Following the police assassination of Nahel in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) Tuesday morning, a first, a second, then a third night of rioting took place throughout the country; destructive riots on which we have published long lists here. And finally, a fourth was not long in coming this last night of Friday 30th to Saturday 1st July.
via: sansnom Translated by a comrade for Act for freedom now!
[Summary of regional and national press, July 1, 2023]
Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting
What marked this fourth night of riots, in addition to clashes with the police around the country, was new cities joining the fight (small or medium -sized), the beginnings of the use or theft of firearms (Lyon, Marseille), and looting for which hundreds of youths have been able to show up (including in the day or early evening: according to the Minister of Finance, the summary so far is that 200 large retail stores were attacked and looted, along with 250 tobacconists (newsagents), 250 banks, and a dozen shopping centres — 700 in all).
Regarding the targets – which we concentrate more willingly, while the journo-cops filter them more – it remains everything that embodies local state and institutional domination (from town halls to schools, socio-cultural centres, social landlords, or the post office) which were most burnt this night.
Some figures
The Ministry of the Interior identified last night from June 30 to 1st July, 2,560 fires on the public highway (against 3,880 in the night From Thursday to Friday), 1,350 vehicles torched (against 1,919 at night previous) and 266 burnt or damaged buildings, including 26 town halls, 24 schools and 5 justice establishments (against 492 the previous night). In addition, 58 cop dens were attacked (31 commissariat-type stations, 16 municipal police stations. and 11 gendarmerie barracks). 1,311 people were arrested that night across France. A total of 79 police officers and gendarmes were injured.
[AFP, July 1, 2023, very toned-down map, as we can see below…]
North-Eastern France
In Mont-Saint-Martin (Meurthe-et-Moselle), after several attempts, thirty people burst into the town hall where they found two private security guards.
Continue reading Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting (France)