Munich (Germany): railway crane on fire!

Munich : railway crane on fire!

At around 2.40 am on Saturday October 28, the fire department was called to a fire on the railway tracks at Unterföhring, in the north-eastern suburbs of Munich. While sabotage of infrastructure of all kinds occurs regularly in Germany and elsewhere, this time the Bavarian fire brigade were in for a pleasant surprise. It was no less than a huge, multi-ton railway crane that went up in flames, used for work on the tracks between Johanneskirchen and Munich International Airport.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): railway crane on fire!

Athens, Greece : Taking responsibility for the attack on a member of the fascist group propatria in Nea Ionia on Heraklion Avenue.

Athens: Taking responsibility for the attack on a member of the fascist group propatria in Nea Ionia on Heraklion Avenue.

On 28 October we chose to visit the coffee bar berry in Nea Ionia on Heraklion Avenue while Dionysis Karagiannis, a member of the fascist group propatria, was working there. Once again a member of propatria showed us his fighting skills by running to hide in the store’s warehouse. Propatria is a group that acts and moves invisibly, with little presence on the streets and usually for a short time, in the context of captions, “quotes” and in terms of spectacle, trying in this way to reach the youth, forcing the antifascist movement to take on the role of detective in order to reach its members.

They should be well aware that we will choose the target, the time and the place each time. It is the duty of the antifascist movement to dismantle every fascist cell, against any attempt at political reconstruction, with stubbornness, organisation and loyalty to each other.

Continue reading Athens, Greece : Taking responsibility for the attack on a member of the fascist group propatria in Nea Ionia on Heraklion Avenue.

Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules (Loire): arson attack on EHV substation (France)

Fire near high-voltage lines in Forez: it’s a criminal act
Le Progrès, November 2, 2023

On the night of Tuesday October 31 to Wednesday November 1, at around 4:50 a.m., some 30 firefighters responded to a 400 m2 industrial building on fire, at the Volvon RTE substation. According to information provided by the Sdis 42, the burning building contained electrical cabinets and batteries.

The operation was made delicate by the fact that the structure is located within the confines of an RTE relay station, where 225,000 and 63,000 volt high-voltage lines are installed to supply the entire Forez plain.

Continue reading Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules (Loire): arson attack on EHV substation (France)

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. ( France)

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer.

At the beginning of November, a few days after the attack, we learned from the press that one of the site’s two technical buildings, with a surface area of 400 m2, had been seriously damaged. The newspaper reassured its readership, hastening to add that the fire had not caused any network breakdowns. We’re puzzled by these allegations. We have long been aware of the media’s propensity for disinformation. Concealment and falsifications of the facts are the result of commercial, police and political dictates.

These days, silencing or minimizing the extent of sabotage on electrical infrastructures is in fashion. Unfortunately, we can’t factually contradict their claims, and we can’t set the record straight on the consequences of these acts, because they are unknown to us.
Continue reading Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. ( France)

[IT, EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni (7 novembre 2023 Italy)

Operazione Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari con tutte le restrizioni (7 novembre 2023)

Il 30 ottobre il tribunale del riesame di Genova ha disposto il trasferimento agli arresti domiciliari (con le restrizioni nelle comunicazioni, nelle visite e il braccialetto elettronico) per il compagno anarchico Gino Vatteroni, tradotto in carcere il 4 ottobre scorso per un aggravamento delle misure cautelari nei confronti suoi e di Veronica. Per quest’ultima compagna il passaggio dagli arresti domiciliari restrittivi all’obbligo di dimora con rientro notturno e tre firme a settimana è avvenuto il giorno successivo all’udienza, mentre Gino è rimasto nel carcere “San Michele” di Alessandria fino al 7 novembre. Attualmente si trova agli arresti domiciliari restrittivi.

Solidarietà con i compagni e le compagne inquisiti per l’operazione Scripta Scelera contro il quindicinale anarchico internazionalista “Bezmotivny”!


Operation Scripta Scelera: Gino Vatteroni transferred to house arrest with all restrictions (Italy, November 7, 2023)

On October 30th, the re-examination court of Genoa ordered the transfer under house arrest (with restrictions on communications, visits and the electronic bracelet) for anarchist comrade Gino Vatteroni, who was transferred in prison on October 4th for an aggravation of the precautionary measures against him and Veronica. For the latter comrade, the passage from restrictive house arrest to the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence with nightly return to her home (from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) and three signatures a week at a local barracks took place the day after the hearing in Genoa, while Gino remained in the ‘San Michele’ prison in Alessandria until November 7th. Finally he was transferred, so he is now under restrictive house arrest.

Solidarity with the comrades investigated in the “Scripta Scelera ”operation against the internationalist anarchist fortnightly ‘Bezmotivny’!



 Greece: Testimony of the brother of a dead teenager

“We were with my brother, his girlfriend and her sister. He didn’t have a driving licence yet and now that he was nearly 18 he was about to get one. We had taken the car for a drive. We were going from Aliarto to Leontari Thebes. My brother signaled to him to stop but because there were bends in the road there, he didn’t want to as he was afraid someone might come in the opposite direction and there would be a crash. My brother was scared because we had the girls in the car. A little further on, at about 800 metres, he put on the hazard lights and stopped the car.”

The brother of the dead 17-year-old and an eyewitness stated that “the policeman got out of the cop car fuming with nerves, approached, hit the car window on my brother’s side with his gun, with force. My brother opened the door, he didn’t have time to get out before the policeman starting kicking him in the ribs, in the legs, on his shins, grabbed him by the T shirt and shot him. The asphalt was covered in my brother’s blood. For nothing. There are witnesses. No pursuit, nothing. At that moment there was nothing I or the girls could do”.

Some up dates: 12/11/ 23 In Thessaloniki, a march of about 300 people. Strong tension.


Nearly 230 people have already sabotaged their electronic bracelets this year. (Belgium)

Nearly 230 people have already sabotaged their electronic bracelets this year.

Since the start of the year, 6,500 people have already had an electronic ankle bracelet fitted. That’s 1,400 more than at the same time last year. Among them, 228 convicts (3.5%) have already sabotaged the home detention device, mostly by cutting it off, writes Het Laatste Nieuws on Tuesday.

A new generation of bracelets will probably come into service in March 2024. They will then be fitted with an additional fiberglass thread to enable immediate detection of cutting.

sansnom.translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich (Germany): geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

Munich : geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

On Wednesday October 18, Munich’s reluctant public prosecutor issued a statement designed to reassure the brave Bavarian electorate. This time, it wasn’t a question of licking the hand of the authorities, as usual, but of making public a few facts about a case that has been giving him a hard time since the beginning of the month. He thus announced the creation of a specialized group called “Geo”, made up of various investigators from the criminal investigation department, whose aim is to study the sabotage committed throughout Bavaria. Indeed, it’s perhaps no coincidence that the local press was already alarmed last week that “politically-motivated acts have increased considerably” in the region of late, particularly against communication, transport and energy infrastructures.

The name of this police task force, announced with great fanfare by the public prosecutor, refers to the triple sabotage incident in Polling, a village some 50 km east of Munich, which took place around 3.30 a.m. on Sunday night, October 2. There, under the stars and in just a few minutes, ten construction machines and the electrical transformer on the site of a geothermal power plant under construction, as well as a timber extraction vehicle parked in the adjacent forest and a cable shaft along the Mühldorf-Garching railroad line, went up in smoke.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): geothermal energy gets hot (and not only)

Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack 2023

Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the people around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. […] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna by Anarchists

Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna

On the night of October 19, we placed several incendiary devices on the exposed cable bundles at the foot of the telecommunications antenna in Herzbergstraße, Berlin-Lichtenberg. On a trailer, we tagged the reason for our appearance there: Switch-Off.

Attacking the structures that maintain this technologized nightmare world opens up possibilities for the instinct to rebel. It’s not so much analyses and theories, let alone ideologies, that drive us, but rather desires and aspirations, especially for something that even we, as anarchists, sometimes fail to say, or downplay, for fear of seeming ridiculous. It’s about freedom. Of our individual freedom and that of our fellow human beings with whom we want to live. If anything prevents us from experiencing freedom today, it’s not just material conditions, borders or alienation, but also the extensive smartification of life in favor of technologies, which unleash bloody wars for resources and claims to power, while leaving people paralyzed in front of their screens. All this serves to maintain domination and social order, from which many benefit. Yet it is in technology itself, which enslaves us and has until now been the greatest tool of the powerful, that its Achilles heel lies, and that we are attacking it in a targeted manner.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna by Anarchists