Tag Archives: Harvey Evans

UK: Wales, and West Utilities Attacked (Solidarity with the Cardiff rioters).

A reminder to those whose memory fails them…..

On Saturday 13th June 2020 large numbers of people defied lockdown restrictions to resist the eviction of Glenfrome Road. GRC Baliffs attempted to clear a big traveller site on the old gas works site in Bristol.

Despite the large police presence, and the increased use of state power through the ‘Coronavirus Act’, the eviction went on for over 12 hours and solidarity was strong. GRC failed to evict the site.

The company that paid for the eviction was Wales and West Utilities.
They have just built a new £4 million Gas Haulage Depot on the Glenfrome Road site, and its up and running so we thought we’d pay them a visit.
Continue reading UK: Wales, and West Utilities Attacked (Solidarity with the Cardiff rioters).