Tag Archives: bombing

Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

On Wednesday 29 May we reoccupied the Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D. where we held the planned event on the book presentation of the interview of the anarchist nihilist Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist Italian newspaper Vetriolo, a telephone intervention and an information from an Italian comrade about the 41BIS regime and the current situation in Italy, while a text was sent by a comrade of the newspaper Vetriolo which was translated into Greek and read at the event, followed by an update from a comrade on the new penal code and the event ended with a discussion, after some questions were asked to the Italian comrade.
Continue reading Komotini, Greece: Reoccupation of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D., book presentation event of ‘Which International?’ + Intervention by comrade Francesco Rota from Vetriolo newspaper

Rome, Italy: Update on the trial for operation Bialystok


On 12 September at the Assize courtroom of the court of Rome one of the last hearings took place in the trial that started in the wake of the anti-anarchist repressive operation named Bialystok, in which 6 anarchists were accused of various charges including subversive association, bombing, arson, incitement to commit a crime, plus several ‘minor’ offences.

At the hearing the defence arguments of the lawyers of 3 of the accused comrades were heard. The next hearing will be on 15 September, during which the lawyers defending the remaining 3 comrades will be heard.

The verdict in this first instance trial is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 September.

Updates to follow.

We invite everyone to translate for the widest possible dissemination.

via:ilrovescio.info Translation by Act for freedom now!