(Chile) Anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, is dead.

Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, has died. We are making it known that a few hours ago (11/08/2024) the anarchist comrade Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga” died, due to the seriousness of the injuries caused by an electrocution accident while he was working on the afternoon of Friday, August 9th 2024. Comrade Tortuga participated and contributed actively in … Continue reading (Chile) Anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, is dead.

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

Action at JGM (U. Chile) on the eve of a new commemoration of the Coup D’Etat (51 years).  via: informativoanarquista From Frente Fotrográfico Yesterday, 6th of September a day of protest was carried out at the University of Chile, school of Juan Gómez Millas. Throughout the morning an event and vigil in memory of the … Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

Santiago, Chile: Confrontiations with Special Forces Outside of Liceo de Aplicación

via: es-contrainfo Santiago,  Confrontiations with Special Forces Outside of Liceo de Aplicación Received 20/08/2024: MEMORY AND SOLIDARITY ARE WEAPONS THAT WE KNOW HOW TO CARRY. INCENDIARY STROLL APPLIES MONDAY AUGUST 19, 2024 In solidarity with Francisco Solar, anarchist prisoner who is currently in a regimen of total isolation in the dungeons of the $hilean capital.

Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station (Chile)

Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station August 29, 2024 Received by mail 29/08/2024 Faced with the daily discomfort of inhabiting this world full of injustices and violence, we gather our time, our strength to, if only for a moment, topple the passivity that subjects the rhythms … Continue reading Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station (Chile)

Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

Words of Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation It’s important to understand that Power is applying isolation as an intra-prison regime to combat anarchism of action in different parts of the world, utilizing the most severe measures the penitentiary systems can think of to annihilate the ideas and practices that are … Continue reading Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation