Tag Archives: Indonesia

Claim of responsibility for the incendiary attack on a police post in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned members of FAI/IRF(Tasikmalaya, Indonesia)

I have dreamed of a world in flames, rolling in the infinite and

hurling red-hot meteors and sparks through the starry spaces.”

~ Bruno Filippi

We again claim the action of attacking a police post, on December 17, 2024 in the area of Tasikmalaya, West Java.

We are a small revolutionary cell formed from the consciousness of resistance, a fusion of collectives and free individuals! There will be more attacks to destroy the state and its instruments!

Continue reading Claim of responsibility for the incendiary attack on a police post in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned members of FAI/IRF(Tasikmalaya, Indonesia)

Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia

Hi all
We got a message from known and trusted comrades close to anarchist prisoner in Indonesia, Sidiq. They informed us that Sidiq had his cell raided and the guards took away several possessions of Sidiq. Generally,

Sidiq’s family and friends are finding it hard to support Sidiq because
it costs money to survive inside the prison. Therefore they have asked if it is possible to send some support money to the Paypal to improve his life there and buy again some provisions/items.
Continue reading Sidiq’s cell raided – Appeal. Indonesia