Tag Archives: Tempi Train Crash 2023

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the Hellenic Train offices

February 28th marks two years since the deadly crime of Tempi. Two years later and the causes of the collision between a Hellenic Train passenger train and a commercial train remain unclear. Unclear precisely because the main perpetrators of this crime are the capitalist policies of the state and its capital.

57 people died and how many others were seriously injured, with the government trying to cover up the causes of the tragedy, defending once again the private capital of the big bourgeoisie. The latest developments that have come to light leave no room for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Whether it is fuel smuggling or the transport of any flammable materials, Hellenic Train, New Democracy and capital are covering up their crime.
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Athens, Greece: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Forward, everyone!
Both with arms and with heart,
word and pen,
knife and gun,
irony and blasphemy,
theft, poisoning and arson,
let us wage… war on society!

~Josheph Dejacque (1821-1864), libertarian anarcho-communist

In a world of constant impoverishment, class inequalities, oppression and exploitation, social fascism advances through the dictates of the state apparatus, capital and its mouthpieces, leaving room for more and more impoverishment and repression. The reformist compromises of the once more radical sections of society, together with stupidification, selfish individualism and worship of oppressors, make it no longer able to conceive of conflict with all of the above.

Our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris and anarchist comrade Marianna M. are an example of selflessness, revolutionary ethos and political commitment in all aspects of the struggle. From anarchist assemblies, to solidarity with prisoners, to struggles in defense of immigrants, labor gains, to the struggle against gentrification and repression, our comrades gave “body and soul” keeping the flame of the revolutionary cause always alight. The events of October 31st froze our hearts but at the same time convinced us to continue the struggle of Kyriakos and Marianna and so many other comrades over the years who gave their lives or were imprisoned in the battle for individual and social liberation, revolution and anarchy.
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Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

I no longer cease to be amazed and wonder what the police and journalists come up with for cases that disrupt their peace. I have seen and read a lot these days about the alleged major operation of the DAEEV (Directorate for Dealing with Special Violent Crimes ΔΑΕΕΒ, Anti Terrorist) and the dismantling of a dangerous terrorist organization.

Vile absurdities were uttered, scenarios of science fiction. They even went so far as to talk about payments between those involved in order to create the narrative of organized crime and dangerous individuals. False information was published concerning the 6 detainees, using previous conversations from people who had absolutely no connection with each other, thus creating an atmosphere of confusion and misdirection.
Continue reading Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Thessaloniki, Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

The work of the judicial officials is clearly aimed at torturing and impoverishing all prisoners and in general all those who unfortunately have to face their fate.

Judges, prosecutors, appellants, all together have for years created a closed group of torturers, of course with the help and complicity of the governments of the day.
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