Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)

Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever

With the blue supermoon in Pisces illuminating our liberatory path, a squad of real ones ran up on the Walgreens where Banko Brown was murdered; we glued every single lock shut and painted the entire storefront with his name.

The militant momentum generated by collective outrage at the murder of Banko Brown had been successfully co-opted and quelled—not directly by the state, but by one of its most powerful co-conspirators: liberal counter-insurgency. Instead of riots, we got Pride parties, political parties, and non-profit fundraisers; in place of radical action, we saw protests at City Hall with members of the pro-police political aristocracy on the mic as well as liberal demands to “jail killer cops” and furnish video of the murder that we did not need to see in order to know that what was done to Banko demands of us nothing less than to fight back with everything we have.

Continue reading Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)

Olympia, USA : Night Time Attack on Cop City Funder Subsidiary

Olympia: Night Time Attack on Cop City Funder Subsidiary

On the night of September 9th a small band assembled to carry out an attack on an Arby’s in Westside St̕č̓as (so-called Olympia). The crew convened in the shadows near the target. Anxious at first, a shooting star blesses our action and we don the black masks. We briskly walk to the target, confirm we are still in, set a thirty second timer, tag it and smash the windows and disperse. In, out, no arrests.

This target was chosen as CEO Paul Brown of its owning and franchising company, Inspire Brands LLC, sits on the board of directors of the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF) who are behind the funding and political push for the urban warfare training ground and mass deforestation project known as Cop City. We take this small action against Cop City and its world and send love to those resisting the beast of police militarization in ATL.

Also, just in general, fuck Arby’s.

Targets are everywhere, take aim and strike.
And remember, It’s Easy to Attack!


submitted anonymously on pugetsoundanarchists

Claim of Responsibility for Asheville Arson (United States)

Claim of Responsibility for Asheville Arson

there were a lot of so-called anarchists at the acab bookfair but we’re not sure what you nerds do besides read books. we dont know how to read so instead we burned those cop cars. even though they were parked right behind the police/fire station nobody noticed until it was too late and the cars were “completely destroyed.”

we were just gonna leave it unclaimed because it seemed funnier that way, but we were just thinking about how cool march 5th was and we remembered theres a whole movement about it! there were 200 of us there that day, what are the rest of you up to? theres freakin pigs everywhere and their cars are extremely flammable. burning a cop car might be the easiest thing you’ve done in your life, it was for us.

-march 5th movement

Submitted Over Email


Italy : The Anarchist comrade Giusepppe Bruna (Beppe) is in need of economic support


The comrade Beppe is in need of economic support

If you are anarchists you will surely have heard about the Prometeo trial that ended in Genoa just a few months ago and which is an exemplary case for understanding how the mainstream media really work in this country.

Let’s remember the facts.

The Prometeo trial saw three of our comrades, Natascia, Beppe e Robert accused of sending two explosive packages addressed to two ex public prosecutors in Turin: Sparagna e Rinaudo, both involved for years in ferocious repression of the struggle along with the ex director of the Dap, Santi Consolo, one of those mainly responsible for the torture that thousands of prisoners live daily on their own skins…
The public prosecutor Federico Manotti, already well known in the past for his repressive fury towards Anarchists… asked for a total penalty of over half a century’s prison.
17 years was requested for Natascia and Robert and even 18 years and 4 months for Beppe.

The chief indictment brought out for the occasion was the infamous article 280, or attack with aims of terrorism.

This trial arrived after something like 3 years (I repeat 3 years) of preventive detention… with continual transfers from one prison to another (Pavia, Opera and Bologna) and always under regimes of maximum security…
At this point it is useful to recall the absolutely shameful behaviour of the mainstream media regarding such an event..
Continue reading Italy : The Anarchist comrade Giusepppe Bruna (Beppe) is in need of economic support

A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

A factory that is less and less ordinary…

One visit can hide another

On March 30, 4th graders from Les Deux Vallées secondary school in Cheylard, in the Vivarais region of France, paid a visit to a seemingly ordinary company. While the more assiduous students had to restrain themselves from yawning at the presentation of the various aeronautical professions, the more sensitive ones may have thought that, after all, a school day away from the four walls that confine dreams was something to be welcomed. On the same day, a second group was also touring the plant, but in a much more interested way, as it was made up entirely of entrepreneurs and elected representatives.

Both visits took place in La Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche), and more specifically at the headquarters of Fregate Aero, which builds “structural sub-assemblies for airplanes and helicopters, using metal, sheet metal and machined parts. Our main customers are Airbus, Dassault and Safran”, according to Frédéric Guimbal, the company’s president. That day, the man with the tense smile dishing out a clumsy promotion for his death box had other things on his mind. Three days earlier, at around 5am on Monday March 27, an arson attack had hit the Fregate Aero group’s second factory, located in the village of Beauchastel, less than five kilometers away.
Continue reading A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

Bure,France: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)

Bure: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)

From the self-organised camp of meeting and struggles in Bure in the northeast of France we send a small sign of solidarity to our comrades from the evicted squats in Athens and Paris.

