Patras, Greece: Taking responsibility in solidarity with hunger striker Thanasis Pikasis.

Thanasis Pikasis has been on hunger strike since 8/7, fighting for his return to Korydallos prisons so that he can continue his studies and receive visits from his family.

On 9/11, while he was in the Korydallos prison hospital trying to contact a doctor, he was physically attacked by a bodyguard with threats such as, “strikes do not pass here”.

As a minimal act of solidarity in his just fight and resistance to his vengeful transfer, his torture and the State’s attempts to exterminate him, on the morning of Friday 13/09 we carried out an intervention with paint, tricks and sprays in the political office of the ND (political party) deputy and Deputy Minister of Culture, Iasonas Fotila, in front of the Patras courts.

After the completion of the action, the establishment media, both at the local and central level, hastened to reproduce statements of the political leadership, making excuses for a thuggish-fascist attack and for para-State action, self-proclaimed defenders of freedom. We know that their rhetoric is nothing more than a communication trick in a furious attempt to silence the struggle of the hunger striker Th.Pikasi, to silence the responsibilities they bear and to give meaning to the resistance.

As much as for the State civilization and freedom is the debasement and impoverishment of our lives, the torture of prisoners – in the already suffocating reality of incarceration – and the consolidation of social cannibalism, so we will create cracks in this complex of oppression and exploitation. Counterattacking what stifles us is a deep breath on the long path of individual and collective liberation, for a world of self-organization and solidarity.

Immediate justice in the strike of hunger striker Thanasis Pikasis from 8/7.

Bodyguards hands off those who struggle.

Nothing is given to us!

Good luck Sakis!

via: athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!


Note of Actforfree: End of the hunger strike