Freedom to the Fighter Andreas F. (Mesologgi ,Greece)

On the 22nd Andreas F. was kidnapped by the lackeys of counter-terrorism and the conventional police of Patras. He was taken to Athens for questioning and imprisoned. The cops raided his house, trying to find anything that could contribute to their fabricated incriminatory account. On the 26th the attack on the struggling social base by orgious repression was supplemented by an attack on the “Annex” university occupation and the arrest of 26 comrades.

The dogs of the state undertake ruthless war against the movement of Patras in order to completely crush it. What has happened is more contemporary than ever, and it is the responsibility of anyone struggling to reverse the roles. For the fear of those who sew and maintain it. Let their terrorism not intrude on society and our conciences.

Strong Andreas…

No cell enough to lock our souls

No system enough to stabilise us

No law enough to subdue us

Solidarity to the 26 arrested comrades

We’ll catch the breath of freedom when the cells are lit


more info updates soon.