France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure Revolutionary solidarity is a sailboat without borders that rides the waves of the storm! From Bure, we wish to send all our solidarity to our comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently in solitary confinement (called “41-bis”) in the prison of Sassari in Sardinia (Italy) for having … Continue reading France / Italy : Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Comrades from Bure.

[EN+IT] Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022)

Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022) On the evening of September 20, in Rome, we interrupted a democratic kermesse that took place at the Troisi cinema. The evening’s special guests were the critical philosopher Noam Chomsky and the committed filmmaker Ken Loach. We stormed in with … Continue reading [EN+IT] Interruption of a democratic kermesse in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (Rome, Italy, September 20, 2022)

Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications This writing stems from the need to explain to comrades what will happen after the Cassation ruling for the Scripta Manent trial issued on July 6. Starting with the most serious convictions, the court requalified the explosive attack against the Carabinieri’s student school in Fossano(Cuneo) on June 2, … Continue reading Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

[EN+IT] Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis. Chiudere il 41 bis. Liberi tutti, libere tutte

Alfredo out from 41 bis. Close 41 bis. Freedom for everyone (Italy) Alfredo out from 41 bis Close 41 bis Freedom for everyone We are facing an attempt by the state to annihilate our comrade Alfredo Cospito, burying him in the infamous 41 bis prison regime to take revenge for his actions and prevent him … Continue reading [EN+IT] Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis. Chiudere il 41 bis. Liberi tutti, libere tutte

Spoleto, Italy – Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022

Spoleto,Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022 Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression Sunday 26th June 2022 5pm: The ongoing war and the reasons for our internationalism. Against the wars of bosses and rulers. Against all States, starting from ours. For the defeat … Continue reading Spoleto, Italy – Nothing new on the western front. Two days against war and repression, 26-27/06/2022

[IT+EN] Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022) Si è tenuta oggi, 25 maggio, l’udienza di cassazione del processo Scripta Manent. Il procuratore generale si è espresso per il rigetto di tutte le richieste (di accusa e difese) ad eccezione … Continue reading [IT+EN] Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

[EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

AGAINST THE 41 BIS REGIME, REVOLUTIONARY SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST ALFREDO COSPITO On Thursday 5th May imprisoned anarchist Alfredo Cospito received notification that he was under the 41 bis prison regime. At the moment Alfredo is still being held in the prison of Terni, in the designated unit. We don’t know if this is a temporary … Continue reading [EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

[IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (marzo 2022) Informiamo che a metà del mese di marzo è stata nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito, attualmente recluso nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Terni. La censura avrà una durata di tre mesi, quindi fino a … Continue reading [IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)

Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February 2022 We receive and publish a leaflet handed out during an initiative dedicated to Juan and anarchist prisoners that took place in Genoa on 20th February. The leaflet introduces an exhibition of texts written by our imprisoned comrades Juan Sorroche, Anna … Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Italy and Germany : From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin

we received by email 20/2/22 From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin What has an anti-anarchist operation in Italy got to do with Berlin? Operation “Bialystok” took place in Italy on 12 June 2020. Yet another attack on the anarchist milieu, adding to the long tradition of state attacks against rebellious structures and individuals. Main … Continue reading Italy and Germany : From Rome to Bialystok, passing by Berlin