How To Survive The 9 To 5 – Monkeywrenching & Forest Defense in North “Georgia” (USA)

How To Survive The 9 To 5 – Monkeywrenching & Forest Defense in North “Georgia”

Originally intended to be a zine, expanding to a short book, How To Survive The 9 To 5 focuses on direct action in wilderness and woodland areas and Land defense – specifically in North “georgia”. Deeply influenced by the movement to Stop Cop City and Defend the Atlanta Forest, this writing aims to aid in compiling information useful to this fight; covering topics on basic camping know-how, the local flora and fauna, natural building and skills, security and defense, and some useful tips and tactics for direct action.

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State crime in Pylos|Athens 13/07 Omonoia demo towards EU offices|Panhellenic day of actions (Athens,Greece)



On Wednesday 14/6/2023, off the coast of Pylos, a fishing boat capsized, resulting in the death of more than 600 people. Testimonies of surviving migrants speak of hundreds of women and children trapped in the holds of the fishing boat. The involvement of the Greek Coast Guard in the sinking of the vessel was immediate: not only they did not rescue the passengers when the vessel was already in danger, but according to the compelling testimonies of the survivors, the sinking occurred when the coastguards towed the vessel at high speed using a rope. With complete ignorance of the human lives, the coastguard was a spectator from a distance to the drowning of hundreds of people, launching the rescue operation after 2 full hours.

After the 104 survivors were brought to the shore, the police confiscated 40 survivors’ mobile phones that were in the Kalamata hospital and replaced them, so that the evidence of the Greek coastguard’s responsibility for the sinking of the ship would disappear. According to the survivors, the phones were working and several of them have a recording of the entire trip, including the murderous intervention of the coast guard. Of the 104 survivors of the deadly shipwreck, 9 Egyptians are accused of being traffickers and were taken in an emergency and undercover situation to Nafplion prison It is common practice after the arrival of each ship to select people randomly, and charge them with the above-mentioned charges, in order to criminalize the immigration itself. The remaining migrants, scarred by the traumatic experience, were transferred to the closed camp-prison Malakasa 2. They have no access to decent medical care, legal representation, interpretation and psychological support. They, also, cannot be informed about the situation of their relatives and friends who are missing or are in hospital after the shipwreck, which exacerbates their psychological situation. Pylos was not an accident but a mass murder by the Greek state and the EU!
Continue reading State crime in Pylos|Athens 13/07 Omonoia demo towards EU offices|Panhellenic day of actions (Athens,Greece)

Atlanta police vehicles vandalized, motorcycles near academy set on fire overnight (USA)

Atlanta police vehicles vandalized, motorcycles near academy set on fire overnight

Three police vehiclesvandalized, and several police motorcycles were set on fire overnight.

Officers were dispatched around 1 a.m. to 890 Memorial Drive regarding damage to vehicles.

Upon arrival, they discovered three APD vehicles with broken windows. The Path Force Unit is located at that address.
Continue reading Atlanta police vehicles vandalized, motorcycles near academy set on fire overnight (USA)

Munich (Germany): a new relay-antenna goes up in flames

Munich : a new relay-antenna goes up in flames

At around 3 a.m. on the night of June 9,
a new relay-antenna went up in flames in the Waldtrudering district to the east of Munich. The Telekom antenna, some 30 meters high, was engulfed in flames that could be seen for miles around. Material damage is estimated at around one million euros.

State Security (Staatsschutz) was in charge of the investigation, and in this case the K43 police station, responsible for left-wing organized crime. In recent years, unknown assailants have repeatedly set fire to relay-antennas and fiber-optic infrastructure in and around Munich. Total damage: around four million euros.

[German press summary, June 9, 2023]

via: Sansnom

Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings (USA)

Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings

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At this point, many anarchists in the US are already familiar with how tiqqunists destroyed the struggle at the Notre-Dame-des-Landes ZAD (Zone to Defend) occupation in France in favor of legalization and property ownership [1]. The narrative that this tragic conclusion to the decade-long struggle was actually a victory has been regurgitated ad nauseum by tiqqunist platforms in the US. For example, Ill Will Edition’s “The Strategy of Composition” is about applying this “strategy” to the struggle against Cop City: “The territorial phase of the struggle took shape gradually over a ten year period from 2008 until its eventual victory in 2018, and has since continued to nourish collective experiments on the Zone to this day”.

The next initiative of the ex-ZAD tiqqunists failed when those familiar with their methods of recuperation and authoritarianism sabotaged their attempts to take the vanguard of a ZAD located in Carnet. Comrades from the Carnet ZAD along with those from several other struggles co-authored a statement outlining the attempts at cooptation and centralization, which we included as an appendix in this zine as an inspiring example of anti-authoritarians making a struggle inhospitable to authoritarian power plays.
Continue reading Breaking Ranks: Subverting the Hierarchy and Manipulation Behind Earth Uprisings (USA)

Koridallos prison court ,Greece: Update of the final trial of the 4 imprisoned anarchist comrades Jason R., Fotis D., Panagiotis B. and Lambros B., prosecuted for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police.

The trial of the 4 imprisoned anarchist comrades Jason R., Fotis D., Panagiotis B. and Lambros B., prosecuted for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police, has ended.

The court found the comrades not guilty of attempted manslaughter but guilty of possession of explosives, arson and explosion [a felony], aggravated damage to property, insulting police officers [in conspiracy], threatening [in conspiracy and serially], insubordination [F. D. and J.R.], violence against officers [F.D.], possession of a small quantity of cannabis [F.D.].

Continue reading Koridallos prison court ,Greece: Update of the final trial of the 4 imprisoned anarchist comrades Jason R., Fotis D., Panagiotis B. and Lambros B., prosecuted for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police.

Switzerland ,EN/DE/ IT : 10 Civil Protection Vehicles & 3 Military Vehicles Set on Fire.

Swiss neutrality does not exist

Switzerland, which regards itself as neutral so it can maintain its privileged role as the world’s financial hub, actually bears a lot of responsibility for many wars around the world. The Swiss arms industry exports weapons everywhere, even to countries where there are armed conflicts. Lately it has even relocated some manufacturing facilities abroad so as to circumvent laws that would “ban” arms exports to countries at war, for example to Ukraine, aligning itself fully with NATO’s warmongering interventionist rhetoric.

Switzerland’s role as a financial marketplace and leading commodity trader makes this state a major player in the devastation of the planet and the plundering of the resources of countries in the global south, fueling conflicts and forcing people to leave their countries of origin. Not content with sowing misery all over the world, it prides itself with “defending” its borders against the migration “threat,” with its military guarding the borders and civil defense soldiers running deportation centers.
Continue reading Switzerland ,EN/DE/ IT : 10 Civil Protection Vehicles & 3 Military Vehicles Set on Fire.

Two More Machines Burned at Brent Scarbrough Site in Atlanta (USA)

Two More Machines Burned at Brent Scarbrough Site in Atlanta

Dear Brent Scarbrough,

Happy Fourth of July! Today we decided to celebrate our independence from your destruction of the land for Cop City by torching two of your machines, a steam roller and a front end loader, in broad daylight across from the federal prison in Atlanta (the same site that was hit three months ago). We noticed that you only have overnight security there, and we just wanted to let you know that you and your machines will never be safe, night or day. If you thought it was chill to clearcut 80+ acres, you were wrong and you will fucking pay. You may have thought you were done with us, but we will never be done with you.
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Motte-Servolex (Savoie): Another downed electricity pylon! (France)

Motte-Servolex (Savoie): Another downed electricity pylon!

On the night of June 25 to 26, we sawed off the legs of a 225kV electricity pylon in the vicinity of La Motte-Servolex, on the outskirts of Chambery.

We followed the protocol described in Claim for the sabotage of an electric pylon, which we reproduce below:

1) Saw the transversal bars.
Note: These are the bars that connect the legs together.
2) Saw with oblique cuts on the two legs in the direction of the fall.

Continue reading Motte-Servolex (Savoie): Another downed electricity pylon! (France)


This is a documentation from any comrade where participate for 11 June: International Solidarity With Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners in a several location in Indonesia

Pacet, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur (East Java):

Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur (East Java):