Noise Demo for Anarchist Toby Shone ( Bristol,UK )

Fireworks at HMP Bristol for Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone

Anarchists gathered at HMP Bristol on Friday 21 September at 8pm. As darkness fell, fireworks were launched over the prison to protest the rearrest of anarchist Toby Shone and to let him know he is never alone.

Toby was arrested by an armed police unit while he was driving to
Gloucester at 9am on Tuesday 19 September. The arrest was apparently ordered by Ashley Fussell from the National Security Division Wales and South West. The armed police unit is based at Bamfurlong, Gloucestershire, and was involved in Toby’s original arrest in November 2020.

Continue reading Noise Demo for Anarchist Toby Shone ( Bristol,UK )

South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.


an unrelenting struggle, an insurrectional dream.
Social war and repression of anarchists and subversives in the territory dominated by the Chilean state

“Continuing to take paths of rupture is therefore a small victory, showing that, even if the State shows us its worst face, it cannot bend us. We think that solidarity with those affected by repression must necessarily be transgressive and offensive, free from any pessimistic and victimist discourse. The use of all our creativity, limited only by our anarchist principles, is fundamental…”

Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, 2017.

Chilean society is a modern democratic one. The industrial ravaging of indigenous land is conducted for the benefit of American, British and European corporations and is managed by endless ‘anti-terrorist’ operations. The administrators of society, from the bosses of production and mass-media to the scientists and the military; from the priests and politicians to the judges and police, have all undergone a costume-change since the years of fascist dictatorship.

Over this time the territory has been the subject of economic booms and collapses, times of social peace and democratic recuperation as well as some of the most intense social rebellions in recent times that have not been short of explosive examples throughout the world.
Continue reading South London , UK : We are presenting a two-part event, The Social War in the Territory Dominated by the Chilean State – And International Solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners, at the Touchpaper Anarchist Library.

EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English.


CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1.

“Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to the pigs and swell the ranks of the libertarian women who, united with the rebels, make propaganda with the pen, the word, and also with the rifle or dynamite, destroying the dens where the wolves of power, money and religion dwell. Forward libertarian women!”

Francisca J. Mendoza

¡Tierra! #481

December 28, 1912

At approximately 10 p.m. on September 9, 2023 we placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, Campeche, with the intention of sabotaging the war that the Mexican government is waging against the jungle with the construction of the so-called “Mayan train”.


It is a project of destruction by territorial reordering that intends to establish a model of “development poles” leading to the expansion of fully capitalist relations in the Yucatan peninsula, which will provoke proletarianization, forced displacement, generalized contamination, dispossession and destruction of our ways of life. WE DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
Continue reading EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Caen (Calvados)France : Sabotage of an electric charging station

Caen (Calvados): Sabotage of an electric charging station

[Received by email, August 7, 2023]

What is the ecological transition?

It’s a change in the energy production model that doesn’t break with capitalist growth, the plundering of resources, neo-colonial exploitation and the destruction of the living.

It’s a continuation of the general increase in production, particularly electricity production. Consequently, ecological transition is synonymous with the revival of nuclear power, giant wind power projects, mega solar panel farms and the continued production of fossil fuels. It also means the reinforcement of extractivism and opening new mines, such as lithium mines to produce millions of electric batteries. It also means ever more infrastructure, extra-high-voltage lines, transformers, undersea cables… ever more pollution, waste and death.

Continue reading Caen (Calvados)France : Sabotage of an electric charging station

(Chile) Incendiary Attack at Instituto Nacional for Monica, Francisco and Against Safe Classroom, Repressive Laws and Anti-squat Laws

 Incendiary Attack at Instituto Nacional for Monica, Francisco and Against Safe Classroom, Repressive Laws and Anti-squat Laws

On Thursday, August 17, banners, pamphlets, barricades and molotov confrontations were deployed against the presence of the carabineros (COP), between Alameda and Arturo Pratt.

Banners and leaflets read: “Organized students mobilize against repressive laws. No to the anti-squat law, safe classroom and trigger happy law. Delinquents forever”, “kick a narco, become anarco” and “Faced with the trial against the comrades, unleash solidarity with Monica and Francisco”.

via:informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

Pont-Évêque (Isère): sabotage of the high-voltage pylon at the industrial paper mill (France)

Pont-Évêque (Isère): sabotage of the high-voltage pylon at the industrial paper mill

Pont-Évêque. A transformer set on fire: criminal origin beyond a doubt
Le Dauphiné, September 12, 2023

There is no doubt that the fire which destroyed a 63,000 volt electrical transformer in Pont-Évêque on the night of Monday September 11 to Tuesday September 12 was of criminal origin.

The fire was reported at 3 a.m.: bushes along Avenue Denis-Crapon were on fire. By the time the first fire fighters had arrived, the flames had spread to an electrical transformer at the foot of a pylon supplying the Finnish paper mill Ahlstrom-Munksjö, located at in the commune on the banks of the Gère. Although the fire was quickly brought under control, Enedis staff were also called in to assess the damage.

Continue reading Pont-Évêque (Isère): sabotage of the high-voltage pylon at the industrial paper mill (France)

(Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

(Excerpted from La Zarzamora)

Letter of solidarity from Wallmapu

To all those who struggle and to public opinion in general.
Throughout the history of humanity, the pueblos have risen up, fought, resisted against tyranny and oppression imposed in different ways and different contexts. This is how the capitalist system through the state and government as its faithful dogs do the impossible of stopping anyone who fights for their pueblo, increasing sentences, creating new laws to segregate and dismantle every bastion of struggle and resistance.

It should be noted that for all those committed to the struggle against the capitalist system, this only increases our ties of solidarity and support.
Continue reading (Wallmapu) Mapuche political prisoners from Temuco show solidarity with anarchist and subversive prisoners August 22nd, 2023

Anarchist comrade Toby Shone abducted by armed cops and sent back to prison (UK)!

Toby Shone is an anarchist who was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for nearly two years accused of being the administrator of counter-information project After the political prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022 under heavy restrictions (license conditions), oversight by a multi-agency team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror) and forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9 months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire 9 days ago.

On the morning of 19 September 2023, he was driving to an appointment with his probation officer when he was pulled over and arrested by an armed police unit in-between the Forest of Dean and Gloucester. He was taken to HMP Bristol. He is awaiting more detailed information, but his legal team say that the allegations are that he breached two of his license conditions: being in possession of an [unauthorised] phone and attending a meeting in Bristol in August.

Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and books.

Please write to him at:
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road

Dartford- Kent, UK : Traffic lights chopped in half by furious anti-ULEZ protesters.

A set of traffic lights has been found cut in two as a protest at the ULEZ area in London. The Ultra-Low Emission Zone ‘ULEZ’ was expanded from August 29 – meaning thousands more drivers face paying a daily £12.50 charge to drive in all London boroughs.

It follows a significant surge in acts of vandalism and sabotage against Ulez cameras in recent weeks,carried out by individuals who refer to themselves as “blade runners”.

The lights at a crossing on Crayford Way are seen spliced in half with electrical wires exposed. A red sticker on the post reads “ULEZ spy camera” with an arrow pointing upwards.

From scummedia