All posts by Act for freedom now!

[Chile] With anarchy, beyond limits!     

via: contramadrizTranslated by Act for freedom now!
June 23, 2021
“In seeking the impossible, man has always realized and recognized the possible. And those who have wisely limited themselves to what they thought possible have never taken a single step forward.” Mikhail Bakunin
Intervention in the prelude to this June 11 in international solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners.
As of this day, more than 50 anarchists are being held in prisons around the world. An intimate embrace of the wind to those who in their anarchic path have not been satisfied with democratic passivity and have broken with the tranquility of those who hold power. To those who for different circumstances have had to navigate their confinement with cunning many times, but always with their heads held high, because becoming one more inhabitant of these prisons is such a possibility for us – the anarchic subjects – even when taking precautions in combat, and that must be taken into account. In the same way, just as imprisonment can strike us, there are also a thousand and one reasons to directly strike the structures of Capital. And why not strike the very promoters of the established order, generating the worst of winter storms, because in the practice of combat there are no limits, and the use of violence is always possible as long as it is dignified. Perhaps the names on the path of anarchy are repeating themselves: Severino Di Giovanni; Simon Radowitsky; The Bonnot Gang; The Russian Nihilists; Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito; Pola Roupa; Nikos Maziotis and how many more comrades that we have not named to our own detriment. Those who with successes and errors knew how to reconfigure and elevate anarchist action, in their own times and contexts, attacking the enemy where it hurts the most – submerging their souls in fear in their privileged domains, in those places where they never in their despicable lives thought they might feel threatened.

Continue reading [Chile] With anarchy, beyond limits!     

Italy – Solidarity with prisoner Andreas Krebs

Via: inferno urbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
We are relaunching solidarity with Andreas Krebs, who is facing a very difficult situation in the prison of Secondigliano (Naples), all the more so as he is seriously ill. We learned about his situation from an imprisoned anarchist comrade who spent some time in jail with Andreas in Germany, and we started corresponding with him (Andreas speaks and reads Italian fluently but has some trouble with writing).
Since this rather outdated summary that we are reproducing here from a blog in solidarity with him, his health condition has deteriorated further and his lawyer has confirmed that the court of Naples has repeatedly refused to accept claims submitted by the defence up to September last year, demanding acknowledgement of the incompatibility of his health situation with imprisonment. Meantime Andreas has been waiting for a biopsy which was ordered urgently over a year ago.

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Genova, Italy: Against Special Surveillance

While power continues to ravage and plunder territories, bodies and souls, we can still count on individuals who do not resign themselves and who, in spite of everything, continue on the tortuous path of freedom.
The capitalist system, now well established, always ready to hide behind the mask of democracy and security, unveils its tentacles a little more each day, which are insinuating themselves into the life of each individual, as well as into the exploitation of the earth, water and air. Those who (finally) realize this and those who are aware of it and have been opposing it for a long time, are immediately beaten and repressed, so that the dirty integrity of the authority that watches over the order and the instituted system is not damaged. Because of this, companions who have always thrown themselves with their tension against the power, see their affinities described as “terrorist associations”, their lives monitored and their freedom limited.

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August radio show for Solidarity Week of the Anarchist Radio from Dresden (Germany)

The struggle for a more just world brings anarchists around the world into the clutches of the prison system. It is up to us, the people outside the prisons, to support our comrades.
Especially in the last year of increased isolation due to visitation bans and severe restrictions on contact, it is important to think of people behind bars. You may not know these people, you may not speak their language, and you will most likely never meet them. But by your actions, you show that they are welcome in this world. They are more welcome than prison guards and judges, more welcome than presidents and kings. So let your solidarity flow through the walls of the prisons and fight until all are free!
The radio show is recorded in german language.

Metz, France – Boris hospitalised: call for action and solidarity  

via: lille.indymedia Translated by Act for fredom now!
25 August 2021
Our friend and comrade Boris has been in an induced coma in the burns unit of the Grand Est hospital in Metz since the morning of Saturday 7 August 2021 following a fire in his cell. His condition is life-threatening, his respiratory tract being highly damaged by smoke and ash. A  first skin graft operation will be carried out as soon as his state of health allows it.
Right away, a journalist from Lorraine Actu, Antony Speciale, rushed to take up the version of the facts provided by Fadila Doukhi, regional delegate of the Force Ouvrière prison union.
Priority was given to the vultures of the media of course, the prison did not even bother to inform the family until late in the day, long after publication in the news columns. Not surprisingly, the guards were congratulated for their responsiveness to this event, which had been directly produced by a year’s imprisonment.

Continue reading Metz, France – Boris hospitalised: call for action and solidarity  

Montreuil,France : Smoke signals of solidarity

via: attaque
Last night, we wanted to send a message of solidarity to Boris, an anarchist comrade who is in  coma because of a fire in his cell in the Nancy-Maxèville prison.
In Montreuil gentrification is advancing by leaps and bounds with new buildings for a more affluent population attracted by the extension of the metro. We’re no admirers of the poor slums and traffic-ridden neighbourhoods, a simple form of capitalism, albeit illegal. But the labyrinth of alleys between the small self-built houses has its charm and allows other relationships between the people who live there, less dictated by money. A different relationship to the State too. The winding alleys make video surveillance less effective, which is also advancing in Montreuil (as everywhere in Paname).
Continue reading Montreuil,France : Smoke signals of solidarity

Paris, France: Eiffage on fire

via: attaque
On the night of 21-22 August we set fire to an Eiffage van in Paris (rue des Maraîchers)
Prison destroys lives, inside and also after release. It also looms as a threat against the choices of those outside. A threat to those who rebel against this order of things. It is the last bastion of this world against those who fight it, by necessity or choice.

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Saint-Sauvant (Vienne): direct action against industrial agriculture

Deux-Sèvres/Vienne: the burning of a construction machine reignites tension on the reservoirs
Centre Presse, 13 August 2021
via: sansnom
On the night of Wednesday 11 to Thursday 12 August 2021, a 23-ton excavator was set on fire on an archaeological excavation site linked to the reservoir project in Saint-Sauvant, a commune in the Vienne department located about four kilometres from the commune of Avon, in the Deux-Sèvres. The excavator belonged to the 2 Sévrienne Service company, located in Saint-Gelais.
The gendarmerie has opened an investigation for criminal damage. The Volvo machine was rented by the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP). The site had started on Monday 9 August 2021. The archaeologists were intervening before the construction of a water storage facility for agricultural irrigation: Saint-Sauvant is part of the project of 16 “reservoirs” to be built along the basin of the Sèvre Niortaise, a project that has been the subject of controversy since 2017.

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