On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos …(Peloponnese ,Greece)

On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos The world of the State and capitalism is constant and murderous Over 79 Dead after a shipwreck with migrants southwest of Pylos The exploited and the oppressed continue to pay with their blood to maintain and reproduce the barbaric exploitative oppressive system that represses, … Continue reading On the murder of the migrants in the shipwreck at Pylos …(Peloponnese ,Greece)

Poster by squat Analipsi in Thessaloniki for the mass murder of Migrants in Pylos. (Greece)

The seas are full of migrants’ bodies On 14/6 a fishing boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank off Pylos, most of whom drowned in the sea. A few hours later, the civilian co-operator started to blame the shipwreck. However, we know who is solely responsible. This mass murder bears the stamp and signature of the … Continue reading Poster by squat Analipsi in Thessaloniki for the mass murder of Migrants in Pylos. (Greece)

State crime in Pylos|Athens 13/07 Omonoia demo towards EU offices|Panhellenic day of actions (Athens,Greece)

PANHELLENIC DAY OF ACTION AGAINST THE MURDER OF MIGRANTS AT PYLOS THURSDAY 13 JULY 19:00 ATHENS GATHERING OMONOIA DEMO TOWARDS SYNTAGMA AND EU OFFICES On Wednesday 14/6/2023, off the coast of Pylos, a fishing boat capsized, resulting in the death of more than 600 people. Testimonies of surviving migrants speak of hundreds of women and … Continue reading State crime in Pylos|Athens 13/07 Omonoia demo towards EU offices|Panhellenic day of actions (Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece – A dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station following a beating.

Dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station after a beating. This particular police station is known for torture and sexual and racial harassment within the police station. Let us recall that in this particular department a 46-year-old Bangladeshi man died after a beating. On the document’s blog there are photos of the beating of … Continue reading Athens, Greece – A dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station following a beating.

From: Domokos prison, Anarchist Nikos Maziotis: On the Latest Rejection of My Parole (Greece)

Nikos Maziotis: On the Latest Rejection of My Parole For the 5th time, the Lamia Criminal Court has recently rejected my request for conditional release despite the 3rd consecutive positive prosecution. During the last 2.5 years since I have reached the law of suspension by law, Lamia’s judicial councils, including the Lamia Council I had … Continue reading From: Domokos prison, Anarchist Nikos Maziotis: On the Latest Rejection of My Parole (Greece)

Athens,Greece: Text of Thersitis (Anarchist collective in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighbourhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron

Text of Thersitis (Anarchist, a place of intrigue & subversion in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighborhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron Recently another series of repressive operations against occupied spaces of the anarchist-anti-authoritarian movement  (a/a) has been underway. On 8/25, the self-managed … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text of Thersitis (Anarchist collective in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighbourhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron

Athens,Greece: symbolically attacked, throwing paint at the ANEGERSIS CONSTRUCTION companyby anarchists

Back off snitches, forward comrades, by anarchists We are in a period where in the last few months alone there have been State and capitalist murders, along with the plundering of nature to serve various interests and additional restrictions and surveillance. Issues which certainly cannot leave us indifferent. The Tempi accident, the forest fires, the … Continue reading Athens,Greece: symbolically attacked, throwing paint at the ANEGERSIS CONSTRUCTION companyby anarchists