HONOR for Ever to anarchist fighter and member of R.S. Lambros Foundas. (Greece)

No matter how many years pass, the comrade Lambros, is a bright example for the continuation of the struggle and the revolutionary perspective. The 10th of March has been indelibly written in the history of internal as well as international revolutionary and class struggle. His life, action and death are – for the anarchist/anti-authoritarian and the more broadly anti-capitalist space – a precious legacy that inspires old and new generations of comrades alike. Lambros is one of us, he is always in our heart and in our actions.


Definitive release of  Pola Roupa – Solidarity and immediate release of  N. Maziotis, prisoner in Domokos prisons

Act for freedom now!

EN/IT/ Updates for Brenner trial in Italy

Yesterday (7 March), the Court of Cassation issued its verdict for the second part (devastation and looting) of the Brenner trial.

The Supreme Court considered the statute of limitations for the crimes of aggravated personal injury aggravated, private violence, interruption of a public service and damage. The charges that therefore remain standing are aggravated theft and aggravated resistance.
Those who were sentenced to one year for the sole offence of resistance with suspended sentence have had their appeals rejected, so the convictions will now become definitive for seven people.

An appeal hearing will be scheduled to recalculate the sentences in view of the statute of limitations for most of the charges. The sentences will therefore be significantly reduced and according to calculations made by some comrades, they will not be more than three years for anyone. Therefore, no one will risk immediate arrest.
Continue reading EN/IT/ Updates for Brenner trial in Italy

The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

February 26, 2024 / informativoanarquista

(text and poster received by email 20/02/24, unfortunately the email went to spam)

Faced with devastation: sabotage and war! As the comrades who have raised and formed part of the campaign have understood it, “Switch Off! The system of destruction” consists of the “attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe across the world”. Here also, in Abya Yala (ancestral name for the territory known as America), multiple struggles for the defense of the earth have been developed, from the precolonial peoples who continue fighting, to new anarchic perspectives that tip more and more into the struggle for the earth. While we haven’t been able to stop the ecological catastrophe entirely, we can find concrete examples of territorial victories that have managed to stop, expel or at least considerably push back the materialization of extractivist projects, like the resistance and armed offensive of diverse mapuche organizations in Wallmapu.

The struggles in different latitudes aren’t detached form one another and they aim at the same enemies. This is why we believe it favorable to make the “Switch Off!” campaign our own, endowing it with our own territorial circumstances to avoid overlooking our particularities.
Continue reading The Conflict in Abya Yala and its Proximity to “Switch Off!”: Anarchic Words Concerning the Necessary Struggle for the Earth

Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison (Chile)

Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison

March 1, 2024 / informativoanarquista

“All of these young people planted seeds of rebellion and today we continue learning from their successes and errors, each autumn we gather to glimpse ourselves, to contrast our realities, to analyze the grim context we live in and though our present may be very bitter we continue resisting.”

– Tomás and Mawvnkho

This past January 18, the comrade Tomás González was sentenced to 16 years in prison, setting his release date for 2038. Remembering that his co-accused Mawünkho has been free for months after having received an abbreviated sentence accepting the charges handed down by the Prosecutor.
Continue reading Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison (Chile)



Always on the right side of history, on the side of social struggles, class solidarity, internationalism, on the side of the workers, the immigrants, the excluded, the fighters. Also yesterday Exarcheia shouted what has been one of its components of their political identity for decades: their solidarity with the Palestinian people and their Resistance. Both for the movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people, and for the movement to defend Exarcheia from the encroachment of capital and the State, yesterday’s demonstration, called by the Assembly of Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance, was undoubtedly important. The first was grounded – even more deeply – with Exarcheia, the second was coordinated – even more – with the solidarity movements in Palestine, a composition that politically strengthens both and can and must continue.

The demonstration started at 8, after an hour’s gathering at the intersection of Kallidromiou st. with Emm. Benaki  st., where a microphone was set up from which texts in Arabic and Greek were read, while Palestinian music was played. Filled with emotion, consciousness and love for Exarcheia and for Palestine and with mass participation with a strong Palestinian element, the demonstration marched through the streets of Exarcheia, passed through the occupied Square, preventing with its pulse and determination the lurking forces of repression from attempting to block her, to end at Alexis’s monument in a climate of competitive elevation.

Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

I no longer cease to be amazed and wonder what the police and journalists come up with for cases that disrupt their peace. I have seen and read a lot these days about the alleged major operation of the DAEEV (Directorate for Dealing with Special Violent Crimes ΔΑΕΕΒ, Anti Terrorist) and the dismantling of a dangerous terrorist organization.

Vile absurdities were uttered, scenarios of science fiction. They even went so far as to talk about payments between those involved in order to create the narrative of organized crime and dangerous individuals. False information was published concerning the 6 detainees, using previous conversations from people who had absolutely no connection with each other, thus creating an atmosphere of confusion and misdirection.
Continue reading Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

Ex-RAF Militant Arrested After Thirty Years Underground, and updates. (Berlin,Germany)

A 30-year manhunt ended in the heart of Berlin when police special forces arrested former Red Army Faction guerrilla fighter Daniela Klette. She is one of the famous RAF trio, three ex-militants still on the run and among the most wanted in Germany. This trio emerged from the leadership of the third and final generation of the urban guerrilla group.

The arrest of Klette in Berlin marked the end of her successful evasion of authorities for over 30 years. Klette, now 66 years old, was found in an apartment where ammunition was allegedly discovered. Her identity, allegedly, was confirmed through her fingerprints.

Alongside Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg, they have managed to elude capture for decades. The arrest in Berlin could tighten the circle around her comrades.
Continue reading Ex-RAF Militant Arrested After Thirty Years Underground, and updates. (Berlin,Germany)

Developing Incisive Capacity: Making Actions Count

A recent text outlining a path for developing action capacity concludes that “studying the vulnerabilities of domination” also needs attention. If a capacity for destruction is present, then the question naturally arises of how to aim it so that this destruction hits where it hurts. Let’s imagine what such an approach might entail by turning our gaze to a central pillar of global power and counterinsurgency: the U.S. “defense industry.”

Anarchists and other rebels based in the U.S. are well-placed to strike at its war machine—the ’60s saw a prolonged social upheaval driven primarily by this objective, and in the many years since, anarchists here have occasionally moved beyond opposing war to attacking it. The current genocide in Palestine has heightened social tensions against U.S. militarism, though the actions of anarchists in this moment have mostly had little impact on their targets and not contributed much to the popular imaginary of how militarism can be attacked. What could equip anarchists to carry out more significant strikes, to hone a quality of action that goes beyond the symbolic? To this end, the proposal put forward by “Fragments for an Insurgent Struggle Against Militarism and the World that Needs It” deserves discussion: to focus on well-conceived attacks that target vulnerabilities in the production and infrastructure of war.

Continue reading Developing Incisive Capacity: Making Actions Count



Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous flower shop on 10/2/2024 by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous on 10/2/2024

In Exarcheia – for decades now, but with particular intensity in recent years – a war is being waged on the part of the state.

A neighbourhood inhabited for many years largely by proletarians, immigrants, women activists, students and youth, a neighbourhood that has always been the “centre” of all kinds of radical movements, has long been part of a coordinated and centrally planned operation of aggressive and violent mutation. The Greek state has invested a lot in achieving a double goal: on the one hand, in handing over to capital – big and small – an important piece of the metropolitan centre for profitable investments mainly in the field of real estate, tourism and the entertainment industry that always connects this kind of “development” and, on the other hand, the all-out attack on the world and the structures of the movement that for decades have arisen, rooted in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, with the aim of closing its historical accounts with the internal enemy in the heart of the city.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous flower shop on 10/2/2024 by Anarchists