Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory (San Francisco, USA)

Actforfree notes: Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis his temporary release on parole on 14/6/2023 , and the anarchist Georgia Voulgaris  they free back to the streets!

Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory

On August 21 2023, approximately 20 people gathered in San Francisco to write letters in solidarity with imprisoned revolutionaries, liberationists, insurrectionists, and anti-colonial warriors facing state repression around the globe. In commemoration of both BLACK AUGUST and INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST PRISONERS, people came together to read zines, share food, stories, and discuss the cases of numerous anarchist prisoners.

At the end of the night, a small group of comrades dropped a banner over the 101 freeway in San Francisco, declaring solidarity from the Bay Area with anarchist prisoners everywhere. We encourage others to please take action this week; whether in the form of writing a letter or dropping a banner – “Every sincere effort is as special as every human life.”

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EN/FR/EL Greece: Resistance message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation Th. Chatzianggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

Thanos Chatziangelou ….and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the furthest reaches of the earth

“See, how their indifference is killing us”

On a planet that increasingly resembles a slaughterhouse, there are people with steeled consciences, deeply buried in the concrete and iron of non-existence for their subversive intentions. People who have honoured their status, standing with respect and dedication in the passage of history. They confronted the lackeys of power face to face, not as spectators in the arena of the spectacle but as fighters. Sworn enemies of injustice and opponents of the status quo.

On a planet that increasingly looks like a prison, there are real prisoners with the flower of liberation rooted in their hearts. Prisoners of a silent unrelenting war against decadence and alienation that promises no security but thirsts for life. And every night they gaze at the stars as the walls of confinement rise. And each dawn grows taller with will and perseverance. Until the last dawn comes…

Continue reading EN/FR/EL Greece: Resistance message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation Th. Chatzianggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

Aude, Southern France: no vacation for the network of the police

Aude : no vacation for the network of the police

Aude: emergency numbers unreachable this August 15 due to an act of vandalism
L’Indépendant, August 15, 2023 (excerpt)

Vandals don’t take vacations. On the night of Monday August 14 to Tuesday August 15, as yet unidentified individuals severed the fiber network in a commune of Haute Vallée, along a railroad line. An act with serious consequences, since emergency numbers (15, 18 and 17) have been unreachable in the area ever since, regardless of the mobile operator.

“Even on a public holiday, our teams remain mobilized to restore access to these emergency numbers as quickly as possible. The area concerned is difficult to access: the teams have to walk for an hour and a half along the railroad line, and in the heat, before reaching the location”, explains Pierre Savanio, Director of Relations with Local Authorities for Orange. As a result, two teams are working simultaneously on site to weld and replace the cables over a distance of more than a kilometer as quickly as possible.

Continue reading Aude, Southern France: no vacation for the network of the police

Fleurus (Belgium): cop and military collaborator loses 10 vehicles


Fleurus : cop and military collaborator loses 10 vehicles

[As a reminder, the logistics group UPS (United Parcel Service) is the holder of the North American Department of Defense’s contract to transport packages around the world, and has been for decades (along with FedEx & Polar Air Cargo), making it, for example, the preferred logistician for military personnel at American NATO bases in Europe. It’s also one of the major companies currently donating to the Cop City project in Atlanta; and it’s also a zealous recruiter of US veterans and army reservists, whose “skills” and “values” UPS proudly claims to share in its promotional campaigns].

Fleurus: ten vans set on fire on a company site
Belga/DH, August 16, 2023 (excerpt)

On Tuesday evening, shortly after 11 p.m., firefighters from Jumet and Charleroi (Hainaut-Est zone) were mobilized in Fleurus, on Avenue de l’Espérance, in the zoning area. They were alerted to a van on fire near the hangar of a company [the UPS group’s subcontractor].

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Update on Anarchist Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity (Italy, August 2023)

Update on Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity August 2023

The latest news we’ve got about Alfredo, still in prison in Bancali (Sassari) under the 41 bis regime, are that his health is stable, he is physically sound and has regained weight after his six-month hunger strike. Unfortunately, he receives very little mail, almost none. Also, when the prison withholds letters, postcards or telegrams, often he’s not informed by prison staff.

He thus finds himself subjected to an even higher and more arbitrary censorship than the already harsh one of 41 bis. Let’s not let him lack our solidarity! We urge all to write letters or postcards using registered mail with return receipt requested, to increase the chances that, if they are withheld from him, he will be at least notified.

Against all prisons!

Cassa Antirepressione delle Alpi Occidentali

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”
strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari


IT) Aggiornamento sulla situazione di Alfredo Cospito e appello alla solidarietà (agosto 2023)
(EN) Update on Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity (Italy, August 2023)
(ES) Actualización sobre la situación de Alfredo Cospito y llamada a la solidaridad (Italia, agosto 2023)

United States: Asheville Police Cars ‘Completely Destroyed’ By Suspected Arson – Asheville, NC

Asheville Police Cars ‘Completely Destroyed’ By Suspected Arson – Asheville, NC

August 14, 2023

Two marked Asheville Police Department vehicles were set on fire the morning of Aug. 14.
The Asheville Fire Department responded to the scene and extinguished two police cars that had been set on fire near block 30 of Lynndale Avenue in West Asheville.

The parking lot is located behind APD’s West Asheville resource center on Haywood Road and is used by the department to park cars.

The Asheville Fire Department says “There’s no information that we have other than they do believe it was arson and it is under investigation,”

via: unravel

(Chile) Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

(communiqué and images received on 6/8/23 to the email

Arson attack on RED bus outside San Miguel Prison

When we visualize the face of the enemy, we immediately recognize the prison and its penitentiary system, with all its apparatuses and officials, as a target to destroy since this is where they have historically sought to imprison revolutionary minds and actions.

Both in the past and in the present, we know that our comrades in prison have had to resist constant harassment of their bodies on a daily basis, as the gendarmerie tries to systematically demoralize our comrades in prison through humiliation, punishment, torture, threats to take away their visits or orders in the face of any act that alters the codes of domination within the units.

That is why, by means of a precision attack, we set fire to a RED bus with an efficient incendiary device outside the San Miguel Prison, aiming to disrupting the passivity that wafts through the streets, throughout this society that surveilles and controls behavior, longing for submission and building a false belief in the impossibility of fighting it.

A special greeting to comrade Mónica Caballero, who is in a new trial against her together with Francisco Solar for several explosive attacks against repressors and powerful people. Insurrectional solidarity with Mónica and Francisco!

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Vert-le-Petit (Essonne): sabotage of the electrical network at a nuclear and weapons hot spot (Northern France)

“The cables are under the pylons”.

Indymedia Lille, July 25, 2023

Some thirty kilometers south of Paris, in the Essonne region of France, in the commune of Vert-le Petit, lies the Centre d’étude du Bouchet, one of the world’s leading nuclear and armaments sites.

It was here in 1820 that the Poudrerie Nationale du Bouchet was created, and during the First World slaughter, 5,000 workers produced huge quantities of gunpowder and ammunition for the front line.

From 1920 to 1940, although it did not stop manufacturing conventional munitions altogether, the plant focused much of its activity on new technologies linked to the possibility of a conflict involving chemical, biological and bacteriological processes.

Continue reading Vert-le-Petit (Essonne): sabotage of the electrical network at a nuclear and weapons hot spot (Northern France)

Ingolstadt (Germany): two army trucks aflame

Ingolstadt : two army trucks aflame

In the town of Ingolstadt, on the banks of the Danube halfway between Nuremberg and Munich (Bavaria), the German army has no problem outsourcing some of the services it needs. Like, for example, the maintenance of its expensive vehicles. In the middle of summer, two Iveco military trucks were parked at a car dealership on Münchener Strasse, waiting to resume their dirty work.

Except, as it happens, there was a problem, and not an accidental one. According to an official police report, “criminals attempted to set fire to the vehicles between July 20 and August 3”. And the local press added: “The criminal police found evidence that the trucks had been intentionally set on fire”, one of the consequences of which was to involve the military police (Feldjäger) in the investigation.

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Italy: Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations

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Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations

In the early morning of Tuesday, August 8th, a repressive operation – ridiculously named Scripta Scelera (these fine people always come up with some “ambitious” or suggestive name for their operations) [Latin: “written crimes”] – was unleashed by the State’s repressive apparatus in various cities. It was aimed at shutting down the anarchist internationalist fortnightly magazine “Bezmotivny”, thereby striking the action of publication of analysis and reflection as well as, and in particular, texts claiming actions, sabotage and initiatives of attack undertaken by anarchists and revolutionaries throughout the world against the State and capital.

Let’s take a brief look at the facts. Mainly involving anarchist comrades in Carrara and the “Gogliardo Fiaschi” Anarchist Cultural Circle, the operation consisted of notification of an investigation against 10 comrades, all of whom were subjected to house searches (as well as that against the above-mentioned anarchist circle), and significant seizures of newspapers and various publications. Concerning the 10 under investigation (for whom Genovese public prosecutor Manotti twice requested their arrest in prison), the judge for the preliminary investigations ordered house arrest with all restrictions (including electronic ankle bracelets, which were not applied due to lack of the necessary equipment) for four of the comrades, a night curfew from 19.00 to 7am for another five, while one comrade has no restrictions (at the police station they notified him of a two years’ compulsory expulsion order from the province of La Spezia). One of the comrades under house arrest was initially taken to prison on order of the same prosecutor, due to the fact that he did not have a certificate of residence. In the context of the operation, a printing press in Avenza, where the paper had recently been printed, was also shut down (and later re-opened).

Continue reading Italy: Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations