Athens,Greece: Taking Responsibility For The Confidential Attack On The Renault Dealership by Anarchists

Taking Responsibility For The Confidential Attack On The Renault Dealership

It was early morning on October 15, the sky was completely dark. Municipal election day. We waited for the voters and the cops to move into the neighbourhood. The streets were almost empty. We reached our goal. We looked at each other with that spark in our eyes. Everything was clean. Nothing was stopping us. A few seconds before the action we wondered if it was worth it, fear took hold, but it is worth it for all the reasons in the world. Determination, the burning heart takes the place of fear. It’s one of the few times you smile. We give the final OK. The person activates the incendiary device, places it under the car. He makes the signal. We walk away, each in turn, seeing that no one in the neighbourhood noticed what had happened. Minutes later, when we were away, in the safety of the dark of night, the device activated and reduced five cars to a flaming mess. If the neighbours hadn’t been woken up by the sound of the fire, the fire siren certainly did it.

The only thing that makes sense in this miserable world we live in is to try to destroy it thoroughly. To resist it in every possible way. This small action is a contribution to this resistance. It is also an invitation to other individuals and groups to participate. There are state and capitalist goals everywhere all we need is a well organized plan and to overcome our fears individually and collectively.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking Responsibility For The Confidential Attack On The Renault Dealership by Anarchists

Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched (USA)

Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched

ADMIN UPDATE: The fire investigators ruled that the fire started in the attic as an electrical fire.

“On Thursday, Bankhead released some of the investigation’s findings. He said the State Fire Marshals Office determined that an electrical fault in the conduit near the entrance to the home caused the fire.
Therefore, officials have determined it was not arson.” –
We will not be removing this post because we believe that the spirits of the dead were showing their rage. We believe that the rage of people who were forced in chattel slavery sent a smoke signal beyond their graves in the form of a shorted electrical current. An electrical current is the most common way that ghosts make their presence known. We stand in unwavering solidarity with the ghosts who used the mystical power they channeled to enact their revenge to remove this horrid atrocity. We believe that no living being had a hand in this occurrence, but we all should take time to thank the negative energy coming forth beyond the grave.
A Civil War-era mansion in Georgia that was once a 1,000-acre plantation and home to slaves has been gutted and completely destroyed by a huge fire overnight.

Continue reading Georgia Civil War-era mansion that was a 1,000-acre plantation and home to 15 slaves is gutted by a huge fire as arson probe is launched (USA)

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project (France)

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project

via: attaque. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Excerpts from Reporterre / Saturday, October 21, 2023

[…] On October 21, on the outskirts of Saïx, in the Tarn countryside, over 10,500 people – 5,000 according to the prefect’s office – took part in the large-scale mobilization. The aim was to call for an immediate halt to work on the A69, a controversial motorway project linking Toulouse and Castres. […]

At around 1pm, not one, not two, but six separate processions formed at the base camp – one for each A69 “lie”. Small leaflets had been distributed beforehand detailing the missions of each of them. Once dispatched under the colorful banners, participants left the site along different routes.

The golden team then headed for the Pierre Fabre laboratory, the main defender of the disputed project. On the way, dozens of hooded people entered the site of the Bardou public works company – “involved in the project” according to the activists – tearing down the metal barriers protecting the site. A few rocks ended up flying into the windows of the building, whose immaculate walls were soon strewn with graffiti.
Continue reading Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project (France)

South London ,UK: The unique and its property : Max Stirner , Discussion Series at the Touch paper anarchist library

PDF of the Unique and its Property:

Sections and Page Numbers:

The Free

“The bourgeoisie professes a morality that is most closely connected with its essence.” Page 102
“The state is founded on the—slavery of labor. If labor becomes free, the state is lost” Page 105

The Owner

“Egoism has no intention of sacrificing anything, of giving up anything; it simply
decides…” Page 212
“ …the egoist behaves as a property owner.” Page 213

on the “free press”
Page 232-233

“…If we want to rid the world of many sorts of bondage…” Page 250
“…because the association doesn’t possess you, you possess it or make it of use to you.” Page 255

“Revolution and insurrection should not be looked upon as synonymous…” Page 258
“…the insurrectionist strives to become constitutionless.” Page 259

Tuesday 28 Th of November  2023

AT 19:00 pm

Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD



Monday 20/11. Our comrade Kostas Dimalexis was already declared innocent of the fabricated indictment at the first-instance trial. The charges for joining a criminal organization and attacking real fm have also been dropped.

The State organized plot collapsed with a bang.




Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist prisoner Kostas Dimalexis

Athens, Greece: Text by Anarchist Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

“After 7 years of consecutive imprisonment (from the arrest of 5th January, 2017), 8.5 years together with pre-trial detention (arrested on 10/4/2010) and 13 years and 6 months in total, sentence I served for my participation in Revolutionary Struggle, I have been released. The symbolism of the day was strong as this year’s November 17th marks the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising of 1973. On that day, everyone remembers the dead of the Polytechnic but also all those who have fallen in the struggle for freedom.

For me, this day was dominated by the memory of our comrade killed in the activity of Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Fountas. But in my thoughts is also the comrade Nikos Maziotis who, despite the fact that he has served 11 years’ “closed” prison and 14 years in a mixed prison – a very long period for a 20-year sentence -, the judicial councils of Lamia are refusing to release him. It is now clear that a unique status of exception has been imposed on Nikos Maziotis, as no prisoner in a similar situation (with charges based on 187A) and with a similar sentence (i.e. not a life sentence) has remained in prison for such a long period of time. This exceptional regime based on political criteria and motives and which in practice nullifies the institution of parole – which according to the law is mandatory and not “gratuitous”, given that it is not left to the personal will of the respective judge – this exemption regime must come to an end. In addition to the flagrant violation of his rights, this special regime of exception is reminiscent of a junta-style treatment of a political prisoner.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Text by Anarchist Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(IT) Conclusione del processo e dichiarazioni finali di Francisco Solar e Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Cile, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(FR) Fin du procès et déclarations de Francisco Solar et Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chili, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(EN) End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(GR) Σαντιάγο, Χιλή: Τέλος της δίκης και τελικές δηλώσεις των Francisco Solar και Mónica Caballero

The final hearings of the first instance trial against anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrested on July 24th 2020 and accused (only Francisco) of sending parcel-bombs to the 54th police station and to Rodrigo Hinzpeter, ex minister of the interior and national defence as well as a director of the Quiñenco (25th July 2019), and both of the double explosive attack in the real estate building Tánica (27th February 2020), in the bourgeois district of  Vitacura (in the metropolitan area of Santiago) which took place in the context of the generalised revolt that broke out in Chile in October 2019. The actions against the 54th police station and Hinzpeter were claimed by Cómplices Sediciosos Fracción por la Venganza, while that of the Tánica by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta.

In December 2021 Francisco claimed responsibility for both of the actions, giving the reasons, choice of objectives and revolutionary significance.

On 10th August 2022, after a series of extensions to the investigation period, the preliminary hearings have been concluded and requests for conviction been announced: 30 years’ prison for Mónica and 129 years for Francisco (according to the current judicial system in the Chilean State the public prosecutor’s office makes the requests before the start of the actual trial phase, the juicio oral). On 18th July of this year, after a postponement the trial finally began, which the comrades only attended in person during the first procedure of according to the current judicial system and the last hearing, attending the rest by video-conference.  During the July 18th hearing, the prosecutor, reformulating the initial requests, stated that the prosecutor’s office intends to inflict a sentence of 20 to 25 years on Mónica and one of over 150 on Francisco. During the hearing of 19th July Francisco reaffirmed assumption of responsibility for all the actions.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

London,UK: Solidarity Action with Antifascists in Greece.

London Solidarity Action with Antifascists in Greece.

Fascists across Europe cheduled a rally on November the 1st in Athens, Greece to commemorate a decade since the fatal shooting of two Golden Dawn members.In response to this, a dynamic antifascist front called for a counter-demo with the aim of cancelling their gathering. Unsurprisingly, the Greek cops – loyal to their fascist, murderous ideology and networks- issued a ban to all related demos.

Continue reading London,UK: Solidarity Action with Antifascists in Greece.

6 Cop City Concrete Trucks Set on Fire in Lawrenceville, Georgia (USA)

Make Contractors Afraid Again

On the night of November 13th we set fire to 6 Ernst Concrete trucks at 553 Seaboard Industrial Drive. Ernst is pouring the foundation for Cop City. This site, like so many others, is completely unguarded.

Front-pouring cement mixing trucks have large rear engine compartments which can be accessed without opening any doors. We placed incendiary devices and kindling near the engine block, the fuel tank behind it, and the double rear tires. We encourage further experimentation with incendiary placement.
Continue reading 6 Cop City Concrete Trucks Set on Fire in Lawrenceville, Georgia (USA)

Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10. Noviembre 2023.

Ya esta en las calles:
Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10/Noviembre 2023.

La décima entrega de la revista Kalinov Most sale a la luz mientras uno de los compañeros encargados de la redacción, Francisco Solar, se encuentra finalizando el juicio junto con Mónica Caballero. Estos días el poder descargará toda su furia contra quienes han decidido rebelarse.

… Los muros y las alambradas nunca han sido obstáculos suficientes para seguir construyendo caminos de negación a este mundo.

En este número podrás encontrar:
-Reflexiones de una lucha
-El individuo contra el Estado
-Entre el crimen organizado y el Estado. Límites, reflexiones y
superaciones antiestatales.
– Bolivia. No es una cara «social» del anarquismo, son los falsos críticos. Ecos de un golpe represivo
– Francia. El corte es posible. Silencio! Las antenas se están quemando
– Italia. Asfixiando al movimiento anárquico. Sobre la operación represiva contra el periódico Bezmotivny.

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:
Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas), Colombia (Taller Incendia) y México (Konspiración Iconoclasta)