Munich (Germany): burning data cables under the bridge

Munich : burning data cables under the bridge

In Munich on Friday night, July 8, at around 4 a.m., two excavators were set alight on a construction site next to the Herzog-Heinrich bridge, which crosses both the Isar river and the canal. And it’s fair to say that the construction machines, whose engines caught fire, were admirably positioned, as data cables for telecom companies run under this bridge, which in turn caught fire, along with the bridge’s substructure. An expert must now examine the structure to decide if and when it can be reopened to traffic.

According to the police, the damage and location point to arson. Not least because the Herzog Heinrich Bridge is only a few meters south of the Leinthaler Bridge, which was the scene of an arson attack in December 2019. This attack destroyed two large Vodafone fiber-optic cables located along the two bridges, which supplied power to major companies such as BMW, as well as the Munich municipal services’ northern thermal power station. It was an act of solidarity that raised the proposal: “Let’s cut off the juice to the climate killers”.
Continue reading Munich (Germany): burning data cables under the bridge

Brussels (Belgium): Copshops go up in flames too!

Brussels: Copshops go up in flames too!

Saint-Gilles police station burnt down last night!
Sud Infos, July 7, 2023 (excerpt)

According to witnesses, it was around 3 a.m. on Thursday night when a hooded individual threw a Molotov cocktail at the front door of the Parvis de Saint-Gilles police station, which consequently burned.

The fire also caused some damage to the station’s reception area, but this was limited given that the premises were armored from that point on. Investigations are underway to identify the arsonist.

via: sansnom

Athens, Greece – For the explosion in Haidari at the house of the chief prison guard at Korydallos prison.

Athens, For the explosion in the area of Haidari at the house of the chief prison guard at Korydallos prison

At the present time it is obvious that the right-wing government has as its primary goal a barbarous attitude for the benefit of the few and against the many marginal social groups. The police regime is growing, the repressive mechanisms are getting stronger and stronger. Cops shoot and kill without any consequence, cops invade universities.

The slightest dissenting opinion is immediately attacked and silenced by the state of difference and decadence.With this in mind, this whole repressive mentality has also been passed behind the walls. Any form of protest and assertion of the self-evident needs of the prisoners finds “walls raised” and is immediately attacked by the scoundrels and their courtiers who run the prisons. The humans guard in question, Dionisis Tsirgiotis.

Continue reading Athens, Greece – For the explosion in Haidari at the house of the chief prison guard at Korydallos prison.

Greece, City of Patras : Taking responsibility for the attack on the French Consulate by Anarchist cell “Vassilis Maggos”.

Greece, City of Patras : Taking responsibility for the attack on the French Consulate

From France to Greece… the flame of social revolt is their nightmare!

On the evening of Thursday 6th July we attacked the French Consulate in Patras while it was being guarded by police forces. A group of comrades moved under the nose of the police guard, which was on the spot with a cage set up to prevent an attack on the consulate, and threw bottles of red paint at it. The police forces were right in front of the building and when we appeared we pushed them away; as a result they ran and “calmly” hid behind the cage, in the words of their president.

Our action is dedicated to 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk who was murdered in cold blood on June 27 by the uniformed dogs of the French state and the other boy murdered in the social uprising that is shaking France. It is also a signal of internationalist solidarity with our class brothers and sisters who are rebelling in France and experiencing the violence of the state.

Continue reading Greece, City of Patras : Taking responsibility for the attack on the French Consulate by Anarchist cell “Vassilis Maggos”.

Slovenia: On Sunday 10th July there was an intervention outside the Greek embassy in Ljubljana.

On Sunday 10th July there was an intervention outside the greek embassy in Ljubljana to focus attention on the racist murder by a cop 2 days before and to continue to call out the state murder of 600 people in pylos.Banners were hung on the building and the gathering shouted slogans in greek and english.

During the summer the greek state is in fever to present itself as paradise to tourists. But this image is reliant on daily violence targeted at racialised people, those claiming asylum, the homeless and drug users who live in the cities.

Continue reading Slovenia: On Sunday 10th July there was an intervention outside the Greek embassy in Ljubljana.

Italy: The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out

The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out


— The man who fell to earth, “The lives of others”

— Revolution, “The postponement”

— “The wind of anarchy”

— “Call for international action in solidarity with the anarchist on hunger strike G. Michailidis”

— “Stop cop city. International call for solidarity with anarchists in Atlanta, USA”

— “News from Sicily. New military projects”

— Someone* from the territory that isn’t, “Against militarism. For a life outside States”

— “Vademecum for friends of the struggle”

— “Massacre of Via dei Georgofili. Anarchist investigated”

— Alfredo M. Bonanno, “Love and death”

— Assembly of solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and the revolutionary prisoners, “One more thousand insusceptible of repentance. Contribution to the mobilisation in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito”

— “Operation Panico”

— “Greg arrested”

— an anarchist, “Con l’acqua alla gola. An anarchist look at the flood in Romagna”

— Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea, “Explosive attack against the Fundación Paz Ciudadana”

— “UK: revolt in Cardiff”

— “Cardiff. A riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance”

— “Patras. Barrage of attacks on banks”

— “Thessaloniki, Greece. COSMOTE van set on fire”

— “Roussillon, France. Sabotage of the high-voltage line feeding the Hexcel company in solidarity with Serge”

– “Toulouse, France. No metro no work”

“Bezmotivny”, internationalist anarchist fortnightly, year III, number 11, June 12, 2023. To receive copies and/or subscribe, write to the following e-mail address or to the postbox: Bezmotivny, c/o Casella postale 59, 54033 Carrara (MS).

Cover price: 1,50 euro. Annual subscription: 35 euro. Support subscription: 50 euro. Distributor subscription: contact the editors.

[Received by email and published in]


È uscito “Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023


Continue reading Italy: The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, on the street! 10 July 2023

We are happy to know and report that the anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva was released from prison a few hours ago.

The struggle continues!





(España) Compañero anarquista Gabriel Pombo da Silva, en la calle! 10 de julio de 2023

Nos alegra saber e informar que el compañero anarquista Gabriel Pombo da Silva salió de la cárcel hace algunas horas.

¡La lucha continúa!

via: informativoanarquista


We received a reportback from activists in Greece about a protest and blockade outside Dior. Have a read, and remember that you’re also welcome to send us any reportbacks from any actions you’d like publicised!

“On Friday, June 9, 2023, we held a symbolic blockade outside the Dior store on Voukourestiou Street in Athens, Greece.

LOUIS VUITTON & DIOR are killing animals for their profit

The multinational giant LHMV (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton), which owns 75 of the most famous fashion companies (Tiffany & Co., Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Loewe, Loro Piana, Kenzo, Celine, Sephora, Princess Yachts, TAG Heuer, and Bulgari et al.) kills animals for profit. The multinational giant LHMV (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton), which owns 75 of the most famous fashion companies (Tiffany & Co., Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Loewe, Loro Piana, Kenzo, Celine, Sephora, Princess Yachts, TAG Heuer, and Bulgari and more) kills animals for profit.

Continue reading GREEK RESISTANCE AGAINST FUR AND SKIN. (Athens,Greece)

New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace.

Against capitalist wars

In Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the UK, Italy, Syria, France etc… All
over the world there is a voice against capitalist wars and also against capitalist peace. Only class war can end this terror and that is what we mean when we say No War but the Class War!

The new pamphlet contains 14 texts by various groups and individuals.
The aim is to explain and affirm the meaning of antimilitarism,
internationalism and revolutionary defeatism. The publication will be presented for the first time at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in
Ljubljana. The pamphlet is also available for download in PDF.
Continue reading New Pamphlet: Against capitalist wars, against capitalist peace.

Munich (Germany): the TV truck didn’t make it through the night

Munich : the TV truck didn’t make it through the night

At around 3:40 a.m. on Sunday night, June 26, a satellite transmission truck belonging to the ZDF television network was set on fire in Munich’s Glockenbach district. The precious technological cargo of the special truck is certainly unusable, and the damage is enormous: several hundred thousand euros.

The burnt-out TV truck was part of a mobile production center, which had broadcast live from St. Maximilian’s Church on Sunday morning the mass of nationally renowned pastor Rainer Maria Schiessler. After the broadcast, the satellite broadcast vehicle was due to remain in front of St. Maximilian’s church until Monday… except that it didn’t make it through the night.
Continue reading Munich (Germany): the TV truck didn’t make it through the night