Tag Archives: Solidarity

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa

December 11, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by email

Thursday, December 5, masked individuals raised barricades and confronted the police (COP) with molotov cocktails outside of Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina in Ñuñoa, Santiago.

The incendiary action was carried out in rejection of the political persecution experienced inside the establishment, which has resulted in harassment and expulsion of students who have been linked with actions of the street struggle.

Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

 Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

via:  informativoanarquistaTranslated by Act for freedom now!

Extracted from Difusión Negra Usach

Thursday, October 10…

On that mid-day a group of masked people left from inside the University of Santiago to block traffic in the context of the first month since the assassination of the comrade Alonso Verdejo (Risue). He was assassinated in the last pilgriage by a cowardly attack of a fascist counter-march. Through this we also show solidarity with the 532 years of resistance of the Mapuche people-nation.

Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Santiago (Usach) in Memory of Risue and in Solidarity with Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia

Hi all
We got a message from known and trusted comrades close to anarchist prisoner in Indonesia, Sidiq. They informed us that Sidiq had his cell raided and the guards took away several possessions of Sidiq. Generally,

Sidiq’s family and friends are finding it hard to support Sidiq because
it costs money to survive inside the prison. Therefore they have asked if it is possible to send some support money to the Paypal to improve his life there and buy again some provisions/items.
Continue reading Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia

France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by mail / Thursday 19 December 2024


Damien back inside. Yet again.

On the 24th at the latest I go back inside. Yet again.

The official reason is that I was asleep in the work lorry under the effect of alcohol but because I was badly parked they assumed I was on the road and so drunk at the wheel etc…..The real reason is that by typing my name in the file, anarchiste S etc etc….
Continue reading France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

Update About the Preparation of the Oral Trial Against Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez (Chile)

December 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Monday December 16, 2024, almost two years since the arrest of comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez, during the raids carried out in the context of the investigation into the bomb detonated at the National Gendarmerie Headquarters, the Santiago 10th Court of Guarantees cited the fulfillment of the preparation hearing of the oral trial.

This is a procedural instance in which, with the investigative stage concluded, both the prosecution and the defense aim to establish the evidence that will be used to accredit their positions in the following step, the oral trial.
Continue reading Update About the Preparation of the Oral Trial Against Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernandez (Chile)

(Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

At dawn on Saturday July 6, various raids were carried out in the context of an investigation for the placement of explosive artifacts. 14 people were detained, various households raided, among these the Radio Villa Francia and the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, where the Luisa Toledo Popular Cafe takes place.

Desperate, the Prosecutor’s Office dusts off old tactics, the massive raids have returned, the mediatic shows and the premise of raid and arrest, in order to investigate. We don’t ask them to improve the protocals of justice, we only unveil the hypocracy and absurdity of the legal labyrinth. We despise the world of power, its logic, mazes and tactics.
Continue reading (Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

Solidarity banner and graffiti in solidarity with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito. (North of Greece)

Solidarity banner and graffiti in solidarity with unrepentant comrade
hunger striker Alfredo Cospito.

Anarchy squat Utopia A.D. Komotini Greece

Barcelona, Spain : EN/ES Responsibility Claim for the Placement of Two Explosive Devices by Some Anarchists.

Responsibility Claim for the Placement of Two Explosive Devices

One September night we decided to illuminate the darkness placing two incendiary devices on a 5G relay antenna in Barcelona in the vicinity of Montjuïc park.

This action is one more contribution to the struggle against domination.

We send a warm hug to Toby Shone, Boris, Ivan and everyone who keeps anarchy alive.

Some Anarchists



Una noche de septiembre nos decidimos a iluminar la oscuridad colocando dos artefactos incendiarios en un repetidor 5G de Barcelona en las inmediaciones al parque de Montjuïc.

Esta acción es un aporte mas a la lucha contra la dominacion

Mandamos un caluroso abrazo para Tobby Shone, Boris, Ivan y todxs lxs que mantienen viva la anarquia.

Algunxs Anarquistas

via: Anarquía

Rome, Italy: Update on the trial for operation Bialystok


On 12 September at the Assize courtroom of the court of Rome one of the last hearings took place in the trial that started in the wake of the anti-anarchist repressive operation named Bialystok, in which 6 anarchists were accused of various charges including subversive association, bombing, arson, incitement to commit a crime, plus several ‘minor’ offences.

At the hearing the defence arguments of the lawyers of 3 of the accused comrades were heard. The next hearing will be on 15 September, during which the lawyers defending the remaining 3 comrades will be heard.

The verdict in this first instance trial is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 September.

Updates to follow.

We invite everyone to translate for the widest possible dissemination.

via:ilrovescio.info Translation by Act for freedom now!

Rome, Italy: Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Rome,Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Dayvid, anarchist comrade arrested in Greece and imprisoned in Korydallos prison in Athens, was taken to Italy as soon as the judge denied the possibility to do his sentence in that country. He is now imprisoned in the prison of Civitavecchia.
To write to him:
Dayvid Ceccarelli
via Aurelia nord km 79,500, SNC
00053 Civitavecchia (Rome)

A reminder of the contact details of the solidarity fund:
Gaia Taino
Postepay numero 5333 1711 6663 2741
Iban IT38M3608105138230559830588

Dayvid Free
Everybody Free
Fire to the prisons

via:ilrovescio.infoTranslation by Act for freedom now!