Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever
With the blue supermoon in Pisces illuminating our liberatory path, a squad of real ones ran up on the Walgreens where Banko Brown was murdered; we glued every single lock shut and painted the entire storefront with his name.
The militant momentum generated by collective outrage at the murder of Banko Brown had been successfully co-opted and quelled—not directly by the state, but by one of its most powerful co-conspirators: liberal counter-insurgency. Instead of riots, we got Pride parties, political parties, and non-profit fundraisers; in place of radical action, we saw protests at City Hall with members of the pro-police political aristocracy on the mic as well as liberal demands to “jail killer cops” and furnish video of the murder that we did not need to see in order to know that what was done to Banko demands of us nothing less than to fight back with everything we have.
Continue reading Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)