Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd

After a year’s prison on remand and 13 hearings, 9 of which in videoconference, a derealizing tool created in an emergency but now extended to an increasingly wide range of prisoners, which behind a generic justification of security renders the accused, i.e. the protagonist of the trial, a spectator of his fate, reducing the trial even more to a confrontation between technicians, all to ensure the peaceful development of the hearings and without even the annoyance of having to look the prisoner in the eye, I have decided to make this declaration.

I am doing so because this is a political trial, even if nobody wants to say so out loud.

I am not interested in the charges, nor the police operation that they originated from, which as far as I am concerned is only a jumble of judicial bureaucracy functional to the political will of the government apparatus that, consistently with the logic of war, aims to lock up the so-called internal enemies, those considered irreformable.

That is why I am not interested in complaining about the specificity of my judicial situation, indeed, to be considered an enemy of who protects and favours the interests of those who do business with wars, such as the Italian State and their participation, is a source of pride to me.

What interests me instead is to reiterate my being anarchist, and how as such I do not recognize the dichotomous concept of guilt and innocence; as a comrade I hold in my heart wrote, “a judicial process will always be arbitrary, it will be based not on evidence but on force, not on logic but on domination”. What I recognize as one of the founding principles of my anarchism is the importance of solidarity between revolutionaries, rebels and oppressed, therefore I want to express solidarity to all the comrades locked up in jails all over the world, to those threatened and suffering all the forms of repression imaginable. There are no walls or constraints that can separate us. Each and everyone free.


[Received and published in]

Translated by Act for freedom now!