de Justice made the discovery this Saturday morning, October 9, that fifteen panels hung on the walls of the former Jacques Cartier prison in Rennes had been tagged. Some of the signs read “ACAB”, “Destroy the CRA (centre de rétention administrative)”. Some of them were covered with posters mentioning the group l’Envolée, which campaigns against prisons.
Lithographs, photographs, extracts from comic strips or even paintings were installed here for an exhibition planned on the abolition of the death penalty. 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of this abolition. One of the panels reminded us that Robert Badinter, Minister of Justice, had written his speech of September 17 read at the National Assembly in the vacation home of his friend Benoîte Groult in Doëlan in Finistère.

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Berlin, Germany: Attacking Gentrification – Defending the Køpi 

via: attaque
original: / Monday, October 4, 2021
On Monday night we visited the Google offices at the corner of Adelbertstrasse and Engeldamm and broke the windows. Just a stone’s throw from Køpiplatz, the Google offices are part of the gentrification that is responsible for the imminent eviction attempt.
Solidarity greetings to all the people who will defend the Køpi with us on October 15 [note from Attaque: scheduled date of the eviction of the Køpi Wagenplatz, a place for trucks, caravans and other houses on wheels]!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Our comrade Pablo Bahamones Ortiz was arrested along with Herny Mendez (today imprisoned in the former penitentiary of stgo) and Hugo Moraga (in the street after an abbreviated trial that sentenced him to 3 years) while they were being transported in a vehicle on September 8, 2018 under an investigation regarding an explosive attack occurred in April 2017 in the Corporation of Judicial Assistance of Melipilla for which the prosecution asks him 13 years in prison. In addition in said vehicle are found various handmade weapons for which Pablo is accused of manufacturing, transporting and carrying weapons and ammunition, specifically 6 shotguns, 1 box of cartridges, 1 revolver and 12 shots, asking the prosecution 23 years, totaling a total of 36 years of prosecutorial request.
His option and positioning for the permanent confrontation that led him to prison has been maintained and deepened inside the prison being an undeniable contribution both in the intra-prison struggles and in those that take place outside these walls uninterruptedly and without pause. This way of understanding and carrying out life in prison breaks with the passive figure of the victim prisoner that places him as a mere recipient of solidarity aid, positioning the comrade as an active subject in the uprising of varied and confrontational initiatives such as the hunger strike that we carried out together for 50 days demanding the repeal of the amendment to Law 321 and for the release of our comrade Marcelo Villarroel.

Continue reading Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

325 Collective Contact Email & PGP Key

Received by email:
To all our comrades internationally, be they in the streets or in the hellholes of the state, we would like to let everyone know that we are still active as a collective & working on new publication projects.
For anyone who would like to be in contact with us, we share our most recent PGP key. New proposals for publications are very much welcome for the expansion of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis and against the techno prison world.
325 Collective



Berne, Switzerland: Protectas car torched

Protectas is a company that systematically uses violence against refugees. Their business model is to detain people in prison-like federal asylum centers and stifle conflict through violence and displays of force.
In February, Protectas employees in the Perreux centre locked a person in a refrigerated container until his body temperature dropped to 33 degrees and he had to be hospitalized. Every day they harass, beat, kick and insult people in the federal asylum centres. These are not isolated cases due to the staff of Protectas, but a deliberate system of oppression and precariousness so that the hope of obtaining asylum melts away and the wait becomes unbearable.

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