Lecce , Italy : For Alfredo M. Bonanno

For Alfredo

It seemed impossible that this moment would come.  Speaking with Alfredo  has always given me the idea of the present, the moment to grasp.  I think many of us owe a lot to the reading of his texts and the long discussions that always left something new. The most crucial thing I learned was always to start from myself.

The large amount of writings and reflections and the huge number of anecdotes and experiences, will ensure that Alfredo remains among us, fortunately, to provide advice and suggestions, to open glimpses and passages but also to raise doubts, make efforts of reflection and imagination, build projects, maintain commitments, equip themselves with tools, destroy cages. Because as he himself said “this is about a method, the anarchist and insurrectional one, but basically it is an experience that we are talking about, not theories that clash or get along. An experience that continues over time and becomes action”. That experience for which at a certain point it is necessary “to close the book”.

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Chile: Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

One death always makes us think of many more and it is the beautiful thing in the midst of sadness, our dead come out to dialogue, with us and with each other.

Bonnano did not share the relationship that many comrades on this earth have with those who have died.

Ironically today, his physical departure, makes us remember so many moments around his analysis, also the discussion with him in 2013, after his expulsion, the harshness of his phrases, but the beauty of the meeting, even in virtuality.
Continue reading Chile: Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti



For the attack on Starbucks on 29/12 in Heraklion, Crete
In the night that dawned on 29/12, we decided to attack the Starbucks on Byronos and August 25th streets. The action was carried out by lighting two improvised smoke bombs and hitting the windows of the store with hammers.

After the door fell, we threw in bottles filled with red paint. Red like the blood of children in Palestine. Starbucks, among many other companies, choose not only to cover up Israel’s terrorism and murder of the Palestinian people, but are actively contributing by making deals that will take place over the soil where the victims of the Israeli State’s bloodlust are buried.

This action is an indication that we will continue to fight the terror imposed by States, despite repression and intimidation in the name of security and order.



via: athens.indymedia

Translated by  Act for freedom now!

Italy: For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024)

For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024)

Last August 8th a police operation took place involving ten anarchists, putting them under investigation for subversive association with aims of terrorism and instigation to commit crime aggravated with aims of terrorism, in reference to the publication of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”. In response to an original request for the imprisonment of the ten under investigation, the judiciary decreed nine precautionary measures: four were therefore placed under restrictive house arrest, while another five have mandatory residence with obligation to be home at night.

After the first months, during which – between prison and house arrest – there were some temporary aggravations to the precautionary measures, a trial hearing for an immediate judgment has been fixed at the court of Massa, for 9th January 2024 for the comrades under house arrest Gaia, Gino, Luigi e Paolo.
Continue reading Italy: For a thousand reasons. Solidarity presence with the anarchists accused re the publication of “Bezmotivny” (Massa, 9th January 2024)

Italy: Police raids between Bologna, Lombardy and Trentino (16th November 2023)

This morning, 16th November, 2023  the ROS (of Bologna, Milano, Brescia and Florence) raided the Spazio di documentazione anarchico “Il Tribolo” and the homes of 19 comrades between Bologna, Lombardia and Trentino.

The raids are part of investigations for 270 bis, whose opening had initially been notified to 6 comrades in June 2023 and for which the RIS carried out a number of examinations of various materials found at the sites of the contested facts throughout the summer.

Continue reading Italy: Police raids between Bologna, Lombardy and Trentino (16th November 2023)

South London, UK : Solidarity and its Discontents? at Touch paper anarchist library on Tuesday 16 January at 19:00

The media, the schools, the judges, the cops, politicians, surveillance, technology, work. All have their role to play in repression. 

Repression is nothing but the interwoven attempts of all authorities to stupify thought, silence ideas, to freeze action, to weaken courage and to justify obedience. These efforts are always necessary to hold together the ranks.

Continue reading South London, UK : Solidarity and its Discontents? at Touch paper anarchist library on Tuesday 16 January at 19:00

Athens,Greece: Activists vandalise Syntagma waterfall with red paint in solidarity with Palestine

On Christmas night, activists covertly made a spectacle in the tourist hub of Athens, Syntagma square. The anonymous actors poured red paint into the central waterfall of the busy square, while scattering leaflets reading “long live Palestine” “long live the resistance” and “long live Gaza”.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Activists vandalise Syntagma waterfall with red paint in solidarity with Palestine

Anonymous activists torch central Athens Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve , in solidarity with Palestine. (Greece)

Anonymous activists torch central Athens Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve with makeshift flame thrower, in solidarity with Palestine.


The gesture is in response to Bethlehem’s cancellation of Christmas and the international call to take action on New Years Eve, in solidarity with Palestine.

The action took place in the touristic centre of Athens. Nearby, champagne glasses overflowing with ignorance were enjoyed, while flames of rage engulfed the fake Christmas tree. For the principled among us, this season’s many trees and decorations failed to symbolise Christmas, but rather served as a reminder of the fake humanity and capitalistic individualism that alllows people to ‘celebrate’ while the Zionists continue their genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza and bomb the birthplace of Jesus.
Continue reading Anonymous activists torch central Athens Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve , in solidarity with Palestine. (Greece)

Olympia,USA : Alfredo Bonanno Memorial

On the morning of December 6th, 2023 Alfredo M. Bonanno passed away at the age of 86 in Trieste, Italy.

A long-time anarchist, Bonanno was an influential figure on insurrectionary anarchism both theoretically and in practice. With writings like “Armed Joy” and “The Anarchist Tension”, Bonanno’s writings continue to influence anarchist praxis worldwide. But he was more than just a theorist, Bonanno put his words into actions on numerous occasions and was subsequently imprisoned for bank robbery 2 different time and was also imprisoned for the writing of “Armed Joy”.

Upon learning of his passing a group of friends gathered on the evening of December 12th, 2023 in St̕č̓as (so called olympia, wa) to mourn, honor, and celebrate the life of Alfredo M. Bonanno.
At the historical site of the Olympia Stand Blockades (2016 and 2017) we stood in a circle and talked about the impact him and his writings had on our lives while we passed around bottles of expropriated Italian fancy wine and root beer. When we had all shared our stories we poured out the remainder of our drinks in Bonanno’s honor and proceeded to light up road flares and held banners reading “rest in joy/Alfredo Bonanno/1937-2023” and “Hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you… Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself” – Alfredo M. Bonanno”, a shortened version of one of our favorite quotes of his.

Continue reading Olympia,USA : Alfredo Bonanno Memorial

North London, UK : Anarchists and Antifascists covered a Barclays bank with red paint and slogan in North London in solidarity with the people of Palestine

Anarchists covered a Barclays with red paint and slogan in North London in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Barclays Bank holds over £1 billion in shares, and provides over £3 billion in loans and to companies whose military technology…

This is a small action, but as anarchists and Anti-fascists we believe that everyone should take whatever action they can, small or big to fight Israeli fascism and the genocide of the Palestinian people.