Montevideo,Uruguay : Account of actions carried out in April and May

via: Attaque

We see how the State and capital rule our lives, modifying our environments, imposing social relations on us based on egoism, competition, hierarchies and pass off this blind way of obeying and accepting institutions, work and consumerism as something natural.
The mediatisation of the pandemic, 5G technology, « smart cities » and social control are but a few examples of how this system functions.

The Uruguayan political circus:
while the left pleads for the health of the people and demands a “state of siege”, the right gives priority to the economy and the market; it is clear that the speeches about solidarity, care and support that they repeat cynically week after week will never materialize, because they look after their own specific interests for the maintenance of their privileges and to accumulate citizens’ consensus. The need to change our reality is getting more and more urgent, not change for the benefit of those exploiting us, but for our communities, so as to become protagonists of our own history.
Walking the streets, observing our surroundings, we can find vulnerable points showing us that not everything is under control and that the insurrection can be ignited on any corner, rebelling and disobeying being the first steps. During the month of April, culminating on the 1st of May, we found different points of attack to leave a clear message: « Without struggle there will be no dignity ». We attacked town halls with paint and put up road blocks with burning barricades; we have decided to put an end to passivity and put disobedience into practice. Let’s not be spectators of our lives, let’s be protagonists.
Rapaces urbanas
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