By Mónica Caballero
March 5, 2024 / informativoanarquista
From La Zarzamora []
The economic system that currently governs the territory dominated by the chilean State and practically all western States is capitalism. Capitalism, in simple terms, was founded in commerce and industry (means of production) which are organized and controlled by its owners, meaning: businessmen.
For capitalism to take root and endure over time as a political economic system, it needed a patriarchal social structure, understood as the social organization where the authority of men is exercised from the family, and reaching through all practices of domination. For this reason, it would be difficult to pose a radical, emancipator change without ending up totally destroying capitalism and patriarchy. Oppressive, authoritarian patriarchal structures have (mal)formed practically all the relations that we have with others and ourselves.
Continue reading (Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation