Tag Archives: Espacio Fénix Claustrofobia Ediciones Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti Individualidades Anárquicas

(Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

At dawn on Saturday July 6, various raids were carried out in the context of an investigation for the placement of explosive artifacts. 14 people were detained, various households raided, among these the Radio Villa Francia and the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, where the Luisa Toledo Popular Cafe takes place.

Desperate, the Prosecutor’s Office dusts off old tactics, the massive raids have returned, the mediatic shows and the premise of raid and arrest, in order to investigate. We don’t ask them to improve the protocals of justice, we only unveil the hypocracy and absurdity of the legal labyrinth. We despise the world of power, its logic, mazes and tactics.
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