Here in Bure a local struggle is taking place for the last 30 years against the plans of the French state and the Andra company to install a burial unit oc nuclear waste. In the context of this struggle a 10 day camp was organised for individuals and teams from all over the world who struggle against the pillage of nature and build collective/self-organised structures in the countryside to meet. More infos about this struggle and the camp here:https://bureburebure.info/https://lpr-camp.org/

Continue reading Bure,France: Solidarity with the evicted squats in Athens and Montreuil (Paris)

Cops’ summer hunt for rioters (France)

Cops’ summer hunt for rioters

Riots: how police track down delinquents who escaped arrest
Le Figaro, August 17, 2023

Police investigators carried out a colossal task throughout July to track down 314 delinquents who had escaped arrest during the nights of violence.

As France suddenly tumbled into chaos during the riots following the death of Nahel, killed on June 27 after refusing to obey the law in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), the forces of law and order had to absorb a double shock. The first, filmed hour by hour, was a tsunami of violence that resulted in 3,800 arrests, made in real time and red-handed, across the country. The second, much less well known, was the result of an extraordinary judicial hunt, the details of which Le Figaro is able to reveal. As of July 31, no fewer than 314 additional rioters, thugs and arsonists had been arrested by the investigation departments of public security and the judicial police. The latter alone was entrusted with the task of carrying out just over 170 particularly sensitive investigations into the most serious acts.

From the very first days, the judicial authorities referred emblematic events to the judicial police, such as the destruction and arson of town halls, attacks on police stations, major looting, and even threats or attacks on elected representatives,” explains Frédéric Laissy, head of the national police force’s communications department. While public order measures were still being maintained at their maximum, the first arrests were made at home, often with the assistance of the BRI or Raid.”
Continue reading Cops’ summer hunt for rioters (France)

Death is a master from Germany – Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland

Around two years ago hundreds of us were trying to block a deportation flight in BER-Airport. It ended up with us watching as families were entering the plane and being forced back to Afghanistan. We were enough people to stop the flight, but we lacked the creativity, the anger and determination. How could we stand still in face of such racist cruelty?
Within the ongoing brutalization of the borders all over the world, the German state started to propagate the need for a particularly isolated deportation prison. This means an expansion of the existing one in Schönefeld with a capacity of 120 imprisoned people by 2025.

A budget of 315 million euros has been decided for 2023-24 to finance the planned deportation prison at BER Airport.
Under one roof,all the institutions will function accordingly to enable asylum procedures and deportations to be fast: whether in the airport asylum procedure, in transit detention or in exit detention, people are held and locked up in Schönefeld during the asylum processes or/and until been deported.

Continue reading Death is a master from Germany – Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland

Asheville City Council Member says her car windows were smashed, tires slashed- Asheville, NC (United States)

Asheville City Council Member says her car windows were smashed, tires slashed- Asheville, NC

August 12, 2023

An Asheville City Council member said her car tires were slashed and car windows smashed Aug. 10.

Maggie Ullman, in an Aug. 11 Facebook post, said the vandalism happened after she and four other council members signed an open letter about public safety.

Continue reading Asheville City Council Member says her car windows were smashed, tires slashed- Asheville, NC (United States)

Beyond the Screen, the Stars

From Ungrateful Hyenas Editions

PDF (Print)

“Nothing is boring if you are aware of it. It may be irritating but it is not boring. If it is pleasant the pleasure will not fail so long as you are aware of it. Being aware is the hardest work the soul can do, I think.” — Solitude by Ursula LeGuin

As technological expansion hurtles forward at an increasingly dizzying pace, the presence of smartphones threatens to become normalized across the anarchist space; in many places, this presence has already been normalized for a long time. Among anarchists in the US, critiques of adopting smartphones, or any other new tech gadget, have generally failed to escape the dead-end binaristic logic of moralistic lifestyle politics. Choosing to live without technology is reduced to a form of consumer activism — an arbitrary personal code that is irrelevant to the struggle, or even harmful in terms of redirecting hostility against the state into judgments of individual consumer choices.

The concept of ‘there’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism’ has, predictably, become a banner of the ‘radical’ social media consumption frenzy that has engulfed anarchist milieus in these territories and paved the way for the current state of things. Today it is nearly unheard of to live without a smartphone; when attending a meeting or event, one must assume there is a smartphone in each and every pocket, and any critique of this reality is largely viewed as the squawking of old-timer, out of touch wingnuts.

In some places anarchists have resisted this process of normalization and maintained a clear and consistent critique of the impact of smartphone adoption, warding off the incursion from taking hold in the first place. Everywhere that this is not the case however, including but not limited to the US, where any such critique has long since faded, is there any going back? What would it look like to propose that anarchists ditch the technologies we have become increasingly dependent on and addicted to for over a decade, that have come to mediate so much of our lives, relationships, and forms of struggle? Continue reading Beyond the Screen, the Stars