[AW2024] Interview with the Organising committee of the Action Wee

Source: https://actionweek.noblogs.org/interview-with-the-organising-committee-of-the-action-week/

For the week of 20-26 May, an organising committee (OC) is inviting radical  opponents of war from all over Europe to a week of action and a conference “against capitalist wars and capitalist peace” in Prague. In an interview with Transmitter, the organisers explain the aim of this meeting and their view of the war in Ukraine and how various left-wing movements are dealing with it.

Q: From 20.-26. of May you are planning an antiwar Action Week. What shall happen in these days in Prague?

R: Each day during this Action Week will see a different event. There will be presentations, discussions, fundraisers, protests and various types of direct action. We see the Action Week not as the D-day but as only one moment in the process of building the revolutionary defeatist community. A process that includes exchanges of texts and critiques, discussions, organization of concrete actions, continuity of the community, etc. What we hope for is that we will be able to build stronger relations in the camp of revolutionary defeatism and if possible, to reach a certain level of programmatic centralization while keeping the decentralization of actions.

Continue reading [AW2024] Interview with the Organising committee of the Action Wee

Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

“Soon Anarchists we rush to the fight for victory or death with petrol and dynamite every class and the government to eradicate..”Anarchist Song

As the Mediterranean is increasingly a mass grave crammed with the corpses of the oppressed from the global south , Gaza is being razed to the ground worldwide and winds of war blow baleful to every corner of the globe leading the world’s proletarians to slaughter at the hands of master interests, we have decided to act, to attack. Identifying in the military of any side an enemy to be put down for anyone with a tension of freedom, without leaving aside the specific responsibilities of the homegrown weapon, we have decided to direct our hatred and vengeance against the military personnel of the Carabinieri Corps.

In a present in which every revolutionary hypothesis seems like a vain chimera, we have decided to keep fighting: they may deprive us of the hope for a radically different world but not of the thirst for revenge that we feel against those who perpetuate the oppression of one class over another and its defenders (such as the law enforcement) and those who enrich themselves by plundering the planet in a
dastardly manner.
Continue reading Claim of the incendiary attack against a private vehicle belonging to a carabiniere (Rome, Italy March 29, 2024)

Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Regarding my convictions and trial charges and the nexus of non-systemic revolutionary struggle action practices and “my” meaning of the anarchist vision

“(…) The reality is precisely this complex thing that cannot be traced back to the results of a judicial proceeding. This will always be arbitrary and will be based not on evidence but on force, not on logic but on domination. Difficult reasoning? Maybe so, but reasoning that once done can never be forgotten” [Published with the title “Noterelle su Sacco e Vanzetti. In margine a un convegno di studi”, in “Anarchismo”, n. 63, July 1989, pp. 36-40].
Alfredo Maria Bonanno, A mano armata, Pensiero e azione, Edizioni Anarchismo

In remembrance, and a warm greeting and see you soon comrade Alfredo!


To facilitate the writing of the text, I chose to use mainly the masculine as a gender ending. Aware of the importance of rejecting and countering gender abuses (as of any kind), I trust in the reader’s understanding so that no one feels discriminated against.


Hello to all, compañeras and to all, compañeros

I am Juan Sorroche, an anarchist prisoner arrested on May 22, 2019 and I write from the AS2 section of the Terni prison where I have been locked up for 5 years.

After my heavy sentence on January 26, 2024 in Rome in the Court of Cassation trial for the action against the Lega Nord, a party that was and is part of the government of the Italian State, a strongly racist, misogynistic and xenophobic party.

As an anarchist prisoner I would like to make clear to comrades, revolutionaries, outcasts and oppressed the connection of the causes of the struggle for which I am here in prison today as an anarchist prisoner.
Continue reading Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Invitation à la Foire des zines anarchistes 2024 de Montréal (Canada)

Our weapons are courage and beautiful ideas.

Every year in May, the blossoming of spring invites anarchists to reflect upon subversive ideas and practices, from throughout history to present day. Total destruction of all authority is the project that sets our hearts on fire. We are wary of political strategies, and instead propose an anarchy wherein the means and ends are coherent, without waiting for the ‘right moment’, without compromise.

The fight for freedom is infinite, a constant which spans numerous lifetimes, and with endless possiblities. Only through permanent conflict will we create spaces where we can breathe (together) for short while, dreaming of and planning for total freedom.

This Fair is a moment to sharpen the analyses and critiques necessary for the project of insurrection. It’s goal is to nourish your imagination. We’re seeking out those who dream of unlimited freedom, and who are fighting for a complete upheaval of society, not simply it’s re-organization. Books, zines, meet-ups and discussions are indispensible for this project of liberation–they give meaning to our actions, and vice-versa.

We encourage (self)published texts created by comrades who aren’t trapped in the industry of book publishing. We want to free the pen from censorship, and the book from commercialization. We want texts to be distributed through autonomous organization, with the goal of sharing ideas with those who feel inspired by them. This can only occur in a free space, through rejecting copyrights and ‘alternative’ markets. This Fair is organized autonomously, through voluntary association and participation, and without any institutional support.

Join us on the 11 and 12 of May, 2024, under the Van Horne viaduct (North of the tracks). Come for two days of discussions, reading, music, and complicity. There will be several tables with zines and books under the viaduct, and with a few presentations followed by discussions in the little park nearby. There will be shows in the evening, as well as food and coffee onsite.

* We strongly suggest you leave your phones, cameras, and all other technological snitches far away from the event.* The Fair will take place outside and regardless of weather conditions–come dressed appropriately.

* Details on the discussions topics and schedule to come.


Athens,Greece: On an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF.

On Sunday, 14/4, responding to the call of the International Red Aid on an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF, we held a solidarity gathering outside the German embassy. The gathering lasted about an hour, with the comrades that participated shouting slogans. The banner was opened on Loukianou Street and leaflets were distributed.

The text of the intervention:

Continue reading Athens,Greece: On an international day of action in solidarity with the arrested comrade D.Klette and comrades E.Staub and B.Garweg, who are persecuted as members of the RAF.

Greece: 15 Athens Economic Blockade for Palestine, Statement for April 15th

Monday April 15th

We are an initiative of people in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and we denounce the genocide of the Palestinian people perpetrated by the colonial state of Israel.

The tactics of the Israeli army are among the most horrific and inhumane ever seen- the indiscriminate air strikes, the consistant humiliation and starvation,the bombardment of hospitals and camps -, and they confirm with certainty the historic will of the apartheid regime of Israel to annihilate Palestine and the Palestinian people, which began with the “Catastrophe”/”Naqba” in 1948 and led to the displacement of 7.6 million Palestinians, the majority of Palestinian society.

As we enter the seventh month of horrific attacks by the Zionist Occupation Military Forces throughout Gaza and other Palestinian territories, which have claimed over 35 000 victims, including over 13 000 children, the silence and complicity of most Western governments, supposed guardians of human rights, is intolerable.
Continue reading Greece: 15 Athens Economic Blockade for Palestine, Statement for April 15th

Attack on West Side REMAX Offices ( Olympia,USA )

On the night of March 15th under the cover of darkness and the loving gaze of the moon and stars, a group of anarchists gathered to attack one of the many manifestations of our enemies – police, property, genocide and apartheid states. We discussed various possible targets – settling on the west side offices for REMAX at 211 Kenyon St – talked dispersal routes and other such things, shared party favors, donned the black masks and headed off.

We walked confidently and quietly to the target, foraging for rocks on the way – though still we found our selves wishing we had even more rocks to spare. Upon arrival to the target we split into two groups to get the front and back of the building and let loose with a barrage of rocks and hammers. The beautiful sound of spray paint and shattering glass filled the air for about 30 seconds before we gathered up everyone and ran off giggling into the night. As of the time of writing there were no arrests.
Continue reading Attack on West Side REMAX Offices ( Olympia,USA )

Call to Action and Propaganda 15 Years After the Death of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales

April 12, 2024 / informativoanarquista

“Before sleeping I embrace chaos as the idea that liberates my body and my mind because when all is said and done it makes me feel alive.

I don’t want to search for the grail that emanates freedom in future societies.

My fingers search for the bloody flight of destruction of the chains of rhythmic fire, of the closeby fire of power and of its bosses.

And when sleeping my actions move towards tomorrow when waking up, I’ll break with routine and in individual action with my chest as a stone swollen by destruction of this and any society.

Do me a favour: make sure that anarchy lives”.

– Punki Mauri

At dawn of May 22, 2009, anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri, found death through the unanticipated detonation of the explosive artifact that he intended to place at the Police School in Matta, Santiago.
Continue reading Call to Action and Propaganda 15 Years After the Death of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales

After 16 Years of Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel -Chile

After 16 Years of Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel


This past March 15 marked 16 years of uninterupted prison, since I was detained in San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén province, territory occupied by the argentine state, while fleeing a search and arrest warrant from the chilean state.

The cases that encouraged that moment of clandestinity and which were spread profusely at the time have already been fulfilled:

I was sentenced to 14 years for two bank robberies. This date was met December 16 of last year, counted from December 16, 2009, the moment I was extradited from argentinian territory to be judged in chile.

Currently I still have 46 more years of sentences for cases emanating from pinochet’s military court in the early 90s framed in the urban guerrilla practices of my old militancy in the armed group Mapu-Lautaro which has been extinct for more than 3 decades.
Continue reading After 16 Years of Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel -Chile