(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

Action at JGM (U. Chile) on the eve of a new commemoration of the Coup D’Etat (51 years). 

via: informativoanarquista

From Frente Fotrográfico

Yesterday, 6th of September a day of protest was carried out at the University of Chile, school of Juan Gómez Millas. Throughout the morning an event and vigil in memory of the 119 was held, with students and professors of the campus participating. A discussion took place and words were shared for memory and diffusion. After this, masked people raised barricades in the surroundings of the university, sparking confrontations with the police, who came to clear the area.

Records show that a march of high-school students was carried out in parallel in the center of Santiago and at the Christian Academy University, confrontations with the police who came to repress a protest in front of the establishment.

No arrests were made.

[First photo caption:] Insurrectional Memory for Those Who Attack Power: Long Live Luciano Pitronello & Belén Nacarrete!!

[second photo caption:] We Aren’t Born to Resist, We’re Born to Win



Actforfree notes: “On the afternoon of August 21,2024 we heard the terrible news of the death of an anarchist comrade Belén Navarrete Tapia, although there were doubts about the cause of death that day, it was later determined that a pulmonary edema caused our sister to leave. To be precise, no traces of any type of substance were found in the tests carried out at the SML, ruling out that there was an attempt on her life or that there had been any intervention by other people.”

2/ Anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, is dead.