Tag Archives: INTRACOM

Greece, Athens: Responsibility Claim for Arson Attacks by Direct Action Cells – Cell ‘Mauricio Morales’

The decay and ugliness of the present is not hidden behind theoretical embellishments. Instead, it relies on the transparency of habit and the power of acquiescence. There is not the slightest reason to face the war of the increasingly authoritarian bourgeois-democratic order against those who are left over or who rebel against its multidimensional existential cheapness in search of new life perspectives. They struggle anxiously for our annihilation or our political mutilation and this is revealed by their repeated repressive moves against movement activities, against our spaces, against militants.
Consciously or not, they understand that the unification of the institutions of oppression and the maintenance of the hegemony of capital implies the corresponding possible unification and strengthening of the revolutionary forces. They fear the prospect of an acute social war setting fire to the bowels of the capitalist world, as we are already seeing happening in various corners of the planet.

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