Val-de-Reuil (Eure) France : “destroy the industrial base” 

In Eure, the Lafarge industrial site was attacked in Val-de-Reuil

Several Lafarge industrial sites were occupied and tagged by environmental groups across France as part of a “day of action against Lafarge and the world of concrete”. This Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 12:30 p.m., the Lafarge site in Val-de-Reuil, Eure, was no exception, announced the department’s prefecture on X (formerly Twitter): “The Lafarge site has just been the object of a violent attack by environmental militants aimed at destroying the industrial base”.

On site, the militants caused “extremely serious” damage to the facilities, according to the Bernay sub-prefect, Philippe Fournier-Montgieux. Products were introduced into the concrete silos to prevent the site from operating. Damage could amount to several hundred thousand euros. A total of 18 employees are out of work. The site will not be able to resume normal operations this Monday, December 11.

Continue reading Val-de-Reuil (Eure) France : “destroy the industrial base” 

Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments in Athens ,by Initiative to move the war to the rear (Πρωτοβουλία για τη μεταφορά του πολέμου στα μετόπισθεν)

Athens : Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments


The massacre carried out by the Israeli army of occupation in Gaza is being carried out with the tolerance and support of NATO imperialism, with the Greek state playing an active role: Above,from the eternal concession of the Souda base, turns the 112th combat wing into Eleusina on the basis of logistics and support of the murderous Greece-US-Israel alliance.

Also, the Ministry of Defence has dispatched the war frigate “Psara” to the Cyprus-Lebanon border to support the American fleet in the event of a wider military conflict in the region. The Greek ruling class is not only investing in military cooperation with the terrorist state of Israel, but also in direct economic cooperation with Israeli capital through various investments and partnerships spread throughout Greece. These investments can be easily targeted by anyone and everyone. After all, our task as working class and fighters was and is to transfer the war to the rear. Sabotage and rupture with the bourgeoisie and its alliances in our own country.
In an increasingly suffocating environment of silence about the massacre in Gaza, the mainstream media is selling the narrative that the Palestinians are the terrorists. But we know very well who has been slaughtering and oppressing for 75 years.

Continue reading Taking responsibility for attacks on Israeli investments in Athens ,by Initiative to move the war to the rear (Πρωτοβουλία για τη μεταφορά του πολέμου στα μετόπισθεν)

South London ,UK : January Tuesday 2nd Black Threads #5 : The End of Anarchism? Luigi Galleani At Touch Paper Anarchist Library

Black Threads #5

In this series of discussions we will go back into the heritage of anarchism to look at specific written contributions to the theory and practice of attack, informal organisation and permanent revolt. Each week some extracts will be shared beforehand which can be read to prepare for the next discussion or not. Each discussion will start with a presentation of the book.

“We are living in times of ‘crisis’ and this often leads comrades down the blind alley of pragmatism and compromise, verging on political realism […] Galleani repudiates in total any struggle for partial gains or reforms, ‘the ballast of the bourgeousie’ that the latter throws out under the violent pressure of the masses […] ‘Instead of the mere passive and polite resistance so fervently recommended by the socialists, the anarchists prefer boycott, sabotage, and, for the sake of the struggle itself, immediate attempts at partial expropriation, individual rebellion and insurrection.’”
(Jean Weir, Introduction to The End of Anarchism?)

The End of Anarchism
Ch. 6 – Workers’ Organization
Ch. 7 – Propaganda of the Deed

Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD

Saint-Égrève (Isère) France : nocturnal sabotage against cement manufacturer Vicat

Saint-Égrève (Isère): nocturnal sabotage against cement manufacturer Vicat

Rebellyon, December 5, 2023

On the night of December 3 to 4, as part of the days of action against Lafarge and the concrete industry, we decided to take action to stop production at the Vicat cement plant in Saint-Egrève.

If, through this action, we are attacking the entire concrete industry, the choice of Vicat is no accident. Far from the image of a small local company that it tries to promote, Vicat is a concrete giant that produces almost 23 million tonnes of materials every year, with sales of over 3 billion euros. The company has a dozen subsidiaries worldwide, including some in West Africa where, in a dramatic neo-colonial logic, it massively pollutes the water and air.

The company tries to pretend that its intentions are ecologically-minded, for example by highlighting the fact that raw materials are transported by cable car from the Saint-Egrève site – manufactured by POMA, the nuclear gravedigger at Bure. Yet its activities remain among the world’s most emissive, releasing 20 mega tonnes of CO2 per year into the atmosphere, and it has not reduced its emissions in recent years, despite its promises to do so. Beyond these emissions, the company contributes to the destruction of life in many other ways. After selling concrete for the construction of the EPR, and taking part in the artificialization of the soil as part of the Grand Paris project, the company recently acquired the transport company SATM in order to participate directly in the absurd Lyon-Turin construction site.

Continue reading Saint-Égrève (Isère) France : nocturnal sabotage against cement manufacturer Vicat

Athens,Greece : Taking responsibility for breaking into the political office of Theodoros Ambatzoglou by Anarchists

Taking responsibility for breaking into the political office of Theodoros Ambatzoglou

Early in the morning of October 10. 2023 , in view of municipal elections and a few hours before the speech of the mayor  of Amarousiou area Ambatzoglou who is supported and strengthened by New Democracy, we chose to smash up his political office. That day he celebrated his victory speech with broken windows, something that was buried by the Media.



Translated by Act for freedom now!

Actions of solidarity in resisting Palestine from Initiatives of individuals (Greece)

Actions of solidarity in resisting Palestine
from Initiatives of individuals

During the more than two months of slaughter of the Palestinian people by the State of Israel, the following solidarity actions were carried out:
– Extensive postering in Chania, the suburbs and other cities (Athens, Thessaloniki)

– Paint (slogans, graffiti, stencils)


– Shared text in greek:  (see pdf)

– Documentary screening and discussion on internal resistance to Israeli apartheid

– Two banners hung on the walls of Kasteli Hill in the Old Port of Chania in Grete island

Individual initiatives
Solidarity with resisting Palestine
(to save the obvious)

Chania, October-December ’23

Pola Roupa:They want to put me back in prison en/gr/it/ (Greece)

Pola Roupa:They want to put me back in prison

On December 13th, almost one month after my release, I have been notified of an appeal by the deputy prosecutor of the court of Appeal of Euboea against the decision to suspend me, asking me to return to prison.  In their appeal, they are asking for the “disappearance” of the verdict of the district court of Thebes that released me from prison.  This is a political move, dictated by the evident political discontent that my liberation has aroused in some power centres.

Based on the logic of this appeal, the arguments and the “evidence” it cites, it goes without saying that no prosecutor would have dealt with it if it had concerned any other prisoner. For example, in his appeal the deputy prosecutor of the court of Appeal of Euboea “criticises”  the “methodology” followed by the council of the district court of Thebes, namely the fact that I was not personally summoned to the council when it was considering my request for a conditional acquittal, while thousands of women have been released from Eleonas prison before me using exactly the same methodology and no prosecutor has ever dealt with any of them.

Continue reading Pola Roupa:They want to put me back in prison en/gr/it/ (Greece)

Taking responsibility for the arson attack Christmas tree by Anarchists on the Amarousiou area (Athens,Greece)

Athens: Taking responsibility for the arson attack on the Amarousiou area Christmas tree

15 years after the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, as a sign of symbolic honor to his person, we carried out the lighting of the Christmas tree located at Amarousiou station, in the early hours of December 7th.

The struggle against the assimilation of state killings will always find us face to face with all that this entails.



By Anarchists

via: athens.indymedia

20 Machines belonging to Brent Scarbrough vandalized (Unites states)

20 Machines belonging to Brent Scarbrough vandalized at Clayton Co. construction site “may be linked to Atlanta public safety training center site”

Just off Tara Boulevard and Poston Road is a construction site full of dirt that the Clayton County Board of Commissioners hopes will bring millions to the city.

Members of the board say when the development is complete it will be a place where the community can live, work, and play.

However, the project temporarily hit a speed bump shortly before Thanksgiving after more than 20 pieces of construction equipment were vandalized.

According to the police chief, a detective on the case reports a contractor whose equipment was damaged also works on the training center, which has allegedly been the impetus for numerous acts of vandalism.
Continue reading 20 Machines belonging to Brent Scarbrough vandalized (Unites states)

Athens: Responsibility Claim for the Attack on MAT/EKAM HQ in Greece by Armed Proletarian Justice

Armed Proletarian Justice – Communique No.1

On 18/12 armed fighters of our organization approached the Central Camp of MAT (Units for the Reinstatement of Order)/EKAM (Directorate of Police Operations of Attica) in Kokkinopoulou Street and placed a bomb under the sentry post. You were lucky this time, the same will not apply next time. We dedicate our action to those who have been murdered, tortured, beaten and raped by the Greek Police. Armed struggle requires responsibility and political conscience. It is neither a hobby of some extremists nor a fetish of some fantasists. It is a political choice. Our primary concern was, is and will be in the future the protection of any person unrelated to our action. To ensure the safe removal of random passers-by, two warning calls were made where detailed instructions were given to the police. For us – and we stress this – it is of the utmost importance that no innocent person should be harmed in any way. The targets that we chose and will choose in the future – whether material infrastructure of the system or the personnel itself – will be clearly defined as such. We do not want to risk anyone else’s safety. Even if it puts our own security at increased risk. We carry the enormous responsibility that comes with the de facto use of such means of struggle. Period.

In Greece there is a long historical tradition of urban guerrilla organizations. Their action, according to the historical context and the conditions of the period, has always been politically just, targeting the sell-out scum and the infrastructure of the political-economic establishment. With our action, the hollow proclamations of the New Democracy, which at every opportunity proclaims the definitive elimination of the urban guerrilla, have collapsed. We put into question the much advertised doctrine of law and order by targeting the MAT/EKAM headquarters. We will strike again at the right time, targeting the defiant representatives of the rotten political and economic system and their uniformed henchmen. That is, the culprits of the most heinous crimes committed in the name of the state. Next time the uniformed bastards will be facing the barrels of our guns. And that’s no threat. Nor is it a warning. It’s a commitment. We don’t like arrogant grandstanding, but we do like consistency to define our political discourse. This police state relies on the power of guns, and anyone who wants to fight it must hold themselves to the same standard. We throw down the gauntlet and declare that we will speak the same language that the fascists of the Greek police understand; we have taken it on board, as the cops’ guns are blazing.
Continue reading Athens: Responsibility Claim for the Attack on MAT/EKAM HQ in Greece by Armed Proletarian Justice