Athens,Greece : Clashes with the MAT (riots cops forces) outside the University Campus (Ilisia)


Video document of the heavy  clashes with the MAT outside the University Campus in Ilisia, in Athens on the evening of Saturday 21 October 2023.

From the flyers  found at the scene and the slogans that were heard, it can be concluded that the clashes with the MAT, from the Directorate of Police Operations of Attica which is very close, were made in response to the recent evictions of squatters (Katalipsi Evangelismos, Zizania, Ano Kato, Steki Polytechniou).

Athens, Greece : Response from the anti-fascist motorbike demo/patrol Sunday 29/10/23

Athens: Response from the anti-fascist motorbike demo/patrol Sunday 29/10

On Sunday 29/10 with a meeting point at the square of Ag. Andreas in Lambrini area of Glatsi over 20 motorbikes did an anti-fascist bike-demo/patrol moving throughout the areas of Galatsi, Lambrini and Patisia.

As of many years now, we will not allow fascists to find free reign in our neighbourhoods. Any attempt will be crushed.

On Wednesday 1/11 at 18:00 we support the anti-fascist callout in the square of N. Heraklion.

Not a speck of ground for the fascists. Grassroots organization and militant anti-fascism.

Anarchist Collective “Reaction’’

Athens, Greece: Murderous attack by Police – 28/10 – a companiera seriously injured in hospital

Athens: Murderous attack by Police – 28/10 – a companiera seriously injured in hospital

Calls : 29/10 Athens 20:30 at Syntagma square | 30/10 Athens [Propylaia] 19:00 | Patras city 18:30

OPKE cops (Group of Crime Prevention and Suppression)  seriously injured a companeira (16 years old) in the head, on the evening of Saturday 28/10 in N.Heraklion. The companiera is hospitalized with serious injuries.

The murderous attack by the cops took place during an anti-fascist patrol carried out by comrades in the neighbourhoods of N.Heraklion, during an anti-fascist concert held in the square of N. Heraklion, regarding the calls against the fascist celebration of the 10-year anniversary of November 1st (execution of two members of golden dawn neo-Nazis).




Ten years after the armed attack against neo-Nazis in N. Heraklion, area in Athens the fascists are preparing a pan-European celebration in memory of the 2 dead neo-Nazis

From the militant anti-fascist march and the destruction of the fascist monument.

A video follows.










Neither fascism nor democracy – Down with States, long live anarchy!
Not in the streets or anywhere, we crush the fascists in every neighbourhood!

Act for freedom now!

Yet Another Brent Scarborough Machine Destroyed (USA)

On the night of October 1st, the Brent Scarborough site across from the penitentiary was visited for a third time and an excavator was burned.

They still have overnight security but we didn’t run into them. We know people are afraid. We are afraid too, but we move through fear by taking action. Hearing a machine explode as you walk away is actually really freeing.

The upcoming mass action has set us a deadline. We have from now until November 13 to stop the “movement’s next phase” from being defined by NVDA. We honor our dead by following their struggle through to the end. Start making your way to Atlanta or take action where you are.

Submitted Anonymously Over Email

via: scenes.noblogs

(Chile) A Few Clarifications from Aldo and Lucas Facing the So-Called “Gendarmerie Case”

A Few Clarifications from Aldo and Lucas Facing the So-Called “Gendarmerie Case”

In 2 months we will mark one year since our detention, since the multiple raids that were carried out in search of a comrade alleged to have carried out the assertive explosive attack that destroyed the offices of the National Directorate of the Gendarmerie of Chile.

This repressive operation culminated with four people in preventive detention, mainy being processed for various illicite elements found in the homes and Aldo, accused of being responsible for the explosive attack.

Continue reading (Chile) A Few Clarifications from Aldo and Lucas Facing the So-Called “Gendarmerie Case”

Athens,Greece: Text of Thersitis (Anarchist collective in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighbourhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron

Text of Thersitis (Anarchist, a place of intrigue & subversion in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighborhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron

Recently another series of repressive operations against occupied spaces of the anarchist-anti-authoritarian movement  (a/a) has been underway. On 8/25, the self-managed squat Ano Kato Patision and the Zizania social centre are evicted, with the latter being reoccupied on 10/14 by comrades from Zizania and a number of supporters. On 4/9 the hangout of the anarchist queer collective Kaliarda at the Faculty of Law is evicted, which is immediately retaken by the comrades@. On 8/31, the first attempt to evict the Self-Managed Polytechnic squat is made, to be followed by three more, with extensive clashes between comrades and police forces, with dozens of arrests. The last unsuccessful attempt to evict takes place on 9/30, while on the same day the occupation of Evangelismos in Heraklion, Crete, is evicted, with ten arrested and one comrade seriously injured.

This story has been going on for years

Repressive attacks against of the anarchist-anti-authoritarian spaces   go back a long way. It seems, however, that since 2010 their suppression has been a primary concern of political administrators of all stripes. After the 2008 uprising, squatter projects and self-organized spaces are increasing, while in the social struggles of the period 10′-12′, the large strike mobilizations and neighbourhood assemblies, they are foci of resistance, planning together with a crowd of people a different model of social organization, with horizontal processes, without divisions and exclusions, with collective kitchens, self-education courses, events-discussions, etc., as well as a multitude of actions and interventions aggressive towards the policies of depreciation and exploitation.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text of Thersitis (Anarchist collective in Athens) on solidarity in the occupation and reoccupation of the a/a space that is shared in the neighbourhoods of Ilio and Ag. Anargyron

Athens, Greece : Attack on E.M.Π. rector’s building, as a minimal sign of solidarity with the squatters by Anarchists.

Athens : Attack on Ε.Μ.Π rector’s building ( The administration of ΕΜΠ offices of polytechnic university) as a minimal sign of solidarity with the squatters

On Thursday 12/10/2023 we carried out an attack on the Ε.Μ.Π. rector’s building, breaking the facade and a large part of the interior, as a minimal sign of solidarity with the squatters.

The State, unable as ever to manage the successive crises it faces, is intensifying its repressive moves, targeting self-managed spaces and the world struggling both inside and outside them.

In the midst of a generalized wave of evictions of squatters throughout the country (Ano-Kato squat in Patisia, Zizania in Victoria, Evangelismos occupation in Heraklion, Crete, Self-managed polytechnic squat) we cannot remain idle and watch the State’s attempt to eliminate the  centres of the struggle in apathy.

Continue reading Athens, Greece : Attack on E.M.Π. rector’s building, as a minimal sign of solidarity with the squatters by Anarchists.

EN/IT/FR/ES/ Rome, Italy: Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime (Oct.23rd, 2023)

Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime
(Oct.23rd, 2023)

Today, Oct. 23rd. We inform you all on the outcome of the hearing held Oct. 19th. at Rome’s Surveillance Court: the request for an immediate suspension of detention under the 41 bis regime of the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito has been denied. We remind you that Alfredo is currently held prisoner in the Bancali prison, in Sassari (Address: Alfredo Cospito, C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”, strada provinciale 56 n. 4, Località Bancali, 07100 Sassari, Italy).

On this occasion, notwithstanding the favourable opinions of some anti-terrorism departments – namely, the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (Anti-mafia and Ant-terrorism National Department) and the Direzione Centrale della Polizia di Prevenzione (Central Directorate of Prevention Police) concerning a suspension of his detention under 41 bis, the political will to keep our comrade within this prison regime has prevailed.

Continue reading EN/IT/FR/ES/ Rome, Italy: Rome’s Surveillance Court has denied the request on behalf of Alfredo Cospito to revoke his detention under 41bis prison regime (Oct.23rd, 2023)

EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper


This newspaper is an expression of solidarity to the comrades under investigation and subjected to precautionary measures in the ”op. Scripta scelera”.

The drafting of this paper has involved the participation of comrades who have always supported anarchist prisoners and revolutionary practices from dissociation and obscurantism towards comrades under investigation for actions considered “striking”. At a time like the present, where the repression against anarchists and the anarchist press has become acute, we welcomed the proposal to bring out a paper that is “provocative” and a challenge to the Genovese prosecutor and the DDAA led by Federico Manotti, a little man, servant of the state.

Leitmotiv, is the name we wanted to give this single issue of the paper as it traces and follows the same themes and lines as the internationalist anarchist fortnightly Bezmotvny.
Leitmotiv would have come out earlier if we had not come up against cop obstructionism, perhaps due to our superficiality; the day we were due to pick up copies at a commercial printer’s we were contacted by the owner who informed us that he had been contacted by the carabinieri.

Continue reading EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

(Chile) Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding

Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding

Received by email 10/01/23. Second email with photo and note received 10/02/23.


Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding. Puento Alto, Chile.

On the night of September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and refridgerator, burning part of its infrastructure and logistics with the goal of causing the most damage possible while being cautious and certain that there were no live animals inside. With this attack we aim to sabotage the transport of the cordillera slaughterhouse and refridgeration, “producer” supply line for butchers, both of which belong to the holding DINACAR, which also raises pigs (Porky/Viña Vieja Farm) and cows (“Viento Sur” chain of farms), completing the chain of the death industry from start to finish.

Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Incendiary Attack on Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Refridgerator of DINACAR Holding