A neighborhood demo against police sweeps, against racism, against queerphobia and sexism.
Meeting point: Plateia Viktoria 17:00, Saturday 23rd of March.
Two weeks ago there was a police sweep on plateia Omonia. Last week there was another sweeping operation on plateia Viktoria. Every day cops harass people of color asking for papers, coming up with legal defenses of violence, exerting control and authority.
Two weekends ago a group of around 100 young fasicts attacked two queer young people in Thessaloniki. Last month a group attacked queer people in Kypseli and chased them. Every day machos and “good guys” harass queer people and femininities on the street and in the plateias, asserting that their patriarchal power and the judgement of heteronormative society will always keep us down.
But we know the streets are ours. They have been, they are, and they will be. We the queers, women, migrants, freaks, we take up public space and refuse the ways the state and society try to crush us. This Saturday we take to the streets as a reminder to ourselves and to everyone that despite the violence, the fear, the terror, we continue to resist in ways big and small. In our neighborhood, and in every neighborhood.
See you on the streets.
Squatted social center Zizania