friendly additions to AN EARNEST PROPOSAL

The clear cutting of Weelaunee has begun, the rise of politically legitimized overt right wing fascism is here, the white supremacist systemically racist society is only doubling down on it’s thirst for control and expansion, the reaches and brutality of prison continually expands, a genocide against trans people is ongoing, abortion access is criminalized and outlawed in parts, police murder 3 to 5 people a day, colonial society is not going to destroy itself, concentration camps for migrants are only expanding, the for-profit, for-technology, and for-progress destruction of this earth and the ensnaring ecological collapse is only worsening. A million different ways it can be said that the current conditions of life are so immeasurably horrid, ensnaring, entrapping, and destructive that there is nothing in it that is worth saving.

The world we live in is upheld/maintained/progressed by a network of interlinking and inseparable institutions, supply chains, and infrastructure [] that kills, controls, and only allows life to exist so-far as to facilitate the upwards stream of capitalism.

There is no future, not one to wait for, not one to build towards, not one to hope for, no such thing as good progress. There is nothing that is going to be done to fight against this hell that you are not doing. No-one is coming to save you. Nothing is guaranteed to work. If you fight you are not alone.

We fight and have fought bravely. Fiercely fighting to attack those who wish to harm the earth, our lives and the lives of non-human animals in the present, and to fight for a different way of life.

There is nothing to wait for.

A direction to act in is clear, there is no way to move in this direction through inaction.

We must take bold uncompromising action, we must care and accept each other. No action is too small in impact or too large in ambition.

Our enemies necessitate an extreme and unprecedented response. They are dedicated 24/7 to destroying the earth, controlling our lives, murdering us, subjugating us under the boot of fascism, capitalism, maintaining surveillance, our imprisonment, and our assimilation, what will we do to fight against dystopia?

We are anarchists, and we are immortal. We will fight them until we are dead, and our bones will fight them after. The memory of our existence will fight them. In each of their hearts we will brand the memory that those who are free never yield.

