Grenoble (Isère): a Spie utility vehicle in flames in solidarity with anarchists.

Grenoble (Isère): a Spie utility vehicle in flames Indymedia Lille, April 22, 2022 No matter who will be elected in the next round of elections, the State will continue to build cages to lock up those who do not want to and/or cannot fit into its boxes. Outside, the threat of these cages hangs over … Continue reading Grenoble (Isère): a Spie utility vehicle in flames in solidarity with anarchists.

Montreuil (93) ,France: The technological chains are hanging on by a thread!

PDF IN FRENCH: The technological chains are hanging on by a thread! About the sabotage of cell phone antennas, television relays and fiber optic cables, let’s meet at the Marble to discuss a multifaceted struggle against the infrastructure of power. Friday, April 22nd at 7pm. For a few years now, an open and unmediated struggle … Continue reading Montreuil (93) ,France: The technological chains are hanging on by a thread!

Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

via: infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now! We receive and publish a series of texts and materials distributed during the initiative in solidarity with Chilean prisoners, which took place at the Occupied Bencivenga on 26 November 2021. Two pamphlets: one about the hunger strike carried out by prisoners in Chile, the other is a … Continue reading Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

Analysis of the file for putting three anarchists under surveillance

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center [Note of Sans Nom: In Germany, the state is obliged to officially notify the people concerned that they have been “placed under surveillance” (i.e., in German, “put under observation” with wiretaps, tails, surveillance cameras in front of homes…) when no immediate follow-up has been given to the latter, at least if … Continue reading Analysis of the file for putting three anarchists under surveillance

Barcelona (Spain): Arson attack on a 5G antenna

In the last week of January we attacked the communication systems of capitalism and domination, in a gesture of revolutionary solidarity with Boris* and all those who struggle, inside and outside the walls. for anarchy *Boris, an anarchist prisoner accused of sabotaging telecommunication antennas, is in a very serious state of health. solidarity with the … Continue reading Barcelona (Spain): Arson attack on a 5G antenna

“The people will still have an opportunity to rid the country of a dictator” – interview with an anarchist from Kazakhstan

via: Прамень12.01.2022 We spoke with a comrade and anarchist feminist from Kazakhstan to get a better understanding of what’s going on and to understand how local activists view the situation. What is the social nature of the uprising, what are its demands and forms, who is leading the armed struggle, and what consequences will these … Continue reading “The people will still have an opportunity to rid the country of a dictator” – interview with an anarchist from Kazakhstan

IT/EN: Grenoble,Francia : Tattoo Circus en soutien aux prisonnier.e.s anarchistes en italie 30 Ott, 2021 – 1 Nov, 2021

Tattoo circus a sostegno delle prigionierx anarchicx in italia. Dal 30 ottobre al 1 novembre a Grenoble. Tre giorni di tatuaggi, piercing, distro e discussioni contro le prigioni. Tutti i giorni a partire dalle 11:30 fino a tarda sera. Le discussioni in programma: Sabato 30 – h14 : Punto sulla repressione dell’anarchichx in italia Domenica … Continue reading IT/EN: Grenoble,Francia : Tattoo Circus en soutien aux prisonnier.e.s anarchistes en italie 30 Ott, 2021 – 1 Nov, 2021

Hamburg, Germany: A JCDecaux service car set on fire    

via:attaque. / Tuesday 28 September 2021 ——- To express our incompatibility with the dominant system and to propagate the direct attack of all structures of oppression, on the night of September 25-26, 2021, instead of going through the electoral ballot box, we chose to attack and set fire to a service car of the … Continue reading Hamburg, Germany: A JCDecaux service car set on fire    

Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), Paris, France: The van of Valmy street

This is the story of an eiffage van. A brand new van. Because it has obviously replaced the one that, as we read, was burned earlier this year in the same area. A brand new van, therefore, which ends up burning. An Eiffage van is most often used to build cages. Sad cages with colors … Continue reading Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), Paris, France: The van of Valmy street