Tag Archives: December 2024

France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by mail / Thursday 19 December 2024


Damien back inside. Yet again.

On the 24th at the latest I go back inside. Yet again.

The official reason is that I was asleep in the work lorry under the effect of alcohol but because I was badly parked they assumed I was on the road and so drunk at the wheel etc…..The real reason is that by typing my name in the file, anarchiste S etc etc….
Continue reading France, Prison of Seysses : Damien back inside. Yet again.

Home Of Ghost Robotics CEO Flooded (USA)

Early thankstaking morning* we flooded the home that Ghost Robotics CEO Gavin Kenneally is trying to sell. He used to live there but seems to have moved out after the home started getting attacked.

In July his home was tagged and in October it was tagged again and windows were broken. To create more lasting damage we ran a hose from a wall faucet through a small hole we punched into a glass door and turned the water on. Ghost Robotics develops robot dogs that are used in occupied Palestine and at the US/Mexico border.

We took the fox we saw slipping under a fence as a good omen and hope the water kept running all night.

Let us each be a small drop in a liberating flood that drowns all authority!

-some anarchists

*November 28th

Found On Philly Anti-Cap

via: unravel