(Chile) Communique of Anarco-Nihilist Vegan Straight Edge Prisoners of the Susaron Case

September 5, 2024

(Note from Informativo Anarquista) It’s important that the words of incarcerated comrades abandon the exclusivity of Instagram. Dozens of communiques or words are lost in the immediacy of the excessive virtual “content creation” of social networks. It’s paradoxical that comrades who are processed, incarcerated and who have taken responsibility for actions that were already claimed through anarchist counterinformation pages can only be heard and seen on social media, to the detriment of anarchist projects resolved in their commitment to internationalist dialogues. Has a vacuum been created between action claims and the words of incarcerated comrades, and are these valued differently? Can it be that the former has a routine space in counterinformation projects, while the latter have a monopoly on Instagram? We invite you to break the walls of the social networks.


Communique of Anarco-Nihilist Vegan Straight Edge Prisoners of the Susaron Case

“For those who fight with the enthusiasm that characterizes those who go against the current.”

Today in this cold season, still locked up in this small phosphorous box that aims to hide the beautiful immensity of the world, we continue to rise each morning to confront the symbolic and graphic cold morning shower of dawn in prison. Washing our bodies and teeth, with the conviction that this routinized morning dagger in the brain, cold like punishment, isn’t something that will be drawn out for all eternity.

Breathing deeply and pondering our love for our beliefs each morning, this is what allows us to stay alive and firm in this place which was constructed and conceived of to break people.

The majority of those reading this communique will know that we were arrested in the aftermath of the events at the plant of the bastard meat company susaron, in the quilicura neighborhood, Santiago, Chile. In September of the year 2022.

Events that culminated in all of their premises being lit on fire. Including: their entire fleet of trucks, 10 to be more precise, administrative offices, along with their documentation and safe. And the central refrigeration from which they supplied the other susaron meats locations in the capital, which contained 7 tons of cadavers. Giving it to the earth and the wind, a ritual of fire in honor of all of those lives annihilated in the name of human superiority and common bullying. Also and no less important, causing several millions of dollars in damages for those miserable people; our open enemies.

We are coming up on the 2nd anniversary of our incarceration, exactly 22 months, during which power has identified us as its enemies (because we are), extending our process of investigation and pre-trial detention as much as possible.

In the beginning 4 of us were detained. And a few months ago one of us, Itamar, managed to leave prison sentenced to 5 years of intensely surveilled freedom, as was already related in past communiques, leaving 3 of us in Santiago 1 prison.

The new information in this text is that a few weeks ago, our comrade Panda was sentenced to 4 and a half years of prison time based on a negative report which they usually and completely arbitrarily use to take away benefits and parol from Santiago 1 prison. The ruling was appealed by our lawyers but ratified by the fascist $hilean court of appeals. Over the following days, he was transferred to post-sentence prison Colina 1, being received there fraternally by anarchist comrades who have already been convicted.

Rucio and Tortuga are still waiting for a new date that clarifies their destiny, being constantly hampered by tedious bureaucratic paperwork of the carceral system that always aims to extend the stay in these human slaughterhouses for those who declare themselves enemies of the established order and all authority.

In light of this situation where the coming destinies of each of us is being slowly defined, more than ever we reaffirm our incalculable commitment to our cause, which is animal and total liberation. No freezing water, agonizing-claustrophobic afternoon, carceral violence, or emotional battering can take us away from our world. Can make us repent for our ideas and actions. Nor is there a day that we don’t puff up our chests with pride seeing the repercussions that our decision to stop being spectators has created across the world.

Because each action that has been dedicated to us, each greeting charged with praxis, where people have carried out sabotage and liberated animals uncountable times, has given us the fuel necessary to continue with the same strength and pride with which we’ve confronted this tedious process from the beginning.

That said, we call on all the slogans “fire to the slaughterhouses”, “death to speciesism” and “animal liberation”, to be put into practice. As prisoners who are proud of our cause and ideas, this is all that we ask to confront this difficult cycle.

Because time falls through our fingers, and each minute that we rest in the relaxation of our pamphlets, millions of animals are tortured and killed. Thousands of hectares of natural habitat are consumed and assaulted, millions of lives (human and non-human) are cut short by the devastating machinery of capital, speciesism and authority.

We send a special and warm hug to all the comrades who have been there for us in the territory and abroad. Whether with letters, drawings, propaganda, organizing and attending fundraising events, claims and monetary contributions, all of which have been essential in the moment to deal with this process, to pay for lawyers, reports, commissary and food. All forms of solidarity that allow this process to move forward in the best way are always welcome and appreciated.

Enormous gratitude to you all, who have made this complex stage of our warrior lives bearable, with the multiform rebellious solidarity previously mentioned.

May direct actions multiply. Sabotages, propaganda and liberations. May words transform into deeds, and may these deeds speak for those who aren’t able.

No day passes during which we don’t miss freedom, but neither does a day pass in which we don’t smile remembering the hot embrace of fire. Because we’re prisoners but they’ll never be able to subdue our vision and spirit.

Fire to existence.

May all prisons for humans and non-humans explode, with their jailers inside.

Freedom for Don Sergio Olivares, Mónica Caballero, Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste, Lucas Hernández, Aldo Hernández, Javier, Syde, Gerardo and Jordano!!

Francisco Solar Out of Isolation!

Always against all authority and symbols of submission, and with an immeasurable love:

  anarcho-nihilist vegan straight edge prisoners. Case susaron.

     Panda, Tortuga and Rucio.

    C.D.P. Santiago 1. Colina 1 Prison. August, 2024.

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!