Tag Archives: αντιμιλιταρισμός

Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been released

PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3

(For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.)

The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also be uploaded as standalone posts on our blog, blessed-is-the-flame.espivblogs.net.)

Our goal is not only to break down the linguistic barriers that hinder information, solidarity, and the dissemination of propaganda by the deed on an international level but also to give counter-information a printed form. We believe it is crucial for counter-information to transcend the limits of the digital realm.
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