South London,UK : A solidarity benefit gig on Saturday, 2 September for Boris, an anarchist comrade in France

Static Noise – Benefit gig w/ Swaraj Chronos/Bug Central/Ashes of Death/Grunt/Revival of Death/Hearse Pileup

A solidarity benefit gig for Boris, an anarchist comrade in France who in 2021 was sentenced to 2 years in prison for burning down radio towers that housed the communications networks of the French police as well as all four mobile network operators.

During his time in prison a fire in his cell left him tetraplegic, and in need of a “state”-of-the-art wheelchair if he is to be mobile again.

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Athens,Greece: ZIZANIA squatted social center in Viktoria and Ano Kato squatted steki in Patissia have been evicted,and some symbolic actions round Europe.

Update 25/8/23/, Cops are currently evicting Zizania squatted social center. We will update soon with plans for solidarity and resistance.

update 29/8/23, Cops are now putting sheet metal on the windows of Zizania. There are OPKE cops at the door.

We call for an immediate gathering at the corner of Feron and Aristotelous.

25/8/23 , ZIZANIA squatted social center in Viktoria and Ano Kato squated steki in Patissia have been evicted.

Zizania is a squatted social center that opened in early April 2021, during the second lock-down and shortly after the events of Nea Smyrni. In this context, we chose to open a squat in Viktoria– having in mind the hard repression that hit the squatting movement over the last years, the huge loss of organising spaces, the policing and privatisation of public spaces, and the marginalisation of the area of Viktoria and its struggles. We chose to squat this specific building both for its central location and its 30 year old history of being a self-organized space(with breaks) in this neighborhood of the marginalised, the left aside,the undesirable.

Viktoria is where we live, where we met, and in different ways became part of the area’s constant struggles. It’s a neighborhood of the marginalized— migrants, queer people, sex workers, drug users, poor people, and those the state and society pushes to the outside. It is created and maintained by racist police checks, fascist attacks, sexist harassment, forced social isolation, and deep housing precarity while replicating Greece’s external borders in its criminalisation of people of color through barriers to healthcare, documents, work and education.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: ZIZANIA squatted social center in Viktoria and Ano Kato squatted steki in Patissia have been evicted,and some symbolic actions round Europe.

 Italy: Update on the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation ”Scripta Scelera” and details of the solidarity fund

Update on the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation ”Scripta Scelera” and details of the solidarity fund

Informing you that the review hearing for the precautionary measures of the operation Scripta Scelera in relation  to the new repressive measures ordered by the judge for preliminary investigations Ghio concerning the procedure Scripta Scelera  against the anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny” has been fixed for August 28th at the court of Genoa from 9am. An operation that on August 8th led to 11 house searches (among which that of the Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi” in Carrara), massive seizures of newspapers and publications (as well as phones, computers, etc.) and the notification of an investigation concerning 10 anarchist comrades, for whom the il public prosecutor Manotti had originally requested arrests on two occasions, from July 2022 and in March 2023.

From the second request, from which derives the order of the GIP leading to the operation of 8th August, with house arrests with all restrictions for four comrades of Carrara and five obligations to remain, with night curfew from 19.00 to 7.00, among whom also comrades in Aquila, Lucca and Spoleto.
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Thomas Meyer-Falk is free!!! (Germany)

Today, 29 August Thomas was released after almost 27 years imprisoned!Best action during the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners!First prize: FREEDOM!We are all really happy and wish Thomas all the best and welcome home!

We still share his letter of solidarity for this years week.
Thanks for supporting the Week of Solidarity for many years.


Solidarity greetings for the Soli Week for Anarchist Prisoners 2023

Also here from Freiburg in southern Germany, solidarity and warm greetings for the Soli Week. For almost 27 years I have been observing the world behind bars from the perspective of a prisoner. First in pre-trial detention, later in criminal detention and finally since 2013 in preventive detention. Preventive detention was introduced in Germany in 1933, yes, it was the Nazis who amended the criminal law accordingly on 24.11.1933 – since then, people can be held in prison in Germany for an unforeseeable period of time even after serving their prison sentence. In the 1990s and 2000s, other European countries followed suit, always in the name of “public security”: Belgium, France, Sweden, Great Britain, Switzerland and many more.

In many cases, normal imprisonment is already a death sentence in instalments, first the soul dies, and often in the end the body dies as well. Just a few weeks ago, a man in his early 40s took his own life in the Freiburg preventive detention, apparently seeing no realistic prospect of regaining his freedom. His wife, children, adoptive mother and siblings mourn him – but so do some of the other inmates. However, it must be clear that prisoners also have the right to take their own lives. No one should be allowed to forbid them to do so. But it must also be asked what responsibility the state institutions bear for such a decision? It would be too easy to release them from their responsibility by referring to the autonomous decision of the respective inmates.
Continue reading Thomas Meyer-Falk is free!!! (Germany)

Letter from Ambro – anarchist prisoner in Chile for the Week of Solidarity

“I wish I could transform myself into a wolf, so I could sink my teeth into the womb of society in an orgy of destruction.” Bruno Filippi

From some corner of the Chilean prisons

Having finished my daily hours in the courtyard, from my cell I throw myself into writing a few lines in order to find a brief moment of freedom that will interrupt my prison reality.

If I think of anarchist solidarity, the first thing that comes to my mind is my arrival in prison, when my comrades who had already been held hostage for various political reasons took charge of orienting me and gave me the tools to survive in this hostile and indifferent world.

Continue reading Letter from Ambro – anarchist prisoner in Chile for the Week of Solidarity

Prison and resistance. Talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva 28 August in Leipzig (Germany)

Prison and resistance. Talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva 28 August in Leipzig.

In the framework of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, this Monday, the 28th of August, there will be a talk with Gabriel Pombo da Silva at the Karl-Helga.

Gabriel is a well-known anarchist militant with a long history, who has spent more than 30 years in different prisons for his activities. On this occasion, we will talk about what this week of solidarity means and how important it is; at the same time, we will remember our comrades who are still behind bars or who have left us. For his part, Gabriel will tell us about his current situation (recently released), the repression of the anarchist movement and the meaning of prison within the system of domination and why we anarchists oppose it.

The talk will be streamed and will start at 6pm.
We invite you to bring something to eat to share with other participants.
Drinks will be available on site.

Monday, 28 August 6pm @ KarlHelga Leipzig

Arson Attack Against a Vehicle Owned by Environment-Destroyer Züblin in Berlin, Germany

Arson Attack Against a Vehicle Owned by Environment-Destroyer Züblin in Berlin

(B) Switch Off! Neighborhood and environment destroyer Züblin

Somebody has to build all this shit, the highways through forests, the jails, the palaces of the rich in the formerly green backyards of Berlin’s old buildings, the concrete aisles along the banks of the Spree River.

As we walk through the city, we repeatedly encounter the signs of a handful of companies that want to use them to mark who owns the city. Among them is Züblin, a construction corporation that pours cement on the explosive increase in rents. Züblin has long been active in the business of the capitalist attack on our living spaces, and was already targeted forty years ago for this reason, when construction machinery burned because of its involvement in the construction of Runway West in Frankfurt. During the Nazi regime, Züblin used forced laborers at Frankfurt Airport. Through its connection with Strabag, Züblin has become one of the leading tree killers, see the expansion of the A49 through the Danni or A66 through the Fechenheimer forest.

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EN/FR/ : A small fire for solidarity/ un petit feu au soutien (Berlin,Germany)

A small fire for solidarity/ un petit feu au soutien

Following the call for practical support for the fights in France this weekend, we decided to do what we could here and placed a small fire starter under a miles sharing car in the night of the 14th to the 15th of July as a salute to our French comrades. Suivre l’appel au soutien pratique pour France ce week-end, nous avons décidé de faire ce que nous pouvions ici et avons placé un petit allume-feu sous une voiture de Miles dans la nuit du 14 au 15 juillet en guise de salut à nos camarades français.

Following the call for practical support for the fights in France this weekend, we decided to do what we could here and placed a small fire starter under a miles sharing car that was left waiting in Columbiadamm in the night of the 14th to the 15th of July as a salute to our French comrades.

Continue reading EN/FR/ : A small fire for solidarity/ un petit feu au soutien (Berlin,Germany)

For an internationalist and anti-authoritarian mobilisation against the war. Second meeting in Rome, September 2nd, 2023 (Italy)

For an internationalist and anti-authoritarian mobilisation against the war. Second meeting in Rome, September 2nd, 2023

The discussion about the war in Ukraine on July 22nd in Rome was well attended by comrades and comrades from different territories and cities. A shared will emerged to help stop a massacre that threatens to drag us all — on this or that side of the frontline — towards an abyss with no return (be it the nuclear apocalypse or a state of permanent war between the different capitalist blocks, the repercussions of which are already being felt in our latitudes: war economy, increasing militarisation of society, demonisation of opinions, attack on all social and class struggles, iron fist against subversives and opponents…).

Continue reading For an internationalist and anti-authoritarian mobilisation against the war. Second meeting in Rome, September 2nd, 2023 (Italy)

Montargis (Loiret) France : riot and sabotage go hand in hand

Montargis (Loiret): riot and sabotage go hand in hand

Infrastructure destroyed during the riots, then acts of sabotage on [fiber] cabinets
La République du Centre, July 26, 2023 (excerpt)

Hundreds of residents in the Sirène and Chaussée neighborhoods have been without Internet and telephone service for weeks now, due to rioting and sabotage of fiber network cabinets.

It’s a recurring message on social networks over the last few days, on groups dealing with daily life in Montargis: many residents of the Sirène and Chaussée districts have pointed out that they no longer have an Internet network, and are wondering about the potential end of the outage, which is linked for many to the violent riots that took place on the nights of June 29 and 30.
Continue reading Montargis (Loiret) France : riot and sabotage go hand in hand