IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Fissata l’udienza preliminare per l’operazione Sibilla (Perugia, 10 ottobre 2024) È stata fissata il 10 ottobre alle ore 10:00 presso il tribunale di Perugia l’udienza preliminare per il procedimento Sibilla. In quella data verrà chiesto il rinvio a giudizio per dodici compagni e compagne, tra cui Alfredo Cospito (recluso in regime di 41 bis nel … Continue reading IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.

via: lanemesi Translated to English by Act for freedom now! ————– Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in operation Sibilla and statements of some of the comrades under investigation (Perugia, 14th March 2023) The hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures for anarchists in operation Sibilla of 11th November 2021 … Continue reading Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.

Italy: Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court.

via: infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now! Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court. Written February 18, 2023 On February 13th notification was given of the the date of the review hearing on the pre-trial measures for comrades targeted in the repressive … Continue reading Italy: Update on Operation Sibilla: Hearing set for Alfredo Cospito and the other comrades under investigation at Perugia review court.

Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

On Operation “Sibilla”, from Sardinia [Note: all the repressive measures inflicted on comrades struck by operation Scintilla were annulled by the court of review on 16th December 2021] SEMPRI AINNATIS! SOLIDARITY WITH THE RECALCITRANT! “…The use being made of the charge of incitement, whether employed “purely” or as “garnishing” to other charges, is significant because … Continue reading Sardinia,Italy – On Operation “Sibilla” by Sardinian Anarchists

A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

November 28, 2021 In the hope that they can pass censorship, I throw on paper these few lines. First of all affection and solidarity to the comrades who have been involved in this umpteenth clownish repression. Especially to Michael who is under house arrest and all-the other comrades and comrades of “Vetriolo”, and anarchist sites … Continue reading A communication text by Alfredo Cospito about Operation Sibilla (Italy)

”Operation Sibilla”, Italy : All custodial measures annulled

Today the news broke that all custodial measures for the repressive operation Sibilla of 11th November, directed in particular against the anarchist paper Vetriolo, were annulled by the court of review held on 14th December. Therefore there are no more signing and residence obligations for three comrades, or house arrest for Michele Fabiani and pre-trial … Continue reading ”Operation Sibilla”, Italy : All custodial measures annulled

The reaction in Italy: Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more by Anarchist Michele Fabiani

via: fuoridallariservaTranslated by Act for freedom now!   Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more The passion for destruction is also a creative passion — M. Bakunin, The Reaction in Germany The story goes that one day Alexander the Great went to the barrel in which Diogenes of Sinope lived. Diogenes was … Continue reading The reaction in Italy: Message in the barrel about operation Sibilla and much more by Anarchist Michele Fabiani

Operation Sibilla: solidarity communique from Bure (France)

Translated by Act for freedom now! via: Anarchist Bure Cross —————————– A new repressive operation, named “Sibilla”, is targeting anarchists in Italy. At dawn on November 11, there were numerous raids in different cities (Cagliari, Cosenza, Cremona, Genoa, Lecce, Massa, Perugia, Rome, Taranto, Spoleto and Viterbo) and 6 companions were served with judicial surveillance warrants. … Continue reading Operation Sibilla: solidarity communique from Bure (France)

On the preventive seizure of and in the context of Sibilla repressive operation (Italy)

Following the Sibilla repressive operation of November 11, 2021, against the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’, the websites and were subjected to preventive seizure, in an attempt to block the online reading of articles published in the paper and others that the repressive forces believe were written by the investigated comrades. The two websites are … Continue reading On the preventive seizure of and in the context of Sibilla repressive operation (Italy)

Campania, Italy: Solidarity communique following 11th November about ”Operation Sibilla”

2021/11/13 Solidarity with the anarchist comrades who in the night of 11th November had to endure the hand of state repression, with raids on the homes of about ten comrades on orders of prosecutor Comodi. Using its by now well-known subtle moves, the scum of power is attempting to impede and lock up, physically and … Continue reading Campania, Italy: Solidarity communique following 11th November about ”Operation Sibilla”