It’s been almost a year since Strefi hill became a construction site guarded by cops 24/7. It’s been almost a year since the municipality has been trying to take away anything that is wild and free on the hill. The real estate company Prodea Investments and Unison entered Strefi on October 3rd 2022 with “redevelopment plans”.
Of course, their plans did not restore any of the hill’s problems, but caused more instead. Flooding and the corrosion of the soil are the main problems of the hill. As you can see in the pictures, even after a small amount of rain, everything is falling apart after Prodea’s flood protection project and the excavations for underground lighting and CCTV networks. The majority of the plants that hold the hill together have been eradicated.
In August, a machine eradicated the endemic protected species “Silene spinescens.” Comrades attempted to stop it, but they were once again threatened with prosecution. All the non-human inhabitants, are facing big difficulties to survive. Their nests have been destroyed, and they have started looking for food in the city. The result is one young tortoise dead by a car few days ago, a lot of them are missing (a protected species among them) and one of them got a broken shell probably by a bulldozer. The number of the dead tortoises would be bigger if people didn’t put water for them during summer. We cannot let them continue killing the life of the Hill.
It’s been almost 3 years of assemblies, events, protests, marches, clashes, in defence of Strefi hill! We will continue until the hill and the neighbourhood of Exarchia are free again.
Our fight is for freedom, life and nature.