(Spain) For Arsonists and Other Like-Minded Individuals: Claiming the Arson Attack on an Indra Van (25/07/2023)

For Arsonists and Other Like-Minded Individuals: Claiming the Arson Attack on an Indra Van (25/07/2023)

July 28th, 2023


Last Tuesday the 25th, at dawn, we attacked a van belonging to the company Indra near the neighborhood of Vallcarca with our favorite materials: gasoline and fire.
Indra, an arms manufacturer, is the technical part of the development of state geopolitical and economic interests.

Numerous contracts with the Spanish Ministry of Defense demonstrate its participation in military armament projects as well as its control of 80% of the Sociedad Española de Misiles, the Spanish subsidiary of the main European missile manufacturer.

Today, the military industry has adopted a new image that departs from that of the military staging a coup d’état to a kinder one, of friendly and smiling professional mercenaries who, together with their suppliers, respond to a social demand for security.
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Chile: Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco

Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco 

July 23rd, 2023     via: informativoanarquista

Subsequently, Francisco’s defense team intervened, who, supported by the fact that the comrade had assumed his responsibility in the attacks some months ago, appealed for the reclassification of the charges presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, seeking to reduce the years of the sentence. They requested for what happened in the 54th Police Station of Huechuraba to be classified as injuries and not as attempted murder, for the unexploded package against Hinzpeter to be reclassified as simple and not aggravated attempted murder and for the attacks against the Tánica Building to not be classified as terrorist acts. In addition, they requested the incorporation of the legal principle of Non bis un idem, which consists of not trying one person more than once for the same crime. Monica’s defense seeks acquittal on all charges against her.

During the first day, a solidarity rally was held with the comrades outside the Santiago Justice Center.

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Two Valves Turned Closed on Enbridge’s Line 5 (United States)

Two Valves Turned Closed on Enbridge’s Line 5

Reportback from some valve turners:

It is with a heavy heart and hazy skies we announce that 2 different pipeline valves were turned off along the Line 5 route on Anishinaabae land in the great lakes region.This was done on the 13th anniversary of the Kalamazoo River oil spill.This was the 2nd largest inland oil spill in amerikkkan history, dumping 1,000,000 gallons of tar sands crude oil into the river and causing untold damage to the water, land and those who live on it.

Currently, Enbridge is preparing to construct a concrete tunnel beneath the waters of the so-called Great Lakes to house a dual pipeline system in order to increase flow rates and carry even more tar sands from the lands of the north to refineries in the south.The Straits tunnel project is meant to replace a 70 year old pipe that is hastily secured to the bottom of the lake bed, even free floating in some areas.

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Person charged and awaiting trial after shooting an electrical substation and spray-painting messages relating to the Dakota Access Pipeline – Ray, ND (United States)

Person charged and awaiting trial after shooting an electrical substation and spray-painting messages relating to the Dakota Access Pipeline – Ray, ND

July 12th, 2023

A Canadian is facing federal charges after authorities alleged he shot a gun at an electricity substation in western North Dakota.

A person appeared Wednesday, July 12, in U.S. District Court in Bismarck on one count each of destruction of an energy facility, “possession of a firearm by an illegal alien” and “possession of ammunition by an illegal alien.” His trial is scheduled for September.

Continue reading Person charged and awaiting trial after shooting an electrical substation and spray-painting messages relating to the Dakota Access Pipeline – Ray, ND (United States)

Italy : Communiqué from Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi” in Carrara,on the August 8 repressive operation (and Luigi’s prison address)


August, the State, through the public prosecution of Genoa (in the figure of prosecutor Federico Manotti) and the DIGOS of La Spezia, carried out yet another repressive operation against the anarchist movement. Their aim is to silence any revolutionary desire and aspiration – as already happened with “anatianarchist laws” over a hundred years ago.

Ten anarchists have been accused in this investigation including five comrades of Carrara for whom the prosecutor had requested imprisonment, which the judge for preliminary investigations Riccardo Ghio changed to four house arrests with full restrictions, followed by five forced residences with curfew, and one comrade with no restrictions. One of the four comrades under house arrest was ordered to be taken to prison as he did not have a certificate of residence: so Luigi has been transferred to the prison of La Spezia.

As well as the house searches the historic anarchist place in Carrara, Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi”, was also searched. Magazines, books, leaflets, posters and digital material were confiscated.

Continue reading Italy : Communiqué from Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi” in Carrara,on the August 8 repressive operation (and Luigi’s prison address)

Athens,Greece: symbolically attacked, throwing paint at the ANEGERSIS CONSTRUCTION companyby anarchists

Back off snitches, forward comrades, by anarchists

We are in a period where in the last few months alone there have been State and capitalist murders, along with the plundering of nature to serve various interests and additional restrictions and surveillance. Issues which certainly cannot leave us indifferent.

The Tempi accident, the forest fires, the murder of hundreds of migrants at the borders (see the shipwreck off Pylos), the labour “accidents” are some of the events that have taken place. Others have been “announced”, carried out and are being launched even more intensely, such as evictions, iron cladding of parks and squares (such as Park Drakopoulou, following on from Exarcheia, various squares concerning the metro, etc.), privatisations, curfews for the city’s few parks, and of course the eviction of self-managed spaces and the intensifying attack on the people of the struggle. These are the conditions we have to face.
Within this context, there have been two “rounds” of elections in which the New Democracy party won and is still in government. Thus, the state has continuity and “commitments” that continue. Repression, cops, bans, individual responsibility are the tools of the state to manage any “crisis”.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: symbolically attacked, throwing paint at the ANEGERSIS CONSTRUCTION companyby anarchists

A flashback on “Operation Panico” (Italy)

A flashback on Operation Panico

Now that the sentences of Operation Panico have been made final by the court of Cassation(https://ilrovescio.info/2023/07/15/operazione-panico-condanne-confermate-in-cassazione-paska-condotto-in-carcere-a-bologna/), it seems appropriate to remember – at least briefly – the facts for which these comrades were sentenced. We are doing this by republishing a poster spread throughout Trentino and beyond in the summer of  2019, on the eve of the first degree sentence. While the charge of criminal association fell in the second degree, and Giovanni has been acquitted for the “New Year’s bang”, almost all the other charges have been confirmed on appeal and again by the Cassation of Rome. We also recall that Paska, arrested in Bologna, has been transferred to the prison of Opera in Milan. To him and to all those sentenced our full solidarity: if they are “innocent”, they fully deserve it; if they are “guilty”, they deserve it even more!

To write to Paska:

Pierloreto Fallanca
Via camporgnago 40


Here is the poster in pdf: Lampo-1.pdf” (1)


In Florence, on the night of new year 2017, a homemade device was found by the Digos in the iron shutter of the fascist bookshop “il Bargello”, linked to Casapound. Intervening without protection, perhaps drunk with the revelries, one of the police bomb disposal unit is seriously wounded after exploding it in his face.

Continue reading A flashback on “Operation Panico” (Italy)

Bremen (Germany): burning electric charging stations

Bremen: burning electric charging stations

The costs of the energy transition … and electric charging stations on fire

The exploitation of new sources of raw materials, mines and factories to implement the so-called energy transition and the shift to electrified individual transport is in full swing: megafactories exploiting groundwater; new lithium mines in Portugal; nickel and gold from stolen indigenous land in Indonesia; exploitation of vanadium deposits in Norway and rare earths on Samí territory in Sweden; cobalt from the Congo… the industrial exploitation of copper, cobalt and nickel on the seabed; the supply of hydrogen from artificial islands in the North Sea or via neo-colonial import strategies from Namibia and Chile … the costs of this energy transition and of continued exploitation are now common knowledge. The shift towards green capitalism is inevitably accompanied by a intensification of the exploitation of people and nature!

There are an infinite number of targets, means and methods for attacking, delaying and sabotaging this process.

We have chosen to focus on an infrastructure that is currently developing rapidly and is present almost everywhere: electric charging stations. They are a necessary component of the Green New Deal’s transportation shift and therefore make an ideal, low-threshold target.

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Arson suspected in fire at L.A. City Hall, officials say – Los Angeles CA (USA)

Arson suspected in fire at L.A. City Hall, officials say – Los Angeles CA

July 07, 2023

The Los Angeles Fire Department’s arson team is investigating a fire that occurred Saturday night on the second floor of City Hall, authorities said.

Police believe that someone may have started the fire by throwing an unknown object through a window in the building.

“Initially it appears a suspect outside of City Hall threw an object … into the office, breaking the window and causing the fire,” said Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson Officer Warren Moore. There was damage inside one of the offices, he said.

The fire alarm on the second floor was activated at 8 p.m. Saturday, Moore said.
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