Forest of Dean, UK: Sabotage attack upon hunting towers in solidarity with anarchist comrade Toby Shone & the pine martins

Sabotage attack upon hunting towers in solidarity with anarchist comrade Toby Shone & the pine martins

7th October 2024

We made a choice to saw into 2 hunting towers in Staunton and the other NR St. Briavels, both in the Forest of Dean. This simple action was taken with the thoughts in our minds of pine martins in Germany and Switzerland that chew into brake cables whilst keeping warm and snuggled up to cooling down engines and also not forgetting the martins in the UK that were pretty much wiped out for their taste in game bird, their eggs and caged poultry, but now some 60 pairs have been released back into the wilds of the Forest of Dean.

So this bring us to welcome Toby Shone who’s to be released from HMP Garth NR Manchester early next month (9th Nov) who before his imprisonment enjoyed over a decade of his life in this beautiful countryside. Good luck with your future Toby!

Eco-Anarchists – The Pine Martins Cell

Ps These towers and others were attacked previously in the past, but metal straps were attached to protect them since the last attack. These straps were cut all in the day time, while the chair and hunting clothes we found there have been put to better use