Tag Archives: Hambach Mine

EVERYONE TO SÜNDI / ALLE ZUM SÜNDI 2.1.25 Hambacher Forest [ENG / DEU]


The industrial monster is at the door! The biggest pit in Europe – the
Hambach Mine, so-called “Germany” – is getting bigger day by day. A
precious woodland we call “the Sündi” (once part of the Hambacher
Forest) stands directly in its path, right next to the ruins of the
former village of Manheim (which coal-giant RWE has also been laying to

Since September the Sündi has been squatted! Where a world-eating coalmine was scheduled to expand, an autonomous zone has sprung up in its place, blocking the expansion of the pit and the system of death it powers. But now we have the news that the state will attempt an eviction, possibly as soon as January 6.
Continue reading EVERYONE TO SÜNDI / ALLE ZUM SÜNDI 2.1.25 Hambacher Forest [ENG / DEU]