$hile: Active Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Joaquín García

Active Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Joaquín García via: informativoanarquista Without needing to idealize him, it is inevitable to feel a deep admiration and respect for Alfredo Cospito, who has been able to sustain an extensive hunger strike, using his body as a battlefield, and an unwavering decision in his struggle to end his isolation … Continue reading $hile: Active Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from Joaquín García

Chile :Words from the confinement of Anarchist prisoner Joaquín García Chanks August 29, 2022

Words from the confinement of Joaquín García Chanks August 29, 2022 (Excerpted from Buskando la Kalle) In the context of the Week of Agitation and Solidarity with anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners of all tendencies we share words of anarchist prisoner and comrade Joaquín García from confinement. In times in which welfarist solidarity invades each and … Continue reading Chile :Words from the confinement of Anarchist prisoner Joaquín García Chanks August 29, 2022

Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Today, Saturday, June 5, 2021, in the afternoon, the anarchist and subversive prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores have been transferred from the city of Santiago to Rancagua, from the High Security Prison to the concessioned  prison of that city.In October 2019, before the revolt, the gendarmerie was preparing a closure … Continue reading Santiago de Chile: Subversive and anarchist prisoners Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Joaquín García and Juan Flores are transferred from the High Security Prison to the Rancagua Prison

Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Our comrade Pablo Bahamones Ortiz was arrested along with Herny Mendez (today imprisoned in the former penitentiary of stgo) and Hugo Moraga (in the street after an abbreviated trial that sentenced him to 3 years) while they were being transported in a vehicle on September 8, 2018 under an investigation regarding an explosive attack occurred … Continue reading Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

[En Español] [Français] As time moves on and the seasons change, we approach once again the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. Another year has passed, and many of our dear comrades remain captives of the state, subject to its daily subjugation, isolation, and brutality. June 11th … Continue reading June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Regarding my convictions and trial charges and the nexus of non-systemic revolutionary struggle action practices and “my” meaning of the anarchist vision “(…) The reality is precisely this complex thing that cannot be traced back to the results of a judicial proceeding. This will always be arbitrary and will be based not on evidence but … Continue reading Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

(Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building December 15, 2023 / informativoanarquista (received 12/15/2023 by email informativoanarquista@riseup.net) Claim for the attempted explosive attack on the corporate Scotiabank building Succeeding in an attack is the most expected situation because we like things to turn out as planned and for our claims to be … Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Attempted Explosive Attack on the Corporate Scotiabank Building by Action Group July 6 – New Subversion

CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons July 11, 2023 Monica, Francisco, Joaquín, Juan and Marcelo Speak. – Our emphasis, challenges and urgencies: – 50 years after pinochet’s civic-military coup, his juridical legacy shamefully endures in the heavy sentences of the military court for comrade Marcelo Villarroel. -In the context … Continue reading CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Chile : Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners: Greeting to Mapuche People in Struggle against Repression and Dispersal of Prisoners in Chile.

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners: Greeting to Mapuche People in Struggle against Repression and Dispersal of Prisoners in Chile From the particularities and in autonomy, each with their gaze and worldview, we have in the direct struggle the same enemies: the State, the prison and capitalism. In confrontation with these we have had to face persecution, … Continue reading Chile : Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners: Greeting to Mapuche People in Struggle against Repression and Dispersal of Prisoners in Chile.

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)

Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 via: informativoanarquista For Alfredo Cospito: A loud war cry!!! A call for internationalist solidarity! A clear call to action!!! In the course of the mobilizations in solidarity with the hunger strike of Italian anarchist comrade Alfredo … Continue reading Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners Begin Fast in Solidarity With Alfredo Cospito, 104 Days on Hunger Strike January 31, 2023 (Chile)