All posts by Act for freedom now!

Besançon/Brussels: from technological chains to prison bars

Besançon, Sunday August 29
From technological chains to prison bars: call for solidarity with a Bisontin comrade in coma following a cell fire
Sunday 29 August, 12.30 pm
Square Charmont (Besançon)
After the meal in solidarity with Boris (free-contribution meal at 12:30): coffee and readings followed by a collective discussion about prison and technology

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 Greece : In Malandrinos prison the cases of Covid-19 are increasing exponentially every day

In the Wing-1, where the rebels from Turkey are being held, on 15 August 2 prisoners tested positive, and less than a week later 14 more tested positive. The prison administration is responsible for this situation. Because they have no prevention policy against Covid-19. On August 15 where the 2 prisoners were diagnosed positive, they did not take any prevention measures, on the contrary they continued to hold all the prisoners together.
On August 17, several more prisoners were infected. But they only ran five tests, because there were no diagnostic kits. Of the five, three tested positive. After that, they said that the quarantine sections were full and they locked everyone in their cell and said we are in general quarantine. On August 20, after continued pressure from the prisoners, they were tested and 14 more were diagnosed positive.

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Nostang (Morbihan) France: the sabotage of antennas continues

Nostang. A telephone antenna set on fire
Ouest France, 17 August 2021
A telephone antenna was set on fire in Nostang (Morbihan) on the edge of the RN 165, at a place called Kerbol, about 150m from the highway. The events occurred during the night of August 16, confirms the gendarmerie of Lorient.
An investigation is underway. The burnt antenna is one of the six relay antennas currently on the territory of Nostang, two of which are located in the town centre.
via: sansnom
Translated by Act for freedom now!

France,Belfort: zealous citizen vs. camera burners

Attempted arson of the new video surveillance camera camera
Est Républicain, 27 August 2021 (extract)
The new video surveillance camera in Moscow Street, Belfort, has been the victim of an arson attempt.
On Wednesday night, shortly after midnight, the fire brigade of South Belfort and the police were called by the municipal police because the base of a lamppost and the grass were burning at 7 rue de Moscou, near a sports field and parked cars.
Three individuals sprayed an accelerant halfway up the pole before setting it on fire; the liquid spilled to the ground. When the emergency services and the police arrived, the flames had been extinguished by a local woman with a bucket of water. The camera is still working. Only the pole is blackened.
via: sansnom
Translated by Act for freedom now!

France,Orange (Vaucluse): the police station hit with a molotov and updated

Orange : the police station targeted with a Molotov cocktail during the night
La Provence, 26 August 2021 (extract)
It was around 1.40am on Wednesday night that police officers stationed at the Orange police station on Avenue du Général de Gaulle noticed a loud explosion in the building’s courtyard on the video surveillance footage.
A fire then spread rapidly, given the very dry vegetation. The fire was only contained by the rapid intervention of the officers on duty. Once the fire had been extinguished with fire extinguishers and buckets of water, the officers found that it had been caused by a Molotov cocktail, thrown over the fence, most probably from the skate park adjacent to the police station.

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USA: Roseville Office Attacked In Solidarity With Atlanta Forest

Responding to the call from comrades in Atlanta for an 8/18 day of action in solidarity with the struggle to defend the Atlanta forest; vandals broke into the office complex housing Corporation Service Company’s (CSC) regional office in Roseville, a suburb of Minneapolis. After smashing the office door and throwing cans of paint inside, a message was left sprayed across the front: HANDS OFF THE ATLANTA FOREST.
Demands are being made for CSC to drop their client, Blackhall Studios. Blackhall Studios would like to level the South Atlanta Forest to build the country’s largest soundstage and an airport, creating unprecedented levels of gentrification in the city.

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Carqueiranne (Var) France: police cars smashed

Three vehicles of the municipal police vandalised
Var matin, 10 August 2021 (excerpt)
Smashed out windshields, broken mirrors, punctured tyres – during the night of Saturday to Sunday, three cars of the municipal police were victims of malicious acts. “At 6am, we received a call from the municipal police stating the facts. We had already had tags, but not this kind of damage to our equipment. The windshields had probably been kicked in. The police have my full support, we will respond with the utmost severity,” says Mayor Arnaud Latil.

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Volos, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the attack on the AGET factory by Direct Action Cell ‘Vassilis Maggos’

“The exploited people have nothing to manage themselves beyond the denial of their status as such. Only in this way will their bosses, their leaders, their variously adorned apologists be eliminated with them. In this ‘massive task of urgent demolition’, we must quickly seek, joy.”
Much was said, even more was concealed and little was done. On July 14, 2020, our eyes tear up at the news of the death of comrade Vassilis Maggos, tears that will become rage, rage that thirsts for revenge. Evamer, as he was known and remains in our hearts, was a rare blend of selfless fighter and rebellious youth. A friend – a comrade in every sense of the word, who, with a permanent smile on his face, was always willing to help his neighbour, to discuss and above all to ACT against the state’s power and social subordination. A person who more than once had faced the arbitrariness of power and the bullies of the cops as he struggled with his demons from a young age, growing up in the streets of denial and questioning. Much can be said and perhaps has already been said about comrade Vassilis, but little has been done. We pledge that this condition will change. His beating and subsequent torture by the garbage of the police after the demonstration on June 13, 2020, may not be directly responsible for his death, but everyone can understand the magnitude of the mental burden that was inflicted on him and led to his death.

Continue reading Volos, Greece: Responsibility Claim for the attack on the AGET factory by Direct Action Cell ‘Vassilis Maggos’

Neither nuke nor 5G! ( Nancy,France)

In the heights of the outskirts of Nancy, on August 18th, a 5G antenna burned. “Ni nuke ni 5G!” was spray-painted on a wall of the enclosure that protected access to it.
This was one of several responses to the government’s insistence on forcing through its project to digitise the world. This year will also be decisive for the nuclear waste landfill project at Bure, which is also taking hold despite local and wider opposition that has been ongoing for years. Nuclear and 5G are the pillars of an industry of death.
Solidarity with everyone facing charges as a result of these struggles!
Illuminated joggers.
via: http://tfr3sf5g2cdc3qmnqkx2hjzidpqrihsu5uhjxhpsldrkekkkkyku7gad.onion/spip.php?article1076&lang=fr
Translated by Act for freedom now!