Ile-de-France, France: Riot rage spreads following police assassination of Nahel

Riot rage spreads following police assassination of Nahel

Scenes of riots, mortars and fires marked the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the department of Hauts-de-Seine, but also more sporadically in other departments of Île-de-France after the death of Nahel, 17 years old. The teenager was killed on Tuesday morning 27th June in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) by a police shooting [at point-blank range in the chest], the latter justifying his act by a refusal to comply. The policeman responsible for the fatal shooting, aged 38 years, is being questioned by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) as part of the investigation for intentional homicide opened by the Nanterre prosecutor’s office.
In addition to the 31 arrests during this first night of riots, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin speaks of « 24 police wounded » and of « about forty vehicles burnt ». Today Wednesday 28th June, 2,000 police and gendarmes will be deployed in Paris and its inner suburbs.

A Nanterre même, Urban violence has been concentrated in the neighbourhoods of Vieux pont where Nahel was from, but also Zilina, Berthelot, Pablo Picasso and Damades. The police were targeted by projectiles, fireworks mortars and sometimes Molotov cocktails. Approximately vehicles and garbage cans – often erected as barricades – were destroyed in the municipality. Fires were also lit along the rails of the RER A, between Nanterre and Rueil-Malmaison. Several administrative buildings (Public finances, community centre, two school groups) were also damaged by fires. « Various public and private buildings, among which some schools, have suffered significant and unacceptable degradation, sometimes irreparable », the mayor Patrick Jarry laments.
On the side of the authorities, 20 police were slightly injured, among which 18 CRS and two BAC officers of Gennevilliers. Ten police vehicles and a fire engine of the Paris fire brigade (BSPP) were also damaged.

Nanterre (92), le 28 juin 2023

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$hile: Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

May 25, 2023

informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

On Monday, May 22, leaflets and banners were displayed, barricades and molotov confrontations were deployed against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales 14 years after his death in the context of the explosive attack against the Gendarmerie School.

Banners and pamphlets were read: “The press points, the police shoot”, “With memory intact, Mauricio Morales is with us. In your action we find the example of putting words into practice, attacking prison scum. That is why we make your name present in every bomb and keep your memory alive, vindicating your endurance, solidarity, uniqueness and happiness… Mauri, the offensive does not forget you” and “Fighting youth, permanent insurrection”.


$hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

May 25, 2023

informativoanarquistaTranslated by Act for freedom now!

On Monday, May 22, a parade was held in the vicinity of the Aplicación high school, leading to barricades and confrontations with molotov cocktails against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales who died in combat when he detonated the explosive device he was trying to place at the Gendarmerie School in 2009.

Continue reading $hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema,
which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions
Continue reading ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

“Above all one thing must be clear, one is only part of the FAI-FRI in the moment of the action, then each one returns to their life as anarchist, nihilist, individualist, to their own projects and rebel or revolutionary perspectives with all their adjuncts of assemblies, coordinations, affinity nuclei, occupations, communes, struggles in the territory and so on and so forth.”[¹]
Alfredo Cospito

After hundreds of nights spent, after being in a sea of individual adventures, we returned to our basement to continue the urban guerrilla warfare by enabling all methods of action, even though our footsteps were previously heavy enough to make the consistency of ouraggressiveness towards social relations overlaid by civilized moral societies and hierarchies. By a civilized moral society and the odious hierarchy and authority of the rulers and the bourgeoisie of the financiers! We will still attack as we are able to do at any time and anywhere! We are a threat to authoritarians and bourgeois financiers who love the monster of democracy for its profit!

On Monday June 12, 2023 at 02:56 AM we vandalized a Bank Negara Indonesia ATM located in front of Sekip Ujung Market, Jl. Amphibi, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province. And an act of vandalism from our conspirators on Wednesday June 21, 2023 at 00:30 AM in the morning at the Bank Tabungan Negara ATM located on Jl. Bibis Bunder, Gesikan, Krian, Krian District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java and at 00:59 AM WIB at the Bank Negara Indonesia ATM on Jl. Raya Kalijaten, Taman District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java.

Continue reading Indonesia: Communique Claim Action by Unit Nemesis FAI-IRF for ATMs destroyed.

FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)

Communiqué du S

Salut tout le monde,

Je m’appelle Serge et j’ai été gravement blessé, comme beaucoup d’autres, à la manifestation contre la mégabassine de Sainte Soline du 25 mars 2023. J’ai été atteint à la tête par une grenade, probablement tirée en tendu par un gendarme équipé d’un lanceur de grenade cougar. J’ai subi un grave traumatisme crânien qui m’a mis en situation d’urgence absolue, situation aggravée par le blocage de ma prise en charge par les secours durant la manifestation. Après un mois de coma artificiel et six semaines en réanimation, j’ai été transféré dans un service de neurochirurgie, puis en centre de rééducation. A l’heure actuelle, je ressens d’énormes progrès dans ma faculté à bouger, manger et tout simplement échanger et réfléchir. Le chemin va être extrêmement long mais je suis déterminé à tout donner, à me battre pour récupérer ce qui me constituait, tant physiquement que mentalement. Je le fais évidemment pour moi, mais aussi parce que je pense que refuser d’abdiquer, refuser d’être écrasé par la machine répressive est une nécessité politique, à l’heure où les Etats font le pari de la terreur et de notre passivité.

Je tiens d’abord à remercier celles et ceux qui, dans ce champ de mines, m’ont porté, tenu la main, protégé, promulgué les premiers soins (ralentissement de l’hémorragie, massage cardiaque, intubation etc.) et m’ont tout simplement permis de rester en vie. Je tiens également à remercier les soignants qui, à chaque stade, ont pris soin de moi et m’aident encore aujourd’hui à reconquérir mon corps et ma tête. Je ne peux que vous faire part du bien fou que j’ai ressenti à ma sortie du coma devant la solidarité massive qui s’est exprimée : assemblées, textes, tags, dons, musiques, actions et messages divers de camarades de par le monde. L’écho de vos voix et des rugissements de la rue nous a aidé, mes proches et moi, à ne rien lâcher. Pour tout cela, je vous dis à toutes et tous un grand merci. Vous avez été énormes.
Continue reading FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)

Snitch Suzie Savoie Swarmed and Deplatformed in Southern Oregon, (USA)

Snitch Suzie Savoie Swarmed and Deplatformed in Southern Oregon


On Sunday, April 16, 2023, a group of bee loving environmentalists successfully deplatformed an event that was being led by Green Scare snitch and cooperating defendant Suzanne Savoie. Despite snitching on her ex-comrades in 2006, Savoie continues to worm her way into environmental activist spaces.
Yes, it’s been a longtime but Suzie we have not forgotten! You are an enemy to butterflies, ants and all critters who love the earth.

Suzie was scheduled to give a talk in the Southern Oregon town of Talent about pollinator gardens with her business Klamath-Siskiyou Native Seeds. But Suzie, as an unrepentant snitch and enemy to the environmental movement, is no friend of the bees! Prior to the event, the scene was buzzing with excitement as friendly faces swarmed the location and hung a banner featuring a cute image of The Vengeful, Vengeful Caterpillar announcing “Snitch Suzie NOT Welcome!” At this point, Suzie’s team called the cops — of course! Once a snitch, still a snitch.
Continue reading Snitch Suzie Savoie Swarmed and Deplatformed in Southern Oregon, (USA)

The Local Kids – Issue 9 – Summer 2023

All has changed yet everything remains the same. Several shocks have reverberated through society over the last years and changed our reality profoundly. At the same time, the monotony of daily life continues to impose itself relentlessly. Whether this observation is frightening or comforting speaks volumes about one’s perspective or mood.

Rather than confront the existential anxiety that this destructive society engenders, we might be tempted to carry on, as much as we can, as if nothing is happening. As the virulence of the Covid-19 virus and the states’ measures have tempered down, many seem keen to move on. Not everyone though. Some might consider it pesky but the question of proximity during those periods of lockdowns and curfews is still pertinent. Fear and repression made it impossible to meet each other, paralysing not only social struggles but social life itself. During the pandemic, the state made abundant use of (scientific) experts and the media to lay claim to rationality. Everything that diverged from the dominant discourse was labelled as irrational and quashed. Following suit with these binaries is to enter a game which is not ours to play and in which we have nothing to gain.

Continue reading The Local Kids – Issue 9 – Summer 2023

Loreto (Peru): attacking oil tankers

Peru: two oil tankers stormed by indigenous militants
June 9, 2023

Environmental groups are becoming increasingly radical around the world. In Peru, the indigenous group Aidecobap (Indigenous Association for the Development and Preservation of Bajo Puinahua) took control of two PetroTal tankers on Tuesday June 6. The Canadian company claims that the two barges were stormed with canoes and molotov cocktails on Tuesday June 6, on a river in the Puinahua district, in the Loreto region (north-east Peru).

The first boat, flying the Brazilian flag, was empty and had a crew of six. The second, Peruvian, was carrying 40,000 barrels of oil and eight crew members. One of them is said to have been hit in the head by a spear, but his injury required only “light medical attention”, according to PetroTal. The company is denouncing a river blockade that is preventing it from exploiting the Loreto production field. The two boats are said to be guarded near a town called 7 de Julio. The company cited supporters of the Indigenous Association for the Development and Conservation of Bajo Puinahua (Aidecobap), who on their Facebook page accuse PetroTal of destroying the environment “with impunity”. The two barges are transporting crude to Brazil from PetroTal’s Loreto production field.
Continue reading Loreto (Peru): attacking oil tankers

Lausanne, Switzerland : En|Fr|Gr/ 29/6/23, Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

En|Fr|Gr : 29/6,Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

Nous sommes des camarades anarchistes voulant montrer notre solidarité avec les membres du groupe Lutte Révolutionnaire. Nous voulons contribuer à la campagne de soutien financier pour Pola Roupa et Nikos Maziotis ainsi que leurs familles afin de les aider à surmonter les épreuves auxquelles iels font face (graves problèmes de santé, difficultés financières, etc..). Une présentation et un temps d’échanges auront lieu le 29 juin à 19h au Porno Diesel (VD). Une bouffe sera préparée pour 20h30 et sera suivi par un concert du groupe Wretched of the Earth (US)!


We are anarchist comrades showing solidarity with the imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle. We are aiding towards a financial support campaign for Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and also for their family with the aim of supporting them in the serious problems they are facing (serious health problems, financial difficulties, etc.). On the 29th of June at pornodiesel (VD), a presentation will take place at 19:00, followed by a discussion. At 20:30 vegan food is planned, followed by a gig from Wretched of the Earth (US).


Είμαστε αναρχικοί σύντροφοι/ισσες που δείχνουμε αλληλεγγύη στα φυλακισμένα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα. Συνδράμουμε σε μια καμπάνια οικονομικής στήριξης της Πόλας Ρούπα και του Νίκου Μαζιώτη, αλλά και της οικογένειάς τους με στόχο να τους στηρίξουμε στα σοβαρά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν (σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας, οικονομικές δυσκολίες κ.λπ.). Στις 29 Ιουνίου στο pornodiesel (Λοζάνη, καντόνι Vaud), θα πραγματοποιηθεί παρουσίαση στις 19:00 και θα ακολουθήσει συζήτηση. Στις 20:30 έχει προγραμματιστεί vegan φαγητό και θα ακολουθήσει συναυλία από τους Wretched of the Earth (US).

