Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English.
CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1.
“Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to the pigs and swell the ranks of the libertarian women who, united with the rebels, make propaganda with the pen, the word, and also with the rifle or dynamite, destroying the dens where the wolves of power, money and religion dwell. Forward libertarian women!”
Francisca J. Mendoza
¡Tierra! #481
December 28, 1912
At approximately 10 p.m. on September 9, 2023 we placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, Campeche, with the intention of sabotaging the war that the Mexican government is waging against the jungle with the construction of the so-called “Mayan train”.
It is a project of destruction by territorial reordering that intends to establish a model of “development poles” leading to the expansion of fully capitalist relations in the Yucatan peninsula, which will provoke proletarianization, forced displacement, generalized contamination, dispossession and destruction of our ways of life. WE DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
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