International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou. (Greece)

For the construction of an international front of defending the Anarchist Action

International call of the captive member of the organization Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou, to the comrades who will defend the case at the trial of the organization on 4th of April, at felony court of appeals in Larisa.

To the ones defending the case of Anarchist Action


After years of sharing with you moments of resistance in the social aspects of the class war, I send you my wholehearted solidarity and appreciation from the dungeons of my captivity.

The trial of the Anarchist Action takes places during a time period of burying the revolutionary tendency and the analysis of the elements of resistance. The absence of an actual revolutionary movement with common positions, strategic aim and values is turning into a reality that is here to permanently stay, which leads to giving space to the normalization of the devaluation of radical actions and thoughts.

It is a historical responsibility to reinvent the necessity to overthrow the state and the authority’s mechanisms by reclaiming “resistance” on our lips. Personally I believe that the trial of the Anarchist Action should not aim to be just a sterile narration and defense of a path full of clashes but it should be the starting point and tool of a long-term attempt to build a public dialogue for recording and approaching the contemporary revolutionary needs.

Facing this challenge, the front of defense of the Anarchist Action is called to defend its actions, though the multifaceted and different paths of its struggle by bringing back to the front line of the times the meaning of targeting, as well as, to contribute to the necessity of defending our collective history which determines our duty towards the Resistance and the comrades who fell while fighting.

Lets turn this attempt of conviction of revolutionary violence into a field that is going to be a base of propaganda of our collective experiences, for the defense of militancy, for the renaissance of the meanings of revolutionary transformations and those of insurrectionary overthrow against the general devaluation, losing our path and quitting.

For the defense of Anarchist Action

For defending the Revolution

Thanos Chatziaggelou, captive member of the organization Anarchist Action

Special Ward, Hospital of Korydallos’ prison


Original in English here: