Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Leipzig : arson attack on a Tesla dealership

[On the night of May 12/13 in Leipzig, several Tesla cars were set on fire in the Schomburgkstrasse parking lot of a Tesla dealership. Two Tesla cars were completely destroyed, and two others heavily damaged, with damage amounting to 120,000 euros. The Saxony Regional Criminal Police’s Center for Defense against Terrorism and Extremism (PTAZ) was in charge of the investigation. The day before the attack in Leipzig, 2,500 demonstrators marched in Berlin from the forest towards the Tesla factory in Grünheide, with clashes with the police. On May 16, a communique was published on de.indymedia.].

Disrupt Tesla – Electric cars set on fire west of Leipzig

On the night of May 12/13, as the dust began to settle in Grünheide and the cops were leaving, we went to remove several Teslas from circulation at a car dealership in western Leipzig using incendiary devices.

Unfortunately, due to technical errors, only a few vehicles were hit, which limited the damage.

We see this action as an opportunity to take action against green capitalism. The different means we choose can complement rather than compete with each other.

Whether in Grünheide, Leipzig or in the countries where raw materials are extracted for electric cars and other “smart” crap, we oppose both the “old” fossil world and the “new” green world!

Greetings to forests, towns and villages in resistance